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845 No. 845
When I bitch about something going wrong in life and then someone does something about it to make it better I tend to get angry because then I feel like I owe something to that person.

Is this with just me or do more people feel like this? A example would be recently on a MMO I play a guildmate upgraded me after I bitched about not having the money till next week when a few of us were discussing upgrades. Now, it's good for my account with the extra features that let you grow faster and the guild since guild members with better accounts = better guild. But I can't help but feel like I took something from him... I feel indebted and will try to give him some of my share of the loot next time we go raiding, but sadly usually in these situations they won't take it. Even though they're doing it out of kindness and to by proxy help themselves, I can't help but feel like I've done them wrong somehow and it makes me feel really shitty. /blog

so anyone else have this problem?
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>> No. 892
careful what you wish for bro
>> No. 893
It's called friendship, bro. You don't expect anything in return for your services. Rest easy.
>> No. 894
You can't be completely independent and everyone relies on some person in some way at one point or more in their lives. Just accept it.
>> No. 906

I don't know the guy, besides just recently meeting him since this is a new server as we're a group from another server with a handful of newbies and people from other servers we invited... I don't even know who he is on any other servers. Hardly friends either since he never posts on the guild boards unless its to communicate about the game, rarely-never chit-chat.


That's the problem, I don't like relying on other people and it makes me feel uneasy when I do.
>> No. 907
I never had this problem in an MMO. I was always the one running people through things and giving away items.

I always did it to improve the guild, not because I liked the person though.
>> No. 908
Sometimes people do things for others just out of kindness. Give it a shot. It might not perplex you as much next time.
>> No. 909
this is actually kind of why I avoid mmos
or at the very least avoid getting into guilds are teams in them
I can't really devote much time on them, I mean I can play them for a while but then sometimes I just want to read.so I end up being that one guy the drags the whole team down...
>> No. 911
The only MMO I've played recently was APB, because I figured I'm pretty good at shooters so finally an MMO where I won't drag teammates down! Then the game turned out to suck really bad
>> No. 913
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You're really fucking lucky you prefer reading to MMOs. Really.

Trust me.

>> No. 920
People do that shit all the time, especially in guilds. There's nobody to be indebted to you or anyone else. When people ran me through instances, I'd do the same thing and run other people through. I'm pretty sure that you'd do the same thing, right? After all, It's just simply being human. I doubt humans have an inherent ability to survive on their own without the aid of other humans. If it weren't for other humans, you wouldn't be living or enjoying what you do right now.

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