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8 No. 8
1. One request per person at a time. Please use a name when requesting.
2. Request order doesn't matter. If there's something I can translate off the top of my head I'll do it instantly. If I need to look something up I might put it off till later. Don't get PO'd if it looks like you got skipped.
3. Try to keep amount of lines that need translation to a manga page or two.
4. If something is too hard for me at the time I'll let you know. A lot of colloquialisms and cultural jokes are beyond me at this point. Sorry in advance.

Also, I'm a student. I don't claim advanced proficiency in Japanese. Just doing this to be helpful and get in some practice. It's not like I like you or anything.

If you want something longer than what this thread is made for go ahead and talk to me on IRC.
>> No. 10
Do you do NSFW?
>> No. 11
Yes, but not in this thread. You'd have to ask in IRC. Also, no gore/brutal-rape/non consensual/yaoi stuff please. I'd rather not look at that stuff.
>> No. 14
Does crossdressing shota count as yaoi?
>> No. 15
I will do the other work.
>> No. 17
That mostly depends on what he would be doing and who he would be doing it with.
>> No. 180
I'd like to see at least like one chapter of Chojin Keikaku translated. I don't know where to find 'raws' though.
>> No. 181
Isn't that an novel? Probably too much for me to be honest.
>> No. 186
I'm willing to translate individual pictures involving more /d/-related stuff that OP doesn't handle (for now, that seems to include traps and rape), but I don't use the IRC regularly, so you'd probably have to post it on /ns/ or something.

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