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778 No. 778
what kind of foods do you eat?
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>> No. 781
Beans, rice and potatoes. Meat on rare occasion.
>> No. 789
Rice and carrots every day.
>> No. 790
File 129095525445.jpg - (130.38KB , 841x805 , 95e16454fc4ff076ebdbf098b8aebb87 mahoro breasts.jpg )
I eat quite unhealthy. Most of what I eat is some variation on noodles, bread or flour. I also eat sweets everyday.
>> No. 793
Fruit and sweets and simple carbohydrates
>> No. 800
pasta, all day every day
>> No. 932
I love junk food of all kinds and meat.
>> No. 933
Whatever I can afford after all my uni stuff and figures. Usually, it's instant noodles, but there is a cheap store I go to to get falafel, tofu, vegetables, nuts, chickpeas, sauces and all that stuff in bulk, so I go there a fair bit. Bread is usually the cheap stuff at the end of the day from the supermarket and frozen to keep it fresh and milk is just an expense I can't skimp on (I do have some of the longlife stuff in my pantry. I also like to make things like soups and such in bulk so I have meals for future usage. I made a cream of mushroom soup that I have stocked up in my freezer. It tastes great. For some reason, my parents also send me a care package with the essentials because they think I am malnourished, even though I tell them not to. I am not rude enough to deny it though. Occasionally, a nice, dinner at home goes down really well.
>> No. 987
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