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708 No. 708
How was your dinner?
>> No. 709
I get really flustered making my plate in front of people so it wasn't that great. I'm just glad it's over. Too bad Christmas is coming soon. I used to love Christmas....
>> No. 710
I took a nap and ended up sleeping through most of it. All of the mashed potatoes were gone by the time I woke up ;_;
>> No. 712
you mean today? good: i ate with my family; my mom told us how he fought with the doctor, to get a propper service from him already; she was unpleased with the experience, of course, but i felt proud of her like i haven't for years. so it was a good dinner table, i think.
>> No. 713
Mom brought home tacos, some thanksgiving..
>> No. 714
The food was fine. I didn't eat much and was harassed about it because I'm thin.

Just like every year.
>> No. 814
food was alright
the whole trip and visit I basically listened to touhou music and studied physics.

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