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630 No. 630
A Djinn appears before you in your room one day. He is an evil Djinn, but he is not there to kill you, per se.

He has been watching you do nothing, and thinks he has a better purpose for you.

This Djinn wants you to kill people. However, he is a reasonable Djinn, and will repay you for your efforts.

He lists your choices as follows, but warns you that trying to pull any loophole bullshit will cause your eventual demise many years after you begin screaming for it.

It should be noted that these deaths will never be traced back to you. The person will truly cease to exist, but even if you stand by the corpse with blood all over you and a boxcutter in your hand until the cops show up, you will never be tried or assumed to be guilty.

1: Kill a random person of your choice. Simple as it sounds. Go outside and kill a man. Or a woman. Or a baby. Your choice. In return, for each person you kill, you will become more attractive. It will take several dozen kills to reach Brad Pitt or Rain status from where you are now, but the effects are obvious each time. You will have to kill at least once a month to maintain peak attractiveness once you reach it.

2:You must kill friends (internet friends count too) and family. All of them. Transportation will be made available to kill them if location is a problem. Anyone you speak to semi-regularly and enjoy speaking to is a friend as far as the Djinn is concerned. If you do this, the Djinn will place you in the "life" of your choice. If you want to live in japan, you now live in japan, and speak the language fluently as the locals do. You will be provided an income, and any mental/physical disorders will be cured. This life will last twenty years, after which you will die of natural causes.

3: In this final case, the Djinn would have you kill everyone in the town you currently reside in. Every man, woman and child. You will be granted a weapon of your choice, which will be furnished will bottomless magazines/clips/ammunition. The people will be lined up for your convenience, and you will have one day per 10,000 people in your town.

Once this slaughter is complete, the Djinn will grant the highest wish he could bestow upon you. You will be placed in the same universe as your waifu, in close enough social circles that you would run into her several times a day for extended periods of time (share a classroom, a job, etc) and you will have a backstory, a new family, and will be guaranteed a financially successful life in this universe. The only thing the Djinn does not grant you in this case is that your Waifu will fall in love with you. Matters of the heart aren't really his jurisdiction, and it would mean more to you to win her yourself. All mental/physical illnesses are cured upon transfer to this world, but it is a one way trip, and you'll never see the Djinn again.

How much is your humanity worth to you, how far would you go?
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>> No. 632
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I'll do the third option for free.
>> No. 633
What do I get for myself?
>> No. 634
I'm already attractive as brad pitt and living the life of my choice
>> No. 635
Same thing as always.

>> No. 636
I would never take someone's life over something petty. That's barbaric.
>> No. 637
Sure would be great to get rid of those mental disorders though.
>> No. 638
what are you implying good sir
>> No. 639
Self delusion is a symptom of various mental disorders, especially on such a wide scale as this.

"I'm attractive and yet I'm a total failure in life but I'm still happy with this in every way."

Or you might be a normalfag who is attractive and leads a normal life with a job, friends, girlfriends and so on.
>> No. 641
Don't start this shit, seriously.
>> No. 643
It's a legitimate question. If he's normal, then he has no business here. If he's not, he's being delusional in acting like his life is perfect.

Broken people come here, that's a fact.
>> No. 644
Can i just kill all the mormons in my town? It's close enough to the whole city population anyways.
>> No. 647
since when do you have to be a failure to come to tohno-chan
I'd rather be here than drinking beer and watching the game or having pointless sex or whatever else people think is so desirable in life
why would you kill people for something like that
>> No. 649
1 I'm okay with my looks.
2 not interested.
And as much fun as 3 sounds using a rocket launcher with unlimited ammo..
I simply would not deserve to so much as reside on the same planet as her if I did such things, much less be placed in the same town/school.

I rather take my chances and refuse.
>> No. 651
>why would you kill people for something like that
I have no idea. But people indirectly do it all the time... anyway:

1. I'm not at all handsome like brad pitt, cobain or else; but i don't really care that much, since in 3D it all goes rotting anyway.
2. I wouldn´t really like to live anywhere else. I actually don't even want to leave my room: I stand for the (higher) value of ideas, and preffer a thousand times to travel, like Jules Verne, troughout theories and aesthetics, by the means of understanding and imagination.
3. This meet-your-waifu option was the only attarctive one. But there's a problem: will I remember WHO I REALLY AM? because, in any case, I'd like her to meet me; not some so called avatar of me in her world, but me. I don't want another back story if that means forget mine; not because I particularly like my situation but because, without it, the current me that loves her wouldn´t actually exist; it just would be some other guy (with another appereance, past and family there, who might fall in love with her as well...), but not me. So the proposition it's actually a trap, you see? because it can't solve the initial dilema: you can't possibly meet your waifu (the one you know and love), without any of you ceasing to be who you are, or who she is.

Anyway: I hate many christrolls as well. But killing out of disagreement or egoism, would make me just as brute or worst than them.
>> No. 652
I don't care enough about my waifu to kill 10000 people. I'm not that much of a fucking tool. One reason I have a waifu is because I don't want to have to do unreasonable and ridiculous crap just to keep the company of the person I love.
>> No. 653
I refuse. Destroying a single person's potential for happiness by killing them is not worth modest personal happiness. Destroying my friend's and family's potential for happiness is not worth great personal happiness. Destroying 10,000 people's potential for happiness is not worth orgasmic personal happiness. As much as I hate suffering, my hard work and suffering gives others happiness. I am but a tiny, tired cell who may die for the good of the body.
>> No. 658
Nope. Attractiveness means nothing to me.
Even worse than 1. Not only is my life fine how it is now, but I absolutely refuse to kill people who I consider my friends.
At this point I am absolutely appalled. As said earlier, I can't just kill people just for myhappiness. Although I love her and would do anything for her, I will not kill anyone. Truly only a few people deserve death, and I am certainly not one to give it out.
>> No. 660
>I love her and would do anything for her, I will not kill anyone
>I would do anything... I will not
>would do... will not

be honest, brohno: you just won't do ANYTHING for her (i bet you wouldn't even eat her *you know*). it's nothing to be ashamed of: it's a good thing; that menas the love you've just built isn't an eslaving kind of one.
>> No. 662
Are you mentally ill or joking, OP? Serious question.
>> No. 663
he is seriously joking, about this sick world.
>> No. 664
I'd go for option 1. Not for the change in appearance, but for the ability to kill anyone without ever being caught. I'd pull a Death Note and kill off all the worst elements of society. I wouldn't try to recreate the whole world, just make my little corner of it a better place by cleaning up some of the filth.
>> No. 665

Questioning other's poeple sanity isn't that wierd but I think it is at least alittle bit funny if you consider where this particular question was asked.

>It should be noted that these deaths will never be traced back to you. The person will truly cease to exist, but even if you stand by the corpse with blood all over you and a boxcutter in your hand until the cops show up, you will never be tried or assumed to be guilty.

If that were the case it would be enough of a reward for me, I don't need any additional motivation. Even then I would probably kill one person, then I'd realize how horrible I feel about it and that would be it.
Or not, who knows.
>> No. 692
I would eat whatever you're referring to, I just would not kill anyone. But, that earlier statement wasn't entirely true, I suppose I would have to kill them, if they were trying to kill others and the only way to prevent more deaths would be to kill them, if I couldn't subdue them.

Besides, killing them in this case wouldn't do anything for her, it would simply fulfill my selfish desires. At least, I couldn't kill just based on that alone.
>> No. 696
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I love (all) of mai waifu but that's pretty barbaric.

I'll tell him no and find another way to be with them that doesn't require senseless bloodshed.

I have science. It can achieve anything.
>> No. 697
>science. It can achieve anything.

that's just naive. and it's a veteran mathfag who tells you.

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