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614 No. 614
Choose ONE of these five aspects of a society:
> 1. Education
> 2. Work & Careers
> 3. Community & Social
> 4. Entertainment
> 5. Law & Crime
Then describe how they would be in your perfect world.

Funny answers just as welcome as serious ones.
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>> No. 615
The world is mostly fine as it is. It's my fault for not being able to handle it.
>> No. 616
>1. Education

Okay, this is what I think.

First off, school, in all grades, will go from 8am to 5pm. The extra time added on to the day will be used productively, however - all students will be forced to engage in club activities for two hours per day. The clubs will be student-led with teacher supervision.

The big change, however, is that schools will receive funding via vouchers. Schools will be treated as private enterprises, of which the State will pay a certain amount of tuition for each child. The schools may wish to charge more, but cheaper schools would obviously be more popular. This means that, much like universities, the quality results of a school would matter to the school itself, rather than just relying on state testing and bureaucrats. Some schools would be college prep high schools, some would be sports-focused, some would be arts magnets, some would be trade schools. The point is that schools would have to compete, they would be smaller, the students attending the school would have much more in common, thereby improving learning outcomes dramatically.

What do you think, brohnos?
>> No. 617
> 1. Education
> 2. Work & Careers
People do what they want instead of what they're forced to
>> No. 619
Choosing one is boring.

>1. Education
List of mandatory subjects would include:
Math (only very basic)
Physical Education and Nutrition

The physical education program would be a strict program designed to actually keep people fit, and to help them develop a routine they could follow throughout life.

All other subjects and forms of education would be optional, but freely provided.

>2. Work & Careers
At the age of twenty, every able bodied citizen would be required to serve in the military for two years full time, and an additional two years in the reserve.

>4. Entertainment
I'd separate news, entertainment, and advertising into three distinct entities.

>5. Law & Crime
I'd do away with life sentences. Offenses that would previously be a life sentence would be changed to either execution or exilement.

>The world is mostly fine as it is. It's my fault for not being able to handle it.
>> No. 620
I'm curious as to what benefits you think a mandatory military stint would grant.
>> No. 621
Hey it works for Korea.
>> No. 622
I think it would promote nationalism, and get young people politically involved.
>> No. 623
>Schools will be treated as private enterprises
Well, defendors of public education (accesible to anyone with the appropiate grades, trough scholarships and free services) stand for the contrary: a federal affair, with the government as subsidiary, yet completely autonomous in its organization and academic contents...

>The physical education program would be a strict program designed to actually keep people fit
>every able bodied citizen would be required to serve in the military for two years full time, and an additional two years in the reserve
FFFFFFUUUUUUUU_rage.jpg ...how can a hiki stand for this?

Nationalism doesn't imply patriotism (even less Humanism). Soldiers are actally poor athletes and quite the opposite of well taught men.

My dream model of education, as far as I can visualize, should be an appropiate implementation of a sort of contemporary classical (platonic) paideia; without it's discriminatory character, but equally divided on hierarchical modules:

The first to be taught to a child, as equivalent to the epic for classics, would be the virtue (Ulyses's areté) and sentiments in general; i.e. trough NEW art and stories, we might provide our children, even before than with ways for thinking, with NEW (actually useful) ways for feeling and thus a better guide for our existence in the 3D-real world.
1. Liberal arts: Trivium (silogistic logic, sophistical rethoric, various dialectics) & Quadrivium (basic arithmetic and geometry; funadmental astronomy; principels of music).
2. Propper mathematics: (Analisis, Superior algebra, Analitical Geometry...) MATHEMATICAL LOGIC AND SET THEORY (as a propedeutic for...)
3, Phylosophy: Epistemology (the problem of truth, knowledge and the origin of language, signs and concepts); Aesthetic (the problem of beauty, its canons, perception and sensations); Ethic (the problem of goodness; the plausibility or not for freedom and the good life; ethics VS. morals); Onthology and Metaphysics (their actual role in our experience of the world; its relation with VIRTUALITY).

...The AVERAGE -and not the priviliged- citizen would have this MINIMAL integral culture background; not merely as some sort of encyclopedic amount of data, but as a true weapon and arsenal, for an authentically critic lecture of the world. Current global(/occidentalized) model of education supposedly DO attempt for a scheme like this; but, and as a heritance from positivism, the way it is put together is to stress the preservation (and exacerbation) of social unequality, as well as too promote a way too early moment of high specialization (wich ruins the ideal from renaissance of universal wisdom).

If all this fail... kill us all, already.
>> No. 624
They don't have to necessarily be patriotic. The goal is to decrease the view of self-worth in comparison to the worth of the state, and to increase sheep mentality.

Nationalism doesn't have to be a bad thing. Nationalist movements are what won a lot of countries freedom from colonial powers. Right now, I think we need to strengthen the government, and limit the power of individuals.

>how can a hiki stand for this?
Being a hiki is bad for the state. I'm looking at this from a managerial standpoint.
>> No. 625
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So in your perfect world, we all get treated like shit because it's good for lines on a map?
>> No. 626
I don't think having less rights equates to being treated like shit. If there were no checks on rule by mob, people genuinely would be treated like shit. An easy example would be how the people of California voted directly to take away the constitutional right of homosexuals to get married.
>> No. 627
i think that anon means being threaten like shit in the war.
>> No. 629
Sure, the supreme court can just shoot that down, but why give them the power to do it in the first place? That's why our federal government is a representative democracy instead of a direct democracy. And that's why people can't vote directly on federal law.

I don't understand what you mean.
>> No. 642

Second. I doubt I could think of any drastical improvements. The only thing that should change for the better are people themselves.
>> No. 645
I meant (sorry for my spelling) that when he said
>get treated like shit because it's good for lines on a map
he was talking about the unfairness of suffering the horrors of war, just for the sake of a cruel and greedy fight for economical power between the leaders of our countries; countries whose frontiers are much more virtual -delussional, forced- than they seem to be ready to admit...

but probably i was wrong. anyway, what actually bugs ME the most in your argument, is that your personal sort of ideal state seem to be one that would force all of us hikis into war and a lifestyle we all (allegedly) execrate; in concrete: that standing for a system vs. YOU (as a hiki), can only mean that you dispise your(hiki)self as well, or you're not being entirely coherent at some point.
>> No. 654
There is war but we HAVE to have war. All the countries aren't going to throw up their arms and share all the wealth any time soon. If theres money, we have to steal it. Better I be rich and you be poor than the other way around at any rate.
>> No. 655
That implies that war is always the best way to enrich yourself. Wars can end in absolute disaster and ruin (for you) if you don't pull them off successfully.

A better way is to use clever diplomacy to gain wealth and influence. A strong, alert military is incredibly useful as a diplomatic tool, and all the better if you rarely have to use it.
>> No. 656
crap, meant to respond to >>654
>> No. 707

i'll just leave dis here
>> No. 716
>>I think it would promote nationalism, and get young people politically involved.

Didn't work too well in Malaysia..
>> No. 717
>>The goal is to decrease the view of self-worth in comparison to the worth of the state, and to increase sheep mentality.

I believe that is a bad idea. Japan adopted militarism and look where it got them. The United States has a problem with the militaristic tendencies of wings of its' government and I consider a formal military to be something that ends up a long-term burden on society, and something that ends up being a cancer on a nation or host of nations' culture.

>>Nationalism doesn't have to be a bad thing.

Correct. I lean towards black and autistic nationalism and their autonomy would only bring good for all autonomist movements world-wide.

>>Nationalist movements are what won a lot of countries freedom from colonial powers.

>>Right now, I think we need to strengthen the government, and limit the power of individuals.

Anyone notice the irony here? Especially if you change it to 'the majority culture' and 'minority groups'?

And in places like the United States, nationalism would inevitably boil down to region, religion, or race (Dixie Nationalists, Mormons in 'Deseret', Black Nationalists are examples that are blatant - propaganda from the elites notwithstanding) and I doubt having militarist states with historical grudges against each other would be a good idea (yes I know this assumes my ideal that the United States Federal Government dissolves but hey note the thread)
>> No. 718
the Koreas suffered under civil war & military dictatorships. One korea still suffers under a dictatorship, though not of the military kind - it wanks the military extensively to the detriment of the rest of society.
>> No. 719
what the fuck is autistic nationalism
>> No. 720
It worked pretty well in Singapore. Everyone there values their time and works very very hard.

Replace 'compulsory military service' with 'compulsory forcing people to learn useful things and do work for the government and build good character under the GUISE of compulsory military service' and things might work out.
>> No. 722
>All other subjects and forms of education would be optional, but freely provided.
Not "free", but stolen from every citizen, you dirty socialist. All education should be private.
>> No. 724
> 4. Entertainment

Make it illegal for corporations to pump artificial popularity into mind-numbingly stupid and anti intellectual garbage.
>> No. 725
like... lots of animu?
>> No. 726
Plenty of the anime that's popular in the west is shitty (e.g. Naruto) so yeah. But what I had in mind is, let quality decide popularity, not massive advertising budgets.
>> No. 728
Illegalize lobbyism. There, I just fixed a huge chunk of the world.
>> No. 732
But what about our moe?
>> No. 733
Never thought of it that way but it makes sense. Guess it's another reasom to like the intertubes since things like Cave Story got famous through word of mouth goodness instead of any kind of advertisment.
>> No. 736
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> 1. Education
I would change school somewhere in the early teens. This is the age where not only those whacky hormones start to show but also the longing to be adult. One of the first things to come is the ability to question things. While it is an important ability, having kids thinking "Why the fuck do I have to school?!", "This is unnecessary bullshit!" etc. does not room for good studying make.
So I say at that age we give them am adult break from regular school for a month or so. Give each student some money to travel somewhere all on their own. Let them taste a bit of the adult life. Hopefully this will make them realize the worth of studying and need for school instead of just keeping them in one place just because.
Okay that sounded more hippy-ish than I thought but the point is some project or another that would make young teenagers discover why they actually are still in school.
>> No. 1006
> 3. Community & Social
Poking your nose shouldn't be seen as bad conduct. As long as you don't do it right in the vicinity of someone elses face at least. My nostrils are filled with air debris and dirt goddamn, let me clean them.
>> No. 1018
> 1. Education
Basic schooling for the first 8 years, then specialized education in high school. This worked during the Renaissance and produced top-caliber professionals, unlike today's lazyfucks.

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