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No. 520
  Worst idea ever, or BEST IDEA EVER?

Cowboys And Aliens, coming in 2011.
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>> No. 522
>Worst idea ever

This one.
>> No. 523
Think I'll go with, this a joke?
>> No. 524
I'm inclined to agree.

Sadly, no.
>> No. 525
I was about to say, "oh hollywood," but upon a google search, I realized it's based on a graphic novel.

In any case, I want to say that this is the best idea ever, but that's only if the whole super-serious atmosphere and acting turned out to be a clever attempt at deadpan humour because I just can't comprehend how anybody would give "Cowboys and Aliens" to a story and not be a comedic one.
>> No. 526
The premise may be somewhat silly, but I've not heard a worse movie title since "snakes on a plane".
>> No. 542

Second. The idea sounded somewhat good until I saw the trailer. Hiring Craig Daniel was a good idea, too. Then I actually watched the trailer. At this point the only hope for the movie is pulling the 'so bad it's good' trick but from what I've seen I can tell you that it looks like it's nowhere near that point. It looks plain bad, might not even get a single Golden Raspberry.

Also, I wonder why Harrison Ford plays in movies this bad nowadays. I wanted to question Craig Daniel's choice, too, but it's not like he played in much better movies in the past.


Fun fact: They wanted to change the title but Samuel L Jackson threatened to leave the project if they do so, because he decided to perform in SoP based solely on it's title and he doesn't want it changed.
>> No. 543
yup, if he didn't do that, movie probably wouldn't have done half as good.
>> No. 544
Interestingly enough, the Japanese title is Snake Flight.
>> No. 554
What's next, Pirates and Ninjas?
>> No. 555
File 129021316977.jpg - (17.13KB , 271x400 , jon_favreau.jpg )
lolno that's the dumbest idea ever

>> No. 557
no: farmville was the dumbest idea ever.

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