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File 128995730070.jpg - (100.20KB , 448x800 , eva.jpg )
475 No. 475
How do you guys plan to protect your computers and other electronics when the evangelions arrive in 2015?
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>> No. 476
Wrap them in tinfoil. Tinfoil already protects my precious thoughts from the lizard-people conspiracy so I bet it's Evangelion-proof as well.
>> No. 482
I, for one, welcome our new evangelion overlords.
>> No. 489
File 128996513940.jpg - (20.17KB , 500x375 , keyb.jpg )
you mean when God shall turn us into pee? I'll use this.
>> No. 490
File 128996552742.jpg - (301.00KB , 720x931 , 018.jpg )
no filtered word?
>> No. 503
I imagine I'll go find shinji and tell him to let instrumentality happen when it starts. If he resists I'll kill him.


I looked up that stuff not to long ago, it makes more sense than it should.
>> No. 558
File 129021726750.jpg - (488.07KB , 850x601 , 1289771851316.jpg )
I was looking through some of my folders earlier and I found this. So there you go.

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