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20 No. 20
Anyone else watch Conan's first show?
>> No. 21
His new shows is airing already? I missed it I guess. How was it?
>> No. 22
It was pretty decent. Felt more like late night than tonight show, which is good
>> No. 182
thank you conan for infiorming me that soundgarden is back together.
>> No. 187
>60 minute advertisement for shit american media

You've just described every talk show ever
>> No. 462
I loved staying up late to watch Conan when I was younger, but it's just not worth the lost sleep to me anymore.

I still wish him the best though.
>> No. 499
Pretty much this. I loved his show back in High school, but I barely sleep as it is, I can't afford to lose it anymore.

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