No. 2023
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>I want to clarify that collecting anime figures isnt bad and it doesnt necessarily make you a hiki/loser/otaku.
For what it's worth, the entire point of this site is for the hikis, otakus, NEETs, and otherwise "losers" to be able to openly be who we are and discuss the things we like without fear of judgment, shaming, or ridicule.
If you're disillusioned with collecting figures and want to move on, that's fine. I don't think it's an issue of "growing up" or improving, though; collecting figures fills the same psychological need for progress as any hobby, normal or not, and even the most normal ambitious career-oriented type needs some kind of hobby in between his life milestones (promotions, marriages, having kids, whatever).
Even someone who develops ambition and optimism to accomplish normal-style goals can continue to collect figures; don't blame your hobby (and certainly don't blame someone else's!) for your issues.
I think maybe I'm overreacting; I don't even collect figures myself, haha. Just my opinions.