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File 12937883714.jpg - (1.02MB , 1000x1376 , ny.jpg )
1949 No. 1949
Fellow Brohnos, I set you a challenge. Its nearly New Years, right? Lets challenge ourselves to acheive at least one goal this year. In this thread I want you to post one clearly defined (not vague, e.g 'Be able to run a kilometer in ten minutes', as opposed to 'Be able to run fast') and realistically acheivable goal, and write to this thread any updates in your progress. It doesn't matter what kind of goal it is, it can be something silly or something grand so don't be ashamed to share it. We can all motivate each other too. And even if you make an excuse like "I don't care about improving myself, I've given up on life" you can still invent some kind of whimsical meaningless goal.

For me, my goal is to never get burned by a 'significant' deadline this year. In other words, I wish to get more organised. My brother bought me a handy day-to-day diary, which should help me in this matter.
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>> No. 1950
My goal is to kill myself.
>> No. 1952
Keep us updated.
>> No. 1953
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Getting my writing shit together. To any fellow brohnos who are also interested in writng I got a list of writing tips right here.
>> No. 1954
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>On Writing by Stephen King.pdf

Do want. Thanks, Brohno.
>> No. 1955
I'm not sure whether you're joking or not, but if you genuinely wish to kill yourself I support your quest.
>> No. 1957
I'm taking your goal, OP.

The one class I failed last semester was because I couldn't keep myself organized.
>> No. 1958
My goal for the past 7 New Years (and Birthdays, it's around the same time) has been to stop being a loser hiki and get a job and friends, but it never happens.

This year is no exception, but I doubt I'll do anything.
>> No. 1970
I really hope I can get over my social anxiety and get a job. This will be the third year of me doing nothing since graduating high school
>> No. 1971
Finish my thesis...
then DERP.
>> No. 1976
I resolve to finish writing and recording at least one of my original metal/hard rock songs I've been working on.
>> No. 2003
I want to get good at something that requires actual effort. Everything in life has fallen into my lap, which is why I'm so NEETish. I want to be at least moderately good at something, whether it be drawing, making music, writing, or even being fit. I've never been made to do anything other than school, which was easy, so I always think I can't do things. I need to prove to myself that I can.
>> No. 2004
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Get out normalfag.
>> No. 2005
If you're talking about >>2003
How is learning something you don't even need to leave your house for a cause for a normalfag call out?

Oh right it must be the effort part and obviously wanting to try something = normalfag.
>> No. 2006
sup nut
>> No. 2007
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My goal is to overthrow the government and become a totalitarian dictator, who would silence any and all dissent. Anyone who protests my regime would be sent off to a work camp in some obscure location. Furthermore, I want to kill off the majority of the current ruling class for being useless faggots.

Anyone wanna help me out?
>> No. 2008
>Oh right it must be the effort part and obviously wanting to try something = normalfag

Well yeah, that's obvious. Go ahead and be motivated but don't delude yourself into thinking it won't make you more normal.
>> No. 2009
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Yeah i don't think you're understanding.

Everyone runs on motivation, even us. It takes effort and desire to even F5 the T-C front page after all.
not like he's wanting to go out and get a 3D whore or party or anything retarded like that. He just wants to learn music or something.
>> No. 2010
Oh, that's understandable then. It's just that any sign of optimism or passion reeks of normalfaggotry for me , sorry.
>> No. 2011
I don't have any resolutions nor any goals.

Hopefully I'll get my GPA up to a reasonable amount. But I just want to be good at something, at least. But I'll end up not doing it.

Even I'm not entirely honest with myself at times, as much as I want to be honest.
>> No. 2013
Get my GED finally and try and decided on a school to be in by the end of the year. Find work if possible, work on more constructive things.

Read a book a week.

Standard stuff
>> No. 2014
My primary resolution is pretty simple: "Don't give a fuck". Or, rather, be a little more apathetic than I am now.

Also, possibly write a legitimate (as in good) short story/novel. I don't really care about it being published (already starting on my primary resolution), but it'd be nice to have something done, even if it is essentially pointless.
>> No. 2015
Finish thesis by May.
Then do ???? because a master's degree in History isn't worth much.
>> No. 2016
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If I'd be more apathetic than I'm now, I'd fall into a coma.
>> No. 2017
Get better at guitar
Record an album
Keep my place clean so I dont trail off into depression all the time
Buy more figs
>> No. 2018
>Buy more figs

I believe in you.
>> No. 2019
if anything my goal is to buy much less figures and cut down on the number of figures I have.

maybe this sounds strange but after collecting for a few years you too might find that you no longer give a fuck. there eventually comes a time when we have to choose to either grow the fuck up, kill ourselves or stay a hiki forever.
>> No. 2020
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I believe in you, who believes in me.

I understand where you're coming from, doesn't sound strange at all. I've wanted to buy figs, or just a single fig, for years, but I've always been too afraid and poor to do so. I don't want too many either.
>> No. 2021
I was fairly serious when I said a 'clearly defined' goal. Doing this makes sure you don't psychologically set the bar lower or higher as time progresses, and it also allows you to see progress. It might just be me, or do some people in this thread have a much clearer idea of their goal in their head than they're letting on?

By the way Ive been using my diary for two days now. Both pages are crammed to bits and I need more space. Its not a small diary too. I would scan it for proof, but you guys believe me, right?
>> No. 2022
I got a new diary for christmas too, from my dads 3DPD. its anime themed becuause she knows I like the animes.

btw one of the posts I made above was kind of dumb and I want to clarify that collecting anime figures isnt bad and it doesnt necessarily make you a hiki/loser/otaku. I do think its unhealthy for a lot of people though.
>> No. 2023
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>I want to clarify that collecting anime figures isnt bad and it doesnt necessarily make you a hiki/loser/otaku.

For what it's worth, the entire point of this site is for the hikis, otakus, NEETs, and otherwise "losers" to be able to openly be who we are and discuss the things we like without fear of judgment, shaming, or ridicule.

If you're disillusioned with collecting figures and want to move on, that's fine. I don't think it's an issue of "growing up" or improving, though; collecting figures fills the same psychological need for progress as any hobby, normal or not, and even the most normal ambitious career-oriented type needs some kind of hobby in between his life milestones (promotions, marriages, having kids, whatever).

Even someone who develops ambition and optimism to accomplish normal-style goals can continue to collect figures; don't blame your hobby (and certainly don't blame someone else's!) for your issues.

I think maybe I'm overreacting; I don't even collect figures myself, haha. Just my opinions.
>> No. 2031
anyway after lurking 4chan /fit/ for a while I've decided I'm going to get myself fat. then I can get ripped. sorry that isnt really specific.

on the menu: milk, bacon and eggs. forget about being a vegetarian. I'm quite lactose intolerant so I'll need to get some pills to fix that.
>> No. 2032
Just a bit of advice... Don't stop squatting or power/hang clean etc, else you will end up like a lollipop(Big upper body, skinny and proportionally weak lower body). Also try to make doing cardio(Running, jump rope, abdomen exercises) a daily habit.
>> No. 2044
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My new year's resolution is to write at least 500 words each day--500 words of actual prose, not planning. I can write more than that, if I feel like I want to keep going, but every day I must write at least 500.

It's going good so far. I wrote about 2000 words each of the first two days, and today I wrote ~800. I know 500 or 2000 isn't a lot, but I hope that if I set the bar this low, I might actually accomplish this thing I've always wanted to do. I'm not allowing myself to delete or edit anything I've written either, not until the first draft is finished; that's been a crippling distraction for me in the past, always scrutinizing every sentence, every word. It destroys my motivation to notice the imperfections in my work, even if I know I can fix them later.

I almost couldn't do it today, by the way. But I managed, somehow. I only pray that I can keep it up. Scrolling through everything I've written these few days feels so satisfying. Ever since the new year started and I made this decision, I feel happier than I did. More hopeful. I don't want to lose that feeling.
>> No. 2045
>anyway after lurking 4chan /fit/ for a while I've decided I'm going to get myself fat

shouldn't you be hanging out in /ck/ for that
>> No. 2046
>run a kilometer in ten minutes
If you can't walk a kilometer in ten minutes, I have bad news for you.
>> No. 2047
That rocks dude. Thumbs up!

If you're chronically underweight, becoming fat is a big undertaking and a worthy goal. I'm 55kg, and although I didn't post so in this thread, its my goal to 'become fat' too. My main problem is I have a phobia of gristle, which puts me off meat. I intend to eat a lot of eggs instead. Today I ate two.
>> No. 2051
just eat lots of fast food, soda and candy
>> No. 2052
I don't go outside and my mummy doesn't buy those things for me. And I'd rather not eat that unhealthy stuff full of chemicals anyway.
>> No. 2053
what does your mum get you then? theres plenty of fattening stuff you can cook yourself that doesn't even need meat. You can use lots of sugar and butter
>> No. 2054
chemicals arent unhealthy bro, your body is made from them.

but dont eat soda and candy. drink a gallon of milk a day and do weights.
>> No. 2056
She only buys very simple things like raw meat, vegetables, eggs and such, not many pre-packaged and processed foods.

By chemicals I really mean the bad type, like artificial flavourings, preservatives, anticaking agents, colours and stuff like that as is implied in many informal communications. I know you could even say 'protein' and 'carbohydrates' are chemicals.
>> No. 2057
artificial colors and flavors are not bad. its just scare mongering from the same people who probably buy organic food and think wheatgrass is good.
>> No. 2058
I believe they have cumulative effects. I also believe those chemicals have to be examined base-by-base for their effects and the science is not conclusively established for most of them. For now the safe thing is to avoid them. That's not to say I'm paranoid about avoiding them at all costs, but my situation makes doing so fairly easily and I prefer the homemade food so why not.
>> No. 2077
Mine is to get into and stay in the top 100 of a certain MMO I play in every stat, I've been in the top 100 before but didn't stay there long. I tend to hover around rank 120-150.

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