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File 129366048472.png - (195.32KB , 600x680 , 2962016.png )
1900 No. 1900
What're you doing for this New Year's Eve? What're you drinking, what parties will you go to etc

It's a great time to spend with friends and family so wasting it here would be a shame
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>> No. 1901
File 129366080975.jpg - (12.85KB , 221x251 , 1255974810579s.jpg )
>It's a great time to spend with friends
>> No. 1902
>What're you drinking

>what parties will you go to
solo questing in WoW

>friends and family
>> No. 1903
If hanging out with my parents counts as a party
>> No. 1911
This is me too.
>> No. 1912

Change water for coke and WoW for DQIX and that's me.
>> No. 1914
Drinking: Either water, tea, or maybe brandy if I feel like trying it.
Doing: I actually kind of feel like I should go do something at least a little bit just so I can say I did. (The opposite being put up with complaints about me not doing anything whenever I next see family.) There's a bach performance nearby that I can go to, I guess.
>> No. 1915
I'm drinking apple cider. I love me some apple cider
>> No. 1918
What?! Nipples appearing through a sweater? Such blasphemy!
>> No. 1920
The pic defies several laws of sweater physics.
>> No. 1921
It's all acceptable as long as it's hot.
>> No. 1928
I agree, and I don't even really care for sweaters most times.
>> No. 1931

Me too. We'll be playing board and card games. I don't mind, although I'd prefer to spend it alone, playing video games na visual novels. I'll be sure to visit /tc/, tho.
>> No. 1945
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I'm gonna get so high and wasted I'll forget my own name.
>> No. 1946
Ill probably sit in IRC, drink some screwdrivers and play some games.

Or go downtown and hit up on the bitches.

You know, standard night
>> No. 1956
File 129379210898.jpg - (134.09KB , 640x480 , 1258229831053.jpg )
I never go out for new year's. I'll just be taking it easy in my room watching fireworks on television.

I'll be doing this, only by myself. Then again, I'll be lurking on /tc/, so I won't be spiritually alone. Happy new year, brohnos.
>> No. 1959
File 129380999591.png - (50.81KB , 400x400 , Neon Genesis Daioh.png )
Happy new year, Tohno-chan!
>> No. 1960

I call troll.
>> No. 1962
fun fact: this thread was made by a troll
>> No. 1965

Friends? You're on Tohno-chan...

In all seriousness though, I'll be drinking a bottle of vodka with just my sister. We'll probably play games and music all nite.
>> No. 1983
File 129385807399.jpg - (101.12KB , 1336x720 , [OZC]Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack .jpg )
It just hit midnight here on the east coast of the US.

Happy New Year Tohno-chan.
>> No. 2001
I ended up Finishing Tsubaki's route in G-Senjou and sleeping right before 12.

Good timing, I'd say.

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