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File 129359531618.png - (253.35KB , 638x328 , blackBettyYoutubecap.png )
1864 No. 1864
so what other interests do you guys have besides anime/manga/games/figs and the like?

personally, I like networking. call it strange, but I've always been fascinated how information can travel worldwide in the blink of an eye.

also cars. I'm a bit of a lead-footer and love to drive fast. I've been meaning to learn how to drive stick. it's the rush of having complete control over so much power. I want to feel that rush.

i've said this in irc a few times before, but my dream car is the one in the music video for spiderbait's black betty (which according to some research is a 1936 ford model A coupe, please correct me if I'm wrong). i want to get that and make it crazy powerful. unfortunately, that means knowing about cars, and I don't know shit about cars.
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>> No. 1865
History. (Especially Medieval, Renaissance and Ancient history)

Put them together and I still have a healthy obsession over conworlds and conlanging. (Which /cr/ probably doesn't have an interest in) Doesn't hurt to learn about new languages, cultures and religions each day.
>> No. 1866
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Music, including metal, game music, chiptunes, VGM fan arrangements, etc. I play guitar and bass.

Does tea count as an interest? If so, I have it, because I specifically seek out new kinds of tea.

I also like Bollywood movies (based on the three I've seen so far) and I'm giving other non-American / non-Japanese movies and tv shows a try. Wuxia sucks so far.
>> No. 1867
I also enjoy History and Religion.

Just learning about all the mistakes people have made, in both of those, always makes my day.

I really enjoy food, because I am a fatass. Kind of.
>> No. 1868
I love mistery novels, psychology, and electronics in general.
>> No. 1870
I love music,as well as the internet in general. Although I have very little access to them, I've always had a bizarre fascination with drugs. The fact that they work directly on the brain amazes me. The brain amazes me, it's another one of my interests.
>> No. 1872
Drawing, violin, reading.

Basically all hobbies I can do by myself that are relaxing and time consuming.
>> No. 1874
Music and drawing, as seen in /cr/. Been playing guitar since I was 10, and also play piano (but I no longer have a keyboard). If I'm not on t-chan then I'm practicing guitar.

Cleaning / typesetting manga. I used to be part of several ongoing projects including Kaiji, Kurosawa, Prunus Girl, and a bunch of other smaller projects. Typography is really fascinating to me, and I get a lot of enjoyment out of learning about it and playing around with different fonts. It's the only reason I kind of want to finish my Graphic Design degree (I would say Graphic Design is also an interest of mine, but aside from Typography I don't really care for the field).


BMX and other various "extreme" sports. I did BMX pretty religiously until I was 13 or so, and built trails and rode street for a few years after that.

Astronomy and physics, as much as I don't understand either, fascinate me. Science in general is more entertaining to me than most everything else. I'm always afraid to mention things like that because of how little I actually know about the subjects, and how much I think I should know for someone who claims them as interests. I'm intensely curious about the universe, but not enough to consider trying to make a career out of it, I guess.

I also don't mind a good philosophical debate every now and then.
>> No. 1875
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Roaming the internet in general and learning about new subjects.
Drawing, particularly all kinds of futuristic cars and spaceships.
Wood carving or sculpts because wood is a material I feel comfortable with.

I loved snowboarding, soccer and downhill, but that's now over since quite a few years.
>> No. 1876
Black Betty is a terrible song
>> No. 1881
uh nothing really

it all seems kind of pointless
>> No. 1882
If it's not included in games, then Magic the Gathering (even though i haven't played in a couple years now..)
>> No. 1884
I...can't think of any
>> No. 1885
I could write endlessly about my interests. Music is my life, though. I'm also into history, philosophy, meditation, altered states, and chess to name a few. I enjoy reading and writing.

>my dream car is the one in the music video for spiderbait's black betty

I despise that band and song, but that's a nice car. Follow your dreams!
>> No. 1887
History, science, and math. I really need to cut down on anime and manga so I can actually have more time to develop my other hobbies.
>> No. 1890
Reading in general. Mainly non-fiction such as history, culture, etc. but I also like fiction sometimes.

I used to play the piano a lot, but I haven't in a while now because I left mine back home. I'd probably be able to pick it right back up if I got the chance, since my parents forced me to start learning when I was about five (one of the things I'm grateful to them for now, because I'd never have the motivation to learn it myself.) It might be nice to get a keyboard in the meantime, but I wouldn't be able to afford any more than a crappy 61-key thing, and I'm more used to the feel of an acoustic piano anyway.
>> No. 1891
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Language. I'm probably the only one I know who enjoys watching different versions of Dinsey songs just to see how they handled the translations.
>> No. 1892
No, you're not the only one who does that; I like to watch different versions of TV shows and hear the differences.
>> No. 1897
Poker, i have won more than 60 tournaments (fake money) on pokerstars and i make it to the final table most of the time and i have won like 10 tournaments playing with real money, sometimes when i have some extra money i go to the casino to play poker but it's a lot harder irl because most guys there are pros.

I want to be a pro someday, i'm really good in this game, i can't imagine myself working for someone.
>> No. 1898
That's pretty cool man. The next time the WPT comes round, Tohno-chan will sponsor you.
>> No. 1944
History, especially Asian, African, Russian/Eastern European

Philosophy; I have probably hundreds of books around my house I've got from all over all all kinds of ideas

Languages; I can understand English, French, Russian, and somewhat know Arabic/Japanese.

Politics; before going NEET I graduated in journalism/English and spend a lot of time dissecting world events

Music; mostly listening/collecting but I also make music under the name Parmenides. It's mostly ambient/noise or experimental breakbeats and crap

I also love smoking weed and mindlessly playing video games and browsing the internet
>> No. 1947
Well, the only thing I like to do apart from anime/manga/figures is music. I don't have many hobbies and music isn't really a hobby anymore. Oh well.
>> No. 2075
Not much since I don't think I could consider art in general a hobby anymore... more like my future which I dread depends on it and I have come to dread it despite being better than ever at it, makes me wish I was still shitty... you want to climb a hill so much but once you climb that hill you realize only despair is on the other side, you want to go back down the side you came from but it can't be done.

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