No. 1874
Music and drawing, as seen in /cr/. Been playing guitar since I was 10, and also play piano (but I no longer have a keyboard). If I'm not on t-chan then I'm practicing guitar.
Cleaning / typesetting manga. I used to be part of several ongoing projects including Kaiji, Kurosawa, Prunus Girl, and a bunch of other smaller projects. Typography is really fascinating to me, and I get a lot of enjoyment out of learning about it and playing around with different fonts. It's the only reason I kind of want to finish my Graphic Design degree (I would say Graphic Design is also an interest of mine, but aside from Typography I don't really care for the field).
BMX and other various "extreme" sports. I did BMX pretty religiously until I was 13 or so, and built trails and rode street for a few years after that.
Astronomy and physics, as much as I don't understand either, fascinate me. Science in general is more entertaining to me than most everything else. I'm always afraid to mention things like that because of how little I actually know about the subjects, and how much I think I should know for someone who claims them as interests. I'm intensely curious about the universe, but not enough to consider trying to make a career out of it, I guess.
I also don't mind a good philosophical debate every now and then.