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File 129349802921.gif - (213.88KB , 480x270 , kawaii worms.gif )
1833 No. 1833
What are you going to do for New Years, TC?
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>> No. 1834
Same thing as Mio on that gif.

Absolutely nothing.
>> No. 1835
Same. Every year I sit in with my parents and drink some apple cider out of a fancy glass and we watch the ball drop.
>> No. 1838
I am going to frame it positively. I will play video games, watch anime, read VNs, or do something else that I enjoy and is great.
>> No. 1839
>> No. 1840
One year I spent New Years in Animal Crossing (gamecube version). Man, I loved that game...
>> No. 1841
Probably just taking it easy in my room in solitude. Might have a few drinks and just watch television.

I look forward to celebrating new year's on tohno-chan.
>> No. 1843
File 12935063865.png - (281.23KB , 639x479 , 1243873.png )
Same thing I did last year. Hang out on the internet.
>> No. 1848

Well, maybe some games if I find a good one by then.
>> No. 1852
Five minutes in Flash and Audacity.
>> No. 1853
File 129355079028.jpg - (5.06KB , 491x41 , hoshimemo.jpg )

Oh wait, I take that back. Pic related, I'll be checking out Hoshimemo's prologue. At least I've got something to look forward to.
>> No. 1855
I've done that before. It was a lot of fun doing the Holiday events and collecting the furniture sets/special items.
>> No. 1893
Have some friends that i don't care to much for over to drink and whatnot since my parents are out if town. I suspect after a few hours I'll get bored of everyone and drink till i pass out. Then for New Years Day I will go back into hermit and play G-Senjou all day. I can't wait for that, it'll be a sweet reward for all this social activity.

Being somewhat social makes me feel less worthless(and its fun sometimes), but its such a hassle.

I would also like to say animal crossing was indeed awesome. I'd sneak away during christmas to get my gifts in game
>> No. 1895
My mother took the liberty of hosting a party for my entire extended family plus guests at our home. So I will be sitting around having awkward chats with relatives I rarely see.
>> No. 1896
Ah that's a bummer. Lucky for me Christmas was the last time I'll have to see my extended family for quite a while
>> No. 1919
Im excited to start using the personal diary my brother got me!
>> No. 1977
File 129384269847.jpg - (363.47KB , 1224x687 , Sora_hiki 0.jpg )
Dinner with family.
Then, most probably, lie in my bed in company of my computer and my beloved 2D/virtual world, wich is pretty much exactly what I just did this entire year.

Happy New Year, Charlie Br- I mean: /tc/.
>> No. 1986
oh! lay, I mean damn you, Bob Dylan... damn you.
>> No. 1988
Nothing at all, just the same I do every night.
>> No. 1989
Drinking alone, admiring my new fig, hangin out in irc. Only one of which is a special occasion.
>> No. 1991
Just now. Drinking alone and having chocolates with mai waifu. Maybe going back to sleep, who knows.
>> No. 1992
Aside from sitting here with a plushie of mai waifu on my lap: Nothing.
>> No. 1993
wow this board just became incredibly fast
>> No. 1994
eat steak
go to sleep
>> No. 1995
Either watching anime or playing LoL.

Might try the kissing monitor thing if i am able...
>> No. 1997
A little something for my brohnos. I know im not a good speaker and this should probably stay in IRC but whatever im putting it here anyway: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W55ayotgEwE
>> No. 1999
It's word of mouth and other people coming in and posting.

Quality makes people want to stay.
>> No. 2000
File 129389704415.jpg - (18.31KB , 300x265 , loli thumbs up.jpg )
Hear, hear.
>> No. 2034
File 12940197314.jpg - (58.63KB , 600x600 , anon2.jpg )

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