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File 129308578341.png - (32.70KB , 180x180 , 1242090461718.png )
1743 No. 1743
Merry Christmas Tohno-chan.

I love you all, except for some of you.

Don't forget to wrap your Waifu's presents.
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>> No. 1745
I forgot what Christmas is.
>> No. 1746
File 129308709347.jpg - (280.92KB , 842x595 , christmas cry.jpg )
I'm being forced to go to my relative's house on Christmas, which I hate. My mom says we won't stay long but I know she's lying
>> No. 1747
Same here. I guess it can't be helped.
>> No. 1748
Wait, isn't Xmas Saturday?

It's the 25th, no?
>> No. 1749
>> No. 1750
File 129308932012.jpg - (450.52KB , 1280x960 , 1292649701002.jpg )
Merry christmas, brohnos. Drink your egg nog and imagine cuddling with your waifu.
>> No. 1751
>imagine cuddling with your waifu
i do that every day

also I don't have any money for presents for hanako
>> No. 1752
>I don't have any money for presents for hanako

And that's why waifu are so great.
>> No. 1754
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Gee whiz, things sure are christmassy around here!
>> No. 1755
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I usually hate saying this, but I really did read that in his voice.
>> No. 1756
Thanks tohno-chan. I'll be sure to fill my belly up with lots of Christmas dinner.
>> No. 1757
File 129310391850.gif - (468.35KB , 336x400 , 1281874526420.gif )
merry christmas bros
>> No. 1758
I am with my family that afternoon. Hopefully I won't miss posting in my jazz thread. Merry christmas everyone.
>> No. 1759
My dad ran away, my mother couldn't care less about us. So I'll probably be alone with my brothers and sister, i.e. idling alone in front of my computer as always since every Christmas ever.

I'll be sure to check what people in the IRC are doing and will join them watching chinese cartoons or whatever.
>> No. 1760

I envy you. I live in the same town as my parents. My sister (whom I hate with passion) and her boyfriend (who is a cool guy but it's always somewhat awkard as there is no language we can properly communicate in, even though both of us can speak 3 languages each) will be staying at MY place since there is no room form them at my parents'. For a whole fucking WEEK. Dear God, I fucking hate Christmas.
>> No. 1761
File 129312350386.jpg - (70.44KB , 322x291 , 1237515889796.jpg )
Well I'll have my entire step-mom's family who I don't know at all staying over at my house. My parents are kicking my brother out of his room (last year it was me) and putting him in my room to accommodate the 4 adults and 3 kids that are coming over and staying. So I can relate.

Also, on top of asking for nothing for Christmas, my dad is making me clean the house and pressure clean my back and front patio so I can earn money.. just so I can buy a fucking present for my aunt's god damn boyfriend WHO I HAVE NEVER MET BEFORE. They put me in this fucking secret santa thing, despite knowing I've been a NEET for the past 4 years, because they think it's hilarious and want to torment me or something. So I have to do work I don't like to buy things for people I don't like for a holiday that I don't like. Joy.
>> No. 1762

Ok, I'll have to admit you're far worse off. My condolences.
>> No. 1763
Thanks. Sorry I don't mean to blog post, I just really hate this time of year. It could be worse, though.

Merry Christmas Tohno-chan, I hope you all can find some time to take it easy.
>> No. 1764
That sucks, man.

I don't have any money either, so I'm doing odd jobs around the house instead. It's the least I can do for them putting up with me even after graduating Highschool.

Still, Merry Xmas, Tohno-chan.
>> No. 1765
I'm glad my annoyance was 4 days in total (1 day of cleaning up & 3 days of them being there meaning no internet as my mother is a bitch who tries restricting my information acces when fucking family comes over.)

Honestly the family is not a problem/they are nice/my uncle is cool and I like discussing military/politics/history and international relations with him (he is a nerd who read Asimov novels when younger & was stationed with intelligence in the US military and also worked with ICBMs stationed in Germany - he rose to a sergeant but never became an officer due to low math skills). So there's a lot of overlap there & he knows of anime and has watched some, due to him being stationed in Japan when younger & being more tech-adept than most black 60 year olds.

My cousins & niece/nephew are okay too.

I mainly HATE my fucking mother cleaning up like it makes any difference and conscripting me to do her bullshit & self-censorship around them ESPECIALLY self-censorship to be socially acceptable. Also her bullying, and other shit with her I am too lazy to type now - but im sure it isn't as worse as some of the people here.

Did I mention self-censorship about laughing @ 'politically incorrect' (more like 'socially unacceptable' in that circle) things like when a bitch in one of Tyler Perry's movies has her husband die/does a 180* in hoe she felt about him given she treated him like shit when he was alive.

The Christmas Eve/Day will be much better, as historically I enjoyed those days as I was more likely to be alone burning shit in my fireplace (wood, paper, old assignments, my mother's work shit as she works for the Illinois state government & its 'classified'), baking cookiees, looking at the Christmas Tree & lights, or going out to the city center to look @ the christmas lights. Oh, and hanging out with my grandparents

Also I'm mailing a 'care package' of Pocky & Ramune and other Japanese food & some DVDs, etc to my best friend who lives in Tennessee/I know him online from internet forums (anime, sci-fi)
>> No. 1774
Wow... I'm kind of glad my family doesn't celebrate Christmas nor any holidays.
>> No. 1775
>Also I'm mailing a 'care package' of Pocky & Ramune and other Japanese food & some DVDs, etc to my best friend who lives in Tennessee/I know him online from internet forums (anime, sci-fi)

That's awesome, I wish I had a friend like that.
>> No. 1776

>That's awesome, I wish I had a friend


Marry Christmas /tc/.
>> No. 1777
File 129320017376.png - (85.66KB , 252x207 , 1260617785377.png )
>Marry Christmas /tc/.

But I'm already married to my waifu.
>> No. 1778
File 129320207595.jpg - (69.07KB , 540x666 , Jesus takes a walk with the Cournel.jpg )
Merry Christmas to our Nordic brohnos today since they celebrate on the 24th.
>> No. 1787
No cakes?
>> No. 1788
File 129324465482.jpg - (1.06MB , 2164x1600 , Sekirei_c109_002-003.jpg )
This is the first Christmas in recent memory where there was no snow on the ground. Really disappointing...

Anyway, merry Christmas, brohnos.
>> No. 1789
We've never gotten snow once around here.
>> No. 1792
File 129325999997.jpg - (229.89KB , 1024x768 , DSCN0072.jpg )
you should feel lucky. pic related.

then again, christmas just isn't christmas without snow

also drifting sideways like a motherfucker in abandoned parking lots is fun
>> No. 1793
Hope you are all having a good/tolerable day.
Merry Christmas tohno-chan.
>> No. 1794
File 129326217248.jpg - (492.70KB , 2000x1254 , christmas.jpg )
The best thing about Christmas is when it's over, because then I get to go months without seeing my extended family
>> No. 1795
The best thing for me is the food.

Sweets, Sweets everywhere.

It almost makes up for all the people. Almost.
>> No. 1799
File 129327537012.png - (20.03KB , 400x400 , 275664.png )
Merry Kurisumasu from Kurisumasu.
>> No. 1801
Merry capitalistmas, everyone! The day everyone buys useless shit for each other just because some guy was allegedly born 2000 years ago.
>> No. 1802
File 129328496232.jpg - (482.69KB , 1000x1200 , 7817254.jpg )
Dear Tohno-chan,

Wishing you a merry christmas.

Lots of love, from Nem.
>> No. 1804
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>> No. 1807
The idea of a winter festival predates the existence of some jerk who thought he had magic powers. Festivals and holidays and stuff are chosen pretty arbitrarily but they're still necessary to break up the monotony of daily life.
>> No. 1809
>but they're still necessary to break up the monotony of daily life.

I fail to see how that's true. Christmas for example is the same every year and is quite frankly the most boring and repetitive holiday there is.
>> No. 1810

I don't know how can anything get repetitive when you only do it once a year.
>> No. 1813

You know what... I take that back. No the condolences part of course, as I still feel you're in an ugly position. I take back that part about ypu being worse off, however.

The day before yesterday (and yesterday, more or less) was ok. There was even a situiation where I was sitting alone in my room with all the lights off and my sister's boyfriend needed to grab something from there and he was kind enough not to turn on the lights. He just took a little longer searching for it, found it and left without even saying a word. I swaer, if my sister ever breaks up with him (and I hope she does, as he deserves something better than this) I'm gonna do my best to seduce him. He's just to perfect to let go just like that.

But today... My God, today. She told she invited her friends over without as much as saying a word before. I knew arguing with her was pointless as she'll just do whatever she wants to (as per usual) so I just said that I don't want to be around them, grabbed my DS and headed to my parent's place after I told her to call me once they're done. I just came back like 15 minutes ago. I was expecting a mess, sure, so it didn't surprise me even a little but this horrible, heavy stench of vodka... Almost made me puke as I entered and it still bothers me even after all this time. How am I supposed to sleep her? I should've just stayed at my parent's place afterall. At least they were kind enough to smoke in bathroom but those 5 minutes I spent there washing my face and brushing my teeth were a nightmare.

And yeah, I'm sorry about blogposting, too. I guess I feel a little better now at least, I've calmed down a little. I'm sure they're gonna just come back in an hour when I'll be almost, [i]aaalmost[i/] and they're gonna wake me up just like that.

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