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File 129283070732.jpg - (350.38KB , 849x1200 , 010f7d5155a81356c4e79c69d302437e.jpg )
1665 No. 1665
Black's are Encouraged to have a black identity.They have lobby groups among other organizations specifically designed to advance black interests, use slogans such as "black power", and one of the most notably being NAACP, many of these organizations are funded by tax dollars

Mexicans or latinos are encouraged to have a Mexican identity, and use slogans such as "Brown pride", and have lobby groups specifically designed to advance latino interests, one of the most notable being La raza.

Jews currently have a disproportionate control over the media(with the sole exception of Rupert murdoch, who is as zionist as any jew), almost complete control over the financial system, and the strongest lobby in the country, and possibly the world(the AIPAC, ADL, ect.), and they are raised in an environment where they are taught that they are superior.

But where's the white lobby? Why is any white that is pride of their heritage and culture a racist, a bigot, a nazi? Why is it a hate crime to say you have white pride, or to say white power? Why are supposed "white crimes against humanity" excessively taught in schools, but the savagery of the negro in africa, the violent barbarity of the latinos in south america and southern california, and the Jewish led white genocide in eastern europe are not taught, and if you want to talk about it, you're labeled an anti-semite, racist, an so on?
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>> No. 1666
We are too busy watching Chinese cartoons to care.
>> No. 1667
I don't think the answer is a white lobby, it's getting rid of the other lobbies. They all are ridiculous.

It's only a matter of time before everyone is just a brown of some nondistinct shade anyways.
>> No. 1668
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