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File 129273507695.jpg - (43.65KB , 450x550 , c1cdf25b3fbdbc429defdfcf8b11cb77.jpg )
1567 No. 1567
What would you do if you only had a week left to live?
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>> No. 1568
Same thing I've been doing every day.
>> No. 1569
Go Cho Seung Hui on everyone. This time I'll do it properly.
>> No. 1570
Give away all of my stuff, and then just spend the rest of the time wandering aimlessly through the city.
>> No. 1573
reveal all of my little secrets to everyone and spend the rest of my week on my computer.
My last words would be that i love my waifu
>> No. 1574
Just the little secrets?
>> No. 1575
- finish (already) mai waifu's portrait.
- probably finish a few rutes I'm still misssing in a couple of VNs (pointlessly).

I don't think I could finish the books I've given up, so I guess that would be it: just doing mai waifu's portrait, for sure...

Nah, I'm lying: most likely I wouldn't even do that (since I'm neither satisfied with it). I guess I'd just do like >>1568 and kill time until I drop silent; wich is actually all I really want, now: to end it all, already. Just to cut it out.
>> No. 1576
This. I'd also be pretty happy about it, probably (can't really know how I'd feel for sure)
>> No. 1577
The few i still have.
>> No. 1578
Live life as I usually do. I don't think anyone else whom I know in real life knows that I have mai waifu. Maybe they've had their suspicions of me enjoying non-shounen, non-deep shows.
>> No. 1580

This. I plan to kill myself in mid January and I'll be doing the same stuff I do now until the very end.
>> No. 1582
This depends so much on the circumstances.
I imagine no one's asking for serious answer or anything but still, the why I'm dying the how and even if I was paid recently would all matter. Even what I ate that day would matter.
I could go from " lets do all the things I ever wanted to do" to "I'm gonna make the world a better place before I leave" or even a kill everyone and suicide end. Potentially.
I'd most likely stay in my room though, alone. Sad. Until the last day when I'd change my mind and decide to say goodbye to everyone I knew that might have cared at some point but then I'd decide it was too late anyway and go to bed one last time.
>> No. 1584
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Probably would do nothing and just lie in bed waiting for my hour.

Doing anything seems useless to me, at least. I don't know where I am going...
>> No. 1585
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Do copious amounts of heroin and deleriants. Perhaps hire some 3DPD prostitutes and murder them after making them wear cat ears and say 'nyan'.

On my final day I would dress up in a business suit and go to an underground illegal weapons dealer. I would shoot him dead and steal a large amount of weapons so I have an arsenal. I would then hire a helicopter and land on top of a building. Whilst listening to anime songs on my ipod I would snipe and shoot rockets at the civilians below, blowing away any police and military forces that attempt to intervene. When I run out of ammunition I will fly the helicopter as high as I can over the city and jump out and plummet to my death. That is true existentialism and transcendence.
>> No. 1586
why don't you just play GTA
>> No. 1587

Guns are for pansies, I would use a beam katana for maximum coolness.
>> No. 1588
If only we could make hookers wear cat ears and say nyan in GTA..
>> No. 1589
im pretty sure tohno can mod it to do that
>> No. 1592
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I don't want to hurt anyone or to have sex.

I'd publish my final thoughts on a *chan (on a slow-moving one, where it could stay up for a while) or on a blog. Maybe someone would find them touching or entertaining or enlightening or otherwise valuable. I don't wish to be immortal in any sense of the word, only to be a little useful, if I can.
>> No. 1595
1. get a custom dakimakura of hanako which is her laying in her pajamas with a smile on her face so it looks like she's cuddling with me.

2. get parts for my car and make it badass powerful and scream down the streets at triple digits

3. light something on fire, and create a huge fireball in the process.

4. blow something up (has to be a big explosion, like mythbusters cement truck explosion big)

5. find tohno and lesh IRL and brofist them both.

6. go out (as in die while) high and hallucinating being with hanako
>> No. 1598
I would like to go back to all the websites(Forums etc) I've been a part of and leave a message to the old users from years back. I would also like to give away my things because I have no one to inherit them. I would get a picture of my love and have it on me when I die. Other than that I would live my life normally.
>> No. 1606
I've thought about this before a lot, in the end I decided I would write my advice for life. Which is mainly telling people to take it easy, and for them to pretty much disregard social norms, do whatever you want. Then I'd do what I usually do, then run off some place where I'm very unlikely to be found for a long period of time and let myself die.

I don't know why, but I don't want to be found when I die, I don't want anyone to know... I just want to fade away out of everyones sight without making any sort of big commotion/draw attention to myself.
>> No. 1608
Dying in a "drop dead" way, no agony or loss of faculties beforehand? No big catastrophe like a meteor hitting the Earth?

I would probably cry a lot at first. I don't think I'd have the guts to do anything truly daring -- for example, I wouldn't try to lose my virginity.

I guess I would upload the midi files of song "blueprints" I have been writing, link my online musician forums to them, and tell myself that after I die someone will complete my songs for me as a tribute.

I guess I would also blow a lot of money on cheap beer and spend a lot of the week drunk. I don't have any drug contacts, but if I did I'd try a psychedelic. I wouldn't bother going to work, or telling my workplace anything. I'm not sure I would tell my family either.

Other than that I'd mostly do all the same stuff I always do -- kill time on the internet, watch anime, play video games, read VNs, etc.
>> No. 1683
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Besides the usual making amends OP?

I would defintely have a heart-to-heart discussion with my younger brother. I'm not the most knowledgeable person, but I would be happy to give any advice I could think of to him. I would also visit my grandfather's grave one last time, he died a few years before I was born, but I always admired him from what I have heard about his life. Then, I would probably spend my last night smoking weed whilst listening to the song FORCES on repeat. I've always been a man of simple pleasures, and I imagine that my death would be a simple thing as well.

And, Jesus Christ OP, that picture is one of the more depressing things that I have seen all month. And I'm not even a devout Touhou fan.
>> No. 1684
Definitely shoot a bunch of people.
>> No. 1686
Randomly, or concrete men/women that you think deserve it?
>> No. 1692
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If your going to go on a killing spree, at least kill people in a way that will be memorable. Be creative, tagging people with a Glock? Been done way to many times. Killing people by throwing a several boxes full of staplers off of a skyscraper while blasting Staple Stable? Now THAT will get you a Wikipedia article. And not just a two-paragraph stub, A FULL article with sources and citations

Not that I would know anything about mass murder...
>> No. 1693
Load up on PCP and drive around at 130MPH in a mack truck trying to liquefy as many people and cops as possible. Then plow the motherfucker through an elementary school and OD on coke before I get taken to the hospital.
>> No. 1694
Probably play some games and relax. Take out a loan and buy a bunch of shit to help my week go by easy, and since I have no next of kin, they would end up just getting fucked over.

I'd love to say I would try and vent some anger or something, but I wouldn't. Or maybe I would. I don't know. You never really know what you'll do in the face of death until it's actually there before you.
>> No. 1695

Just kill people screaming "watching naruto made me do it".
>> No. 1696
I think it's safe to say that most deserve it, so it's not of any real consequence who's brains I splatter.
>> No. 1702
Just like that one kid in the sandbox. Well, except he killed himself, the moron. Hilarious idea though.
>> No. 1707
Buy a fancy chair, suit and accessories. When the last ten minutes starts rolling I'll put the stuff on just to make sure that the people finding me would know I was one snazzy dude.
>> No. 1716
>>And, Jesus Christ OP, that picture is one of the more depressing things that I have seen all month. And I'm not even a devout Touhou fan.

I originally saw this thread on a cell phone (now on the desktop). Now that I saw the image, yesh looked in detail, yeah. That is sad >:(
>> No. 1819
I'd spend the week traveling into a desolate but beautiful place. Maybe drive up into the mountains, forest, stay at inns on the way, that kind of thing. It would be nice to go out alone, out in the wilderness somewhere with no one around. Seems appropriate, when you know you're returning to the earth soon.
>> No. 1830
A week? That's really hard, bro.

-Probably try to finally record that Drunk Afternoon cover
-Write a semi-autobiographical bildungsroman novel and leave it on my computer
-Write several letters to the people who have impacted my life in some way, airing my grievances with them, and thanking them for dealing with me (my waifu would get a letter as well, of course)
-Indulge in self-pity

That's all I can think of now. Those were really hard to pick, actually
>> No. 1847
>I would probably cry a lot at first.
>I guess I would upload the midi files of song "blueprints" I have been writing, link my online musician forums to them, and tell myself that after I die someone will complete my songs for me as a tribute.

My god, these are the first two things that went through my head ;_;

Everything of monetary value I own I would give to my little brother for him to sell/do as he pleases with to ease his shut-in NEET life. Give every song, drawing, or writing I've created in secret to my mom. Aside from that I'd accomplish nothing. I'd probably be an even sadder wreck than I am now, apologizing to people for dying and living the way I did, until the day I finally die on my bed listening to music.

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