No. 1551
Today was an unusual day. I ended up wandering around the deserted campus around 5AM, and settled in on a bench outside as all the building were closed. Eventually, the morning cold began to get to me, and I ended up trying to find an unlocked door into a building. My searching ended up leading me to an unlocked stairway, which led into a second story room with four windows, an elevator, and two locked doors leading further into the building. A sofa was in this room, as well as an electrical outlet. This discovery meant I now have a place to access the internet, get out of the cold, and charge my electronics even when the library is closed. Hopefully it will remain unlocked in the future, as the room is far too suitable to my needs to have it go to waste.
After staying in the Room of Fortune for a few hours, I decided to head back to my stash spot in the woods to grab my gloves and some ramen. I loaded up my backpack with six packages, and put on my gloves. I headed towards the library, and stopped at a bridge along the way, eating one of the packages raw with the flavoring sprinked on top. Believe it or not, this is actually a pretty filling way to eat ramen, and the taste isn't bad at all. It's a habit I got into a little over a year ago, when I got too lazy to cook. After eating, I walked the long way to the library, and in doing so I found a small shack I hadn't seen before, despite having taken the route before. The home was small, and other than clothes and a sleeping mat inside, the only belongings I saw were books. I decided to leave the person a gift, and upon seeing lighters scattering the area I decided cigarettes were an appropriate gift. After this, I finished my walk to the library.
Once in the library, I immediately set up on a chair near an outlet, and began charging my laptop whilst doing things on it. Randomly, the hobo I met the day before, whom I shared a drink and smoke with, came up and started a small conversation. He offered two slices from a pizza he didn't finish, but I declined. Immediately, I regretted that decision, but it wasn't a large loss. It seems that after we had gone our separate ways he had been arrested for public intoxication and had to spend the night in jail. Seeing that he was no longer in jail, it didn't sound like it was anything major legally.
About 3PM I left the library, too tired to continue as I had only gotten two or three hours of sleep the night before. I made a quick trip to my stash spot to change socks and smoke a bit. After that, I headed to explore a forested area near the park and ended up finding the tent and furniture of someone who had made the place their home. I avoided the area, as I didn't want to cause any conflict, and settles in a place by train tracks, with two large cement cylinders to either side of me, and a tree to my front, making me much harder to see. I fell asleep here for two and a half hours, then woke up and headed to Subway to get a sandwich.
After eating, I decided the day was mostly done, so I decided to head on campus (The library closes earlier on Fridays) to post, and do various other things on my laptop.
Also, I have plans to make a zipgun in the future, as they are inexpensive and highly effective. In case someone doesn't know what that is, it's a very small (About the side of a screwdriver, if not smaller) single-shot pistol. They aren't all that hard to make, and the supplies would only cost about fourty or fifty dollars in total. This isn't an investment I'm willing to make currently, but it will be worth looking into when I have a job. As for now, I'm going to make a bow. They are even easier to make, requiring only something to serve as a string (I have electrical tape I could make a string out of, and if not I can use a good vine), and a yard-long bendable stick. If I complete that project, bow and arrows will serve well for personal protection and amusement. Not to mention the pleasure you get from making tools using your own hands.
Today's Rhyme:
Sleep is for the weak willed; though my body isn't thrilled. You'd think not sleeping would be cool; but it just makes me feel a fool. One thing I know for sure; two meals a day has no allure. Three times would be even better; four would be an attention getter. Five rhymes at once looks bad; though six in a row is pretty rad.
As I was finishing up this post, a friend randomly called me and asked if I wanted to live with him over the break. The only catch is he wont be back in town until Monday. One thing worrying me is that I actually considered turning him down. Life as a hobo has been pretty amazing thusfar. What do you guys think? Take the offer of a place (It's on-campus, too), or live out the full break's month time as a hobo?