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1333 No. 1333
Hey guys christmas is almost here

what does tohnochan want for christmas?
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>> No. 1336
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an ipad
>> No. 1338

I'm gonna buy a tablet so I can start drawfagging.
>> No. 1339
Nothing. Like every Christmas.
>> No. 1341
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a new graphics card
a larger monitor
more HDD space
My waifu here with me ;_;
>> No. 1342
>My waifu here with me
This is all I'd like.
I mean, I'm just getting the stuff that I want at random intervals throughout the year...I'm not really sure what I want in terms of 'material' possessions, but that's the one thing I want off the top of my head. My waifu...
>> No. 1343
>> No. 1344
No particular order.

Fallout new vegas
To find the waifu for me
New computer
A decent internet connection (at least 10Mb/s)
>> No. 1345
I'm getting:

All of breaking bad on DVD

a 500 GB external

PC Versions of Mass Effect 1 & 2

Fallout NV

A gamepad

What I want:

Death peacefully in my sleep
>> No. 1347
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Well, this year I did profit a lot from ******'s $$$ (wich is about to end, anyway), so I really have nothing more to ask; I even got, already, the last thing I wanted to make me company for the winter: my -lovely- Sora figure. Now, if I could ask for something else, like a PLUS+ to say goodbye to this weird year and think a bit about the next one, I'd like a piano/keyboard... I still feel the desire to learn to play it.
>> No. 1350
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>> No. 1361
I want a bolt action rifle. I know I'm not going to get it. I'll only get it if I found a job for myself and saved up the money.
>> No. 1366
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I don't know what I want. I suppose I just want to be left alone to hang out on the internet. That's what I did last year. Who else is dreaming of a tohno-chan christmas?
>> No. 1367
That's what I want, I'm going to be forced to hang out with my family.
>> No. 1368
I've already ordered most of what I want for Christmas (figs) and got one gift wrapped already, but am trying to not think about what they are to much to make is somewhat of a surprise when I open them.
There are some Minagi figs I'd like too, but I probably wouldn't be able to find them.
>> No. 1378

>at least 10Mb/s

Please have some consideration for us poorfags next time.

I'm not too sure. I would definitely like a new PC, as mine is over 5 years old already and I never upgraded it, so I haven't even played BioShock. Some figs, too. And uh... I don't know, really. I recently bought some rather cheap headphones (but they do the job) and they were my number one priority. Other than that (and the above mentioned things I can't afford) I don't think there would be anything material.


>Death peacefully in my sleep

This would be very high on my non material wish list.


I've been wondering whether someone could stream something. Or something like that. That would be cool.
>> No. 1379
Fucking this.

I don't ask for anything and I don't give anything.
>> No. 1381
>> No. 1388
I don't want anything in particular
I'm just happy to cook for my family.
>> No. 1389
I have no material desires
>buying single player pc games
>> No. 1390

Please don't joke like that as it's hard to tell whether you're serious or not. Thanks.
>> No. 1391

>I've been wondering whether someone could stream something

Yeah, that would be awesome, my internet is kinda slow though so if I do it, the quality won't be good.
>> No. 1392

I don't think the quality is that importnant. I'd prefer to watch something everybody has seen anyway. Also the sillier the better. Code Geass comes to mind but I can see people having mixed feelings about this idea. Not sure what else could be acceptable.

Well, I hope someone does something, otherwise I'll have to stick to /m/'s stream like always.
>> No. 1393
I used to be bent pretty hard against Code Geass after watching a few bits of it (especially how it uses chess as an analogy or something, only the writers apparently know fuck all about the game.) But now I really don't care as long as it's entertaining. Maybe it was just all the /a/ spam from back then, who knows.
>> No. 1394
I've streamed stuff in the past, and the quality is pretty bad, but people enjoyed it for the most part.
>> No. 1396

Oh yeah, I remember that chess scene. It caused a massive shitstorm.

I just wanedt to watch something silly AND something everybody has seen so I thought Geass might work. Personally, I think DBZ would be nice, too, especially if we were to go with dubbed version (but again, I can see other Brohnos disagreeing with this choice). ... Actualy, no matter which show dubbed version would be better for some added laughs. For example English Cromartie. The dub adds another layer of hilarity to the show.

So, I'd propose something silly and preferably episodic, so that people could just join at any given point and watch it without confusion as to what episode are we on. So I think all Dokuro-chans, Detroit Metal Cities, Excel Sagas etc. Pani Poni Dashes would work.

Or we could go with something people haven't seen. In that case, I reckon Gyagu Manga Biyori could work as it's relatively unknown and absolutely random - there's no plot whatsoever.

The third category includes some universally liked stuff but that's somewhat hard to find. I think NHK would be pretty safe and /tc/ themed, though.

Then again, we would need to find someone who actually CAN stream this. With my horrible, horrible connection I might have problems with just watching it as it airs so I can't do it.

Oh, and sorry for derailing the thread I guess. Then again, it's somehwat thread related, as Jazzhands wished for Christmas with /tc/.
>> No. 1397
Maybe someone could stream some various Christmas related episodes (from mostly slice of life series).
>> No. 1398
I recall someone doing this on /a/ last year. That would be neat.
>> No. 1399

Yeah, that crossed my mind, too. But I hate Christmas so I'd rather watch something else.
>> No. 1400
If the haruhi movie subs are out by christmas you could stream that I guess.
>> No. 1402

I could do that, but which series has christmas episodes?
>> No. 1420
But seriously, we should watch Azumanga Daioh or something like that.
>> No. 1429

I have an entire collection of slice of life anime I can stream.

Does it have to be christmas related?
>> No. 1433
>> No. 1434

Thanks, I'm gonna start looking for them.

Hopefully I'll get every episode for christmas eve.
>> No. 1435
I wish I could be with Miku for Christmas so I could actually give her everything ;_;
>> No. 1436
btw where it says Mahoromatic episode 5 the one youre looking for is ep 5 from season 2.
>> No. 1437
I, for one, would be totally happy to spend Christmas with my Brohnos.
>> No. 1562
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A vape
>> No. 1565
To see my family again.
Can't wait until finals are over.
>> No. 1571
just got back from my moms house for christmas lunch. my bro gave me a ride home i think im gonna throw up i am so drunk right now
>> No. 1572
Do you guys have Christmas lunch in a time machine? Cause it's only the 18th.
>> No. 1579
it was because my mom is going away during actual christmas
>> No. 1581

>i think im gonna throw up i am so drunk right now

Please, refrain from postring such comments in the future. It sounds like something all normalfags do (after bragging about how much they drank, even though they didn't drink even a quarter of it) and makes me want to throw up myself.
>> No. 1583
I want a laptop, a computer, an i pad, one of those drawing pads for the pc, a new router, a lefty bass, money a DVD set for some show and a friend.
>> No. 1590

Drinking is not something exclusive to normalfags.
>> No. 1591
Of course not, I drink water a lot.
>> No. 1596
1. good computer
2. fix car
3. make car powerful
4. get a job
5. dosh
6. student loans paid off
7. my own place
8. to be with hanako
>> No. 1597
>what does tohnochan want for christmas?

For you to install spell checker in IRC.
>> No. 1599
I dunno about you guys but alcohol is what makes family gatherings bearable for me. I'm kind of notorious for not knowing my limit, probably a cry for help or something.
>> No. 1600
I don't know if bearable is the right word for me, but it helps me relax and enjoy the event a bit more.

Plus my entire extended family are near alcoholic, so if I am not pouring myself a drink, you better believe grandpa, uncle G, or mom will be pouring me some anyways. So liquor is a given at any family event for me.

Which isn't so bad, because I hardly touch the stuff when not celebrating a holiday.
>> No. 1601
I understand. I was at a birthday party once, and everyone was a humongous faggot. My solution was to just get fucked up. That's more socially acceptable than not going. If you make a big enough ass of yourself, they might stop asking you to come.
>> No. 1602
I thought they like to have people like that around. You know, so they can look at the drunken ass and feel better about themselves. It's the sober snarky guy in the corner that doesn't get reinvites.
>> No. 1603
We're talking about a gathering of human beings, not some crazy shitstorm of sexually curious high school kids. In my experience, the party is usually over once someone starts to vomit.
>> No. 1604
So adults don't like to feel better about themselves? Or do they find some other way to do it?

I honestly have little experience with this sort of thing in any age-group.
>> No. 1605
It becomes infinitely less fun when you have to take care of your fucked up friend who is on the kitchen floor with a vomit bucket next to him.

People generally just want to get drunk and have fun. The guy who doesn't know his limit is the "kid", so there's still a sense of superiority. They just hide it more.
>> No. 1609
That sort of mentality is why I never want to touch a drop of alcohol. Anyway lets not derail this thread further.

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