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File 129227443970.gif - (68.55KB , 400x329 , nba_logo_gif.gif )
1316 No. 1316
Okay /tc/, I've been meaning to start this thread for months now but Tohno gave me the little push I needed right now.

Do all of you hate sports? Because it seems to be stupid to dislike something solely based on the fact that it's something normalfags like.

Personally, I actively follow NBA and I enjoy watching games very much. I see absolutely nothing wrong with it and I've been wondering if any fellow Brohons follow some sports. It would only make sense from my point of view, as you don't need to leave your house to enjoy it and it's something you can do alone.

So, am I the only one?
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>> No. 1318
sports are rather boring to watch and the fans make the worst of the big 3 fans look tame sometimes.

i don't hate them, i'm just indifferent and don't see the appeal.
>> No. 1319
I don't hate sports, my sister makes me watch soccer with her sometimes.
But I just don't get why does get so emotional about it. I mean, if her team wins, she screams and go out the street to scream goal. If her team loses, she gets in a bad mood and no one can talk to her in the rest of the day.
>> No. 1320
I think they are really boring. I like boxing and other fighting sports sometimes though, because watching people get beat up is fun
>> No. 1322
Sports can be entertaining to watch, but I never get too invested in any teams. I follow a single college team yearly (particularly, their basketball team), and I like to watch NFL games at times.
>> No. 1323
It really depends on what sport it is. I love ice hockey and love watching NHL games and the same would go for tennis. But watching professional matches of other sports like basketball, soccer/football, or golf just bores me.

I personally see getting emotionally involved in sports the same as emotionally involved in literature, movies, anime, etc.
>> No. 1324
What's been bothering me is how some people on /tc/ just list sports just after sleeping around and getting drunk on their lists of disgusting normalfag activities. That's more or less why I created the thread. I just wondered where this kind of attitude comes from. As I've already written, hating something based purely on it's fanbase is pretty stupid.
>> No. 1325
I like boxing,
I also watch the world cup with my folks when it comes around
>> No. 1327
I have nothing against sports and I do enjoy watching them. I just don't really bother for most of the time.

.. I watch and follow a lot of eSports, but that doesn't really count
>> No. 1328
I used to follow the NBA when I was a kid. I'll still watch it sometimes if I'm bored and theres a game on.

the main sport I like is football/soccer. I guess I never really thought about why I like it, its probably because of my dad. I have fantasy teams in a couple of leagues which is fun.
>> No. 1331
Well, as an Eurofag, I admit I'm a sucker for soccer. It's worse than a religion here.

Otherwise, I like to watch all those niche sports like pool, table tennis, etc. I love ice hockey as well but that rarely appears on TV when it's not in the Olympic Games.
>> No. 1334
I don't hate sports, I just never really developed an interest in them and now I just don't care.
>> No. 1335
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Sports are great.

Its nice to take it easy and watch some baseball in the summer or listen to it on the radio outside in the spring and fall.

Football is always on during the winter.

I like to go shoot some baskets every now and then but just watching basketball is a little dull for my tastes because of all the fouls.

Just like some people are too quick to dismiss anime/VN/touhous/whatever as a stupid hobby, some people are too quick to dismiss sports as a stupid hobby.

Besides, I love the feeling of hope I get every spring before the Royals crush my dreams again.
>> No. 1337

>I personally see getting emotionally involved in sports the same as emotionally involved in literature, movies, anime, etc.

I don't scream like a retard or go jumping in the streets whenever I watch a good movie.
>> No. 1346
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I only watch e-sports.
>> No. 1349
The emotional extremes are different, primarily because sports involves real people in real time with truly unpredictable outcomes, whereas books and movies are fictional. But the basis behind why people are emotionally moved by sports or movies is more or less the same.
>> No. 1351
I don't ever follow that shit at all.
>> No. 1352
>I don't scream like a retard or go jumping in the streets whenever I watch a good movie.

isnt this pretty much what kids do at anime conventions?
>> No. 1353
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I follow the European Cup and the World Cup. Every game has a direct consequence in the ranking as well as the world's best players playing.
The World Cup this year was a bit hard to follow though. Or completely hilarious depending on how you look at it.
>> No. 1358
>> No. 1360

I hate them too.
>> No. 1362
I don't follow any sports. However, I'm intensely fascinated by the strategy of certain sports, namely soccer and boxing, and as such I'd like to try it some day. I disregard the rabid fanbase entirely. If I ever do play sport, I'll show all those jocks that brains and skills matter the most and beat them at their own game to prove it.
>> No. 1365
I don't hate sports because it's a normalfag thing, I just find it uninteresting
>> No. 1369
>What's been bothering me is how some people on /tc/ just list sports just after sleeping around and getting drunk on their lists of disgusting normalfag activities. That's more or less why I created the thread. I just wondered where this kind of attitude comes from. As I've already written, hating something based purely on it's fanbase is pretty stupid.

Because of the athletes. Sports glorifies people like Tiger Woods, Brett Favre, Ben Roethlisberger, Micheal Vic, Micheal Jordan on and on and on. I don't even watch sports and I know this.

I'm pretty sure we won't hear about professional SC players sleeping around on their wives or raping girls.
>> No. 1372

>Because of the athletes. Sports glorifies people like Tiger Woods, Brett Favre, Ben Roethlisberger, Micheal Vic, Micheal Jordan on and on and on. I don't even watch sports and I know this.

Well, I understand where you're coming with that but I don't really care. It's the same as the somewhat recent Aya Hirano scandal. I don't give a damn about their private lives. Of course, many of them exhibit behavior I'd rather not see on court but what can you do.

Also, there ARE some nice athletes, even among the biggest stars. Since I only follow the NBA I can only list some basketball players like Ray Allen, Tim Duncan (arguably the greatest PF in the history of the league is a die hard nerd and that's pretty awesome) or Kevin Durant but you get the point.
>> No. 1373
>Of course, many of them exhibit behavior I'd rather not see on court but what can you do.

I hate football because whenever someone makes a touchdown, they act like a complete fucking dick. There's not even a drop of humbleness in most of them. Also they get in each others' face and get violent in between plays. It's just too much for me. Then you add on how they act off the court and it's unbearable.
>> No. 1374
Doing sports is fun.

Watching sports is retarded and I'll never understand it.
>> No. 1375
Watching basketball and football (soccer) is as boring as watching Nascar.
>> No. 1377

>Doing sports is fun.
>Watching sports is retarded and I'll never understand it.

>Taking photos is fun.
>Looking through other people's photos is retarded and I'll never understand it.

>Painting is fun.
>Going to exhibits is retarded and I'll never understand it.

Sure are opinions around here. I understand you have no interest in watching sports but you could at leasy try to voice your opinion in a more civilised manner.
>> No. 1383

>Taking photos is fun.
>Looking through other people's photos is retarded and I'll never understand it.

>Painting is fun.
>Going to exhibits is retarded and I'll never understand it.

Was this supposed to be sarcasm? Because it's true. And take it easy.
>> No. 1384

It's not about being true or not. It's not a fact, it's an opinion. You might enjoy doing one of those things more than others but this doesn't mean you're right and they're 'retarded'.
>> No. 1385
Why can't I have the opinion that observing other people having fun is retarded?
>> No. 1386

You can have whatever opinion you want. It's about voicing it in a proper way. If you do it the way you did some people might find it offending.
>> No. 1442
I guess a large part of T-chan already got their Kurismasu wish cause there seems to be quite a number of PMSing vaginas around here lately. You're finally girls, omedetou!

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