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1289 No. 1289
Whenever I stretch my leg muscles, I get these excruciating cramps that make me end up holding my leg for minutes (and try to mitigate the pain) till the cramps are gone. Just five years ago, I can stretch my leg muscles with no problem at all. Can anyone stretch their legs with no problem? Is there a way to get rid of these cramps while stretching? They've been a hassle for years.
>> No. 1290
I stretch and do 12 squats every night before sleeping, it only takes 2 minutes.
>> No. 1291
I don't get those, but sometimes my foot cramps REALLY bad if I wiggle my big toe too much. Like, someone stabbing into my foot with a red hot fireplace poker bad
>> No. 1292

I did get feet cramps a few times. It felt like my tendons connecting my big toe to the rest of my foot were tangled or something, along with a feeling of dislocation.
>> No. 1293
Seems like a bad case of "sitting on my chair 24/7".

I got those for a time when I began my NEET career. It happens when you don't do much for a while, even now I have some when I'm sitting at the computer and just stand up. Try doing a bit of exercise. You could also be lacking something or have a complication but only a doctor will be able to tell you that.
>> No. 1294
I'm not quite sure what you mean by cramps. Besides, thats a situation I believe none of us are qualified to solve and I entirely believe you should see a GP. And yes, I can stretch my legs with no problem.
>> No. 1298

I'm pretty sure I recently heard that squats are bad for you, as they don't really do much to keep you fit and they fuck with your spine instead. I'm not sure about that, though. Not like I would pay attention to this kind of news.
>> No. 1299
They're bad for you if you do them incorrectly. You ought to stretch, warm up and use proper form. But 12 unweighted squats is neither going to harm nor benefit you much so you might as well not do them.
>> No. 1387
it could be that you are overstretching your muscles without strengthening them
same thing happened to my old man
he had these chronic pains in his shoulder blades that was apparently caused by overstretching of some ligaments or something there due to the way he would lean when he did his work.
the doctor gave him some exercises to strengthen the muscles there and the pains went away.
>> No. 1401
Lately I've been getting a stinging pain in my upper-right back. It feels like a thorn stabbing me every so often
>> No. 1403
Well, it always seem to hit me in my lower legs. My thighs aren't affected.
>> No. 1498
sounds like the calf muscles
have you been doing calf stretches?
>> No. 1499
My mother gets really awful calf muscle cramps sometimes. She says eating bananas helps
>> No. 1500
no offense but your mother is full of shit
>> No. 1501
I ate bananas for cramps too, not sure if they actually helped though
>> No. 1502
>no offense but your mother is full of shit
Actually a potassium/sodium imbalance can cause cramps. Usually people in the US have an excess of sodium so bananas help balance their system.

Of course, there are several different things which may cause cramps and the imbalance is only one of them.

>> No. 1503
A lack of potassium can cause leg cramps, so the suggestion isn't entirely without merit. Raisins, potatoes, strawberries, prunes, milk, etc would also serve as a good alternative. Cramps can also be caused by a lack of calcium, which milk is also good for obviously.
>> No. 1513
Come to think of it, I haven't had much potassium and calcium products much lately.
>> No. 1514
I hate being lactose intolerant.
>> No. 1541
What exactly is it like being lactose intolerant?
>> No. 1543
I avoid most things with milk in it. I still drink/eat it though, even if it ALWAYS makes me pretty sick.

I know there are milks and such that I can drink, but they just aren't all that good.
>> No. 1544
Isn't there a medication you can take that helps with it as long as you take it before having a milk product?
>> No. 1545
Indeed there is, but I don't like taking medicine. Even if it could make me feel better.

It's a good thing the only time I'm ever sick is when I drink milk then, huh?
>> No. 1546
I know what you mean. I'm pretty sure I'm lactose-intolerant, but I like milk and I have it sometimes, usually the whole sort with cereal. My dad used to drink soy milk and tried to get me to drink it too, but soy milk tastes like sickness and death. I'd rather be unhealthy than constantly drink a horrible taste that I hate.
>> No. 1547
Warm up before you stretch.
>> No. 1548

Isn't stretching a warm-up for exercise?
>> No. 1550
Stretching could be considered part of your warm-up, but it's never a good idea to stretch cold muscles. Since you're getting older, and likely less active than you used to be, you're more susceptible to injury.

You should do some light aerobic exercises until your body and muscles are warmed up, then you should stretch your muscles. Also, be careful not to overstretch.
>> No. 1560
I second this suggestion.

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