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File 129203629840.jpg - (108.14KB , 785x737 , beta.jpg )
1244 No. 1244
Here's a pretty neat site. Younger types probably won't appreciate it though

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>> No. 1247
pretty cool site
>> No. 1249
File 129204873158.png - (188.89KB , 500x501 , teamwork!.png )
Pretty daunting to think that so much has become obsolete in so little time.
>> No. 1250
interesting story: betamax was actually superior to VHS, but VHS won the battle because of superior marketing and price.

just like hd-dvd and blu ray, except this time the superior format won.

also I once had a TV so old it had dials on it. top that. it broke when i was young tho. like, young as in 5 years old. we got a better TV and cable after that. it was like pure awesome having 5 times the amount of channels as before.
>> No. 1283
File 129218624515.jpg - (121.03KB , 1181x1180 , OldPhone.jpg )
So can it be a general thread for old stuff? Because I wanted to make one for quite some time.

So, how many of you remeber times when phones were still phones? I had one smiliar to the one in the picture, with that curvy wire and rotary dial board. Damn, they were fun to use. I especially loved playing with that cable.
>> No. 1284
I once had a corded phone with a rubber thing on the handset that was designed to make it easier to hold the handset to your ear with your shoulder. It broke tho and we threw it out.
>> No. 1285
how was betamax better then vhs?
>> No. 1286
picture quality. they had some other issues though as well, such as length of the tape where VHS had a longer play time, but in terms of picture quality, betamax was superior.
>> No. 1287
Hell yeah, the longer time it took to dial something was easily worth it just for hearing the chug-chug-chug-ping sound.
>> No. 1288
File 129219412469.png - (4.90KB , 232x244 , hell ya.png )
Hells yeah, I had one just like that too.

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