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1220 No. 1220
Do you know any pen tricks?
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>> No. 1221
No. I hate those tricks. People constantly let themselves get distracted from work by doing those tricks so early on in my life I made a point to never learn them.
>> No. 1224

I don't get distracted by playing with a pen.
I do them when I need to think before writing, just to keep my hand busy. Just as biting my nails, or humming.
>> No. 1226
File 129196370552.jpg - (10.32KB , 233x215 , oh.jpg )
I actually haven't used a pen or pencil in a while, now that I think about it
>> No. 1245
yeah in high school I spent a lot of time practicing so I could spin a pen around my thumb. good times.
>> No. 1258
no, because i am USELESS
>> No. 1260

They are easy if you practice enough, say, when you are watching an anime.

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