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File 129186818440.jpg - (77.92KB , 444x562 , 094ef7f55ae7c832ca8c565b43d91be57906996e.jpg )
1199 No. 1199
I want to learn how to play the violin.

The thing is, I wanna learn by myself, I don't want to go look for a teacher (as you may already know why).
Is it possible to learn how to use the instrument and music theory online?
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>> No. 1200
Is it possible? Yes.
Is it difficult? Of course.

I'd say the latter of the two is more difficult to accomplish on your own, though I'm not a violin player. If you have some level of dedication about it, I'm sure you can learn. Being a self-taught guitar player, I have faith that if I can do it, anyone can. Again, I'm not saying that playing guitar and playing violin are the same thing, but they both require the same thing in order to be good at; a lot of practice.
>> No. 1201
Learning the violin requires a lot of patience.

I'd say getting a good teacher is essential. He'll teach you how to hold the instrument, the basics, etc because there are a lot of ways to play it that gives a different sound (classical, traditional, modern). Maybe if you could find a person you can trust.

That's what happened for me. An old and kind geezer actually had the patience to teach me the piano when I was younger. Having a master is always nice.
>> No. 1202
>getting a good teacher is essential. He'll teach you how to hold the instrument, the basics
This is very true...

I learned to (draw and) play guitar almost entirely by myself. It isn't practical, tought: a teacher is supposed to help you achieving things way faster, and if he is a good one that certainly happens.

Nevertheless, I know what you mean: I want so badly to learn to play piano myself; but being outside jusy keeps sucking harder and harder (and I already spent most of my year's savings, lol)
>> No. 1203
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A good thing to have in my mind is that the human brain sucks at measuring effort. When you see someone play an instrument your brain thinks that it can't be that hard. Once you try it yourself though your brain goes into fuck-this-shit-mode and overexagerate how hard it is to learn.
Just stick with it.
>> No. 1223
Note that a guitar, with its easy to imitate posture and fretted fingerboard, is a degree more intuitive and easy to learn than the violin.
>> No. 1225
Most definitely.
>> No. 1242
I'm self taught on the violin and cello. However, I learned piano from a young age so that probably helped.

Without learning basic and eventually more complex music theory it can be hard to learn an instrument. Sure, you can learn how to "play" it as in learn the notes and so on, but you wont learn how to PLAY it and understand it as an instrument. It's worth trying but not worth investing in unless you're real serious about it.
>> No. 1243

Maybe I'll spend this year studying music theory, and start playing instruments the next one.
>> No. 1257
The first instrument you play is important because it shapes how you visualise the notes. If the first thing you play is guitar, you'll visualise them in terms of which string and how far down the fingerboard you press. Playing piano, you'll visualise the notes as a series of buttons you press. Once you get used to it, its hard to undo the way your brain has wired itself. I think this is why most children are taught the piano first, as the way things are visualised is transfered easily.

I think you'll just get bored. You should definately learn music theory concurrent with practising on a real instrument so you can apply new knowledge, get practice, ground ideas in reality and also have fun.

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