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File 129186134080.jpg - (190.98KB , 699x720 , fishy.jpg )
1188 No. 1188
Is there a reason I would masturbate less? I used to do it almost every day, but within the last few months I just don't have the urge as much anymore. It's so noticeable that I'm wondering if there might be something wrong with me
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>> No. 1189
Maybe you're depressed. I can't fap when I'm depressed. Actually, I rarely fap either way; it's boring.
>> No. 1190
Well I've always been depressed, so that can't be it.
>> No. 1191
One less thing to do, I guess.

When you grow up, you gradually lose the urge to fap. I haven't fapped in weeks now, will fap probably sometime next week when I'm on holidays and then be over with it for this year.
>> No. 1192
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Then I don't know. I lost interest somewhere along the way too, just never stopped to ask "why".
>> No. 1194
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It's nothing to be afraid of, you've simply reached an advanced state, one rung higher on the human evolutionary ladder! As you continue, so too shall you shed your other mortal needs. First masturbation, and then food, water, even oxygen will no longer be needed! At the end of the road, you will reach immortality and enlightenment and, as one of the few chosen by the lord almighty Tohno, shall carve the world around you into a form you deem fitting. Embrace it!
>> No. 1196
You might just be going through some kind of cycle. I've had periods of masturbating once every couple days, to only once a week.
>> No. 1198
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>> No. 1204
besides finding it a bit gross and being grossed out by myself after doing it, I don't think about or view stuff that much that would have me do it anymore, Kind of lost interest I guess, I usually only do it anymore when I'm extremely bored.
>> No. 1213

I can attest to this, as I've grown older when I fap it's became gradually less of a "urge" thing and more of a "I'm bored and have nothing else to do at the moment" thing when I fap.
>> No. 1214
I only fap now when my parents go out, because I feel I'd be wasting the opportunity if I didn't
>> No. 1215
It could be maturity, maybe related to age.
When I was 10 I didn't masturbate at all, when I was 13 I masturbated a lot but now at 21 I don't masturbate that much.
>> No. 1216
You've fapped to everything, that's all.
>> No. 1222
Stress can lessen libido.
>> No. 1261
If you're under 30 there's almost no way it's biological.

A lot of guys a few years (early 20s) after puberty however don't realize it's normal to no longer be horny all the time. Men, just like women, get a biological rhythm about this stuff. The main difference is men's work on a yearly cycle instead.

Urges come and go with the seasons.
>> No. 1265
Happens to me pretty often, I wonder whats up wi-

>> No. 1266
I don't know, I get a strong urge to fap to certain types of 2D. But lately, I have been fapping less and less. Simply because it's boring. Unless if there's a character/pic that strikes my fancy.
>> No. 1267
>Seasonal breeding in mammals synchronize the
energetically expensive reproductive activities
to coincide with the most favorable annual
environmental conditions (Bronson, 1989;Bronson and Heideman, 1994).

>Post-technology humans are somewhat buffered from temporal perturbations in the environment. Despite the failure to identify adaptive benefits of seasonal breeding in humans, seasonal fluctuations in human reproduction have been reported (Roennberg & Aschoff 1990; Bronson 1995). Although the factors driving seasonal breeding (e.g., decreased food availability, low ambient temperatures) in industrialized humans are now reduced in importance, there are no obvious forces selecting against seasonality. Therefore, seasonality in human reproduction persists (reviewed in Bronson 1995), and the timing mechanisms that measure yearly intervals presumably remain extant among humans (Nelson 1990; Czeisler 1995).


Just thought I should provide some sources for my post. You'll notice your drive hits almost 0 sometimes, but if you really try you can. Right now winter is a lower period for most males.
>> No. 1273
OP here, last night I had a wetdream (the third one in my whole life). Even though my brain has no urges my penis decided to be a jerk and ruin my underwear
>> No. 1274

I masturbate with my clothes on all the time, it actually feels better.
>> No. 1275
That's true, but since my mom does my laundry I don't want her to find my cum stained underwear
>> No. 1300
>My mom does my laundry

Oh how I wish I was young again. Things were so much simpler.
>> No. 1301
That's nothing. I have a shirt I used to wipe my cum with and after a few months of heavy usage, it smelled too bad to continue using. I couldn't wash it, since my parents would know that I used it to masturbate, I couldn't throw it out because the smell would be awful. I tried burning it, but I stopped for two reasons. One, the evil spirits would come out of it and fuck with me and two, I've developed some weird emotional attachment to it. WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER THROUGH THICK AND THIN. WHY STOP NOW. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE? It's been a while since I've used it, but it's still in it's own drawer in my room. Sometimes I just look at it, thinking of the good times.
Oh, pictures on request. Just saying.
>> No. 1303
That's pretty gross if you ask me. Why not just make it wet and rub a bit for the stains to go away. Then just put it in the laundry like that, I'm sure your mom won't care.
>> No. 1326
I dont see why you cant throw it away. garbage smells terrible anyway. put it in someone elses bin if you have to, just get rid of it.
>> No. 1561
I've had periods where I didn't fap much at all. Not sure why but I was probably busy with stuff. At least to a degree that I'm mentally less focused on bodily functions.

Can range from days to months and doesn't have to be obvious why.
>> No. 1701
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I'll be the first to formally request pics I suppose.
>> No. 1821

I think OP is just bored of doing the same thing over and over. Try doing something new.

Hump your bed/pillow (use a condom).

Try using your other hand.

Masturbate to something you've never masturbated to before. Sexfighting and catfights seem to get me going.

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