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File 129176938155.jpg - (241.48KB , 500x624 , 1282975598104.jpg )
1153 No. 1153
Hello, today I'd like to (possibly) ruin your fap sessions. I know this is kind of a delicate subject so I won't expect any (or at least friendly) replies but if there's someone out there like me, I feel he should at least know. Post as Anonymous please.

But first let me explain myself.
A couple months ago, I discovered that I suffer from a weird condition when I stumbled upon a thread on a science forum. I was actually searching a cure for a skin problem I've been having for two years now. My skin gets really itchy all over my body without me doing anything in particular. Little pink spots appear all over my body, especially on my arms and my back. It's like thousand needles poking at you every second. Sometimes I just need to sigh and I get it, others simply climbing stairs and I get it. It'll last five minutes and then goes away and will only appear the next day for instance.

Another issue I had was that I suffered from a tremendous brain fog. I couldn't concentrate on a task for more than 30 seconds literally. Thinking and speaking clearly was really hard for me (and still is to some extent). I want to say something, begin forming a sentence and then just forget what I am supposed to say next and just stay there kind of speechless or babbling gibberish. Sometimes I forget simple words too. It's extremely irritating and handicapping and even more embarrassing, mainly because people give you a lot of shit for it.

Now, what I discovered is that I suffer from POIS. Postorgasmic Illness Syndrome. That's right, having orgasms produces a lot unwanted conditions in my body. These two conditions were only the two most noticeable, but I discovered that other conditions I had were in fact related to POIS. Having sleep issues, being depressed or irritated. Why exactly this happens, we don't know yet (POIS was first discribed in 2002). My opinion is that it's a bad reaction of the immune system to the chemicals released at orgasm like some expert said. A few other experts think it's a lack of progesterone, a neurosteroid. It's really difficult to define what causes it since the symptons vary extremely from person to person.

I must say this struck me by surprise because I would never have suspected masturbation to be the root of all evil in my body. I've been a chronic masturbator since 11 and I must say I've been wanting to stop for ages or at least reduce it but it's really hard to stop, it's like a drug (even more when everything on the internet suggests you to masturbate with so many lewd pictures). When I discovered POIS, it was the first time in ten years I stopped fapping for more than two weeks. You will guess that I'm kind of disgusted now but since I reduced the fap sessions I lost the skin condition, am in better mood and can actually think and write something, just like now. I should also mention that even if you fap, it doesn't mean you suffer from POIS, even if you have one of the conditions. If you'd like some info here are some links:

>Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postorgasmic_illness_syndrome
>Naked Science forum: http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.0
>A site from NS dedicated to POIS with possible remedial/prevention methods: http://sites.google.com/site/poiswebsite/
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>> No. 1154
Also, I hope I am not offending someone and if a mod would like it, I'll delete this.

I wouldn't want to possible ruin anyone's fap session.
>> No. 1155
Holy shit, man, that must suck. Are they anywhere near finding a cure?
>> No. 1156
That's though.

I can't relate to it at all, since every time I finish a fap session (not too often, maybe twice a week?) I feel incredibly relaxed.

Maybe you can train yourself to resist using suggestive pictures?
>> No. 1157
Yeah I get prickly heat too. And almost all the time my brain is foggy, like im not even conscious.
>> No. 1158
Also, I warn against self-diagnosing your disease. Doctors train for many years before they are able to accurately diagnose diseases. You are just a person browsing internet websites and will probably come to false conclusions.
>> No. 1159
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Well, at least it's not MS...
>> No. 1160
That sounds pretty bad.

I don't like the picture you chose to post though. ;_;
>> No. 1165
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Sorry, I forgot about that. Have this one and accept my apologies.

They're not even near to understand the cause but it seems a new study will be published late December/beginning of January.

Thank you, I should have mentioned that in my first post I guess.

The thing is, I can actually notice an improvement of my condition when I stop doing it. I don't take any medicine or drugs, so that's that. On the other hand, it could be placebo, but there's still no danger in not masturbating if my condition improves. I also noticed it had an impact on my acne, just after I'm done with it, I can actually feel some pimples getting bigger or more sensitive. New ones appear sometimes too. I've read hundreds of pages from that forum and people have the same issues.
>> No. 1167

Why don't you go see a doctor just to be sure?
>> No. 1177
Yeah, I could say something like 'WOW, THAT'S IT, I FINALLY FOUND IT' but I don't even feel like trying to do that anymore. That was my reaction after reading about lyme borreliosis and then Wilson's disease (EVERYTHING matched, even the schizophrenia part). I don't have either of them, though and I doubt this would be it. Also, I have to admit that it would be kind of embarassing to go see a doctor about something like that.

I've been seeing neurologists for years now and even though there is something wrong with my brain (that's what my psychologists kept saying all the time; he treated a guy who suffered from lyme borreliosis and even though he went to see quite a few neurologists it took ~3 years to finally correctly diagnose it) they always say I'm just fine. The tests they run show absolutely nothing out of ordinary. I'm at a point where I believe that that's actually the case, I'm fine. Maybe I just need lots of sleep and am simply really lazy and there's no medical reason behind it.
>> No. 1178
Thanks for sharing OP.

As it seems not a lot of people suffer from the condition, let's turn this into a masturbation analysis thread? It might be very relevant because the average NEET is exposed to beautiful female shapes all the freaking time, while being alone, so masturbation is probable.

In my most hardcore NEET years I used to masturbate thrice a day. Sometimes (when a new eroge came out) even as much as 10 times a day. I didn't really notice any obvious effects at first. But over time, my orgasms felt weaker and weaker. I ejaculated less and less. In the end it didn't even feel good, my "orgasms" were like a very slight relief, hell, urinating felt better.

Now that I'm older and out of puberty, I managed to cut it to once a day, but to be honest, I don't have the desire to do it even once a day, I force myself because I believe masturbating once a day is beneficial for health. Sometimes there's an orgasm and sometimes not. And when there is, it's nothing mind blowing like it used to be when I just started. So I think masturbating broke my ability to orgasm somehow.

Just thought I would share.
>> No. 1179
I find that the quality of my beatoffs (or jerksessions if you will) depend mostly on the material I'm using, as well as my preferred fetish at the moment, which seems to change in a cycle I haven't quite figured out yet. If I keep it to when I'm actually in the mood and identify what sort of stuff works best for me, I find it relieves a lot of stress.
>> No. 1181
I get that prickly heat but it's usually only during winter and after a long period of inactivity. It itches and burns like a bitch though.
>> No. 2278
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I don't have orgasms either, I just feel fatigued, like >>1153.

I used to envy those, who can enjoy their sexuality (either alone or with someone else), until I realized that most people don't enjoy sex as much as the characters of H-manga do, and furthermore, no one who matters would love me less if I didn't have sex with them.

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