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No. 1146
  I don't know how I didn't come up with this earlier; if there are peers from my generation (and actual situation) who should have gotten this thing right, they had to be you, brohonos. As you might probably know, Waters is now on his farewell world tour, with an entirely new thetarical production, for what is widely recognized as his masterpiece... so:

- What do you think about Roger Water's(/Pink Floyd's/Alan Parker's) The Wall?
- Did you actually ever saw it? How was it?
- Is there any other work of art/literature, that you can call the very image of your own alienation?

...personally, until watching Evangelion for the first time, The Wall was simply the BEST portrait I could ever found, of the World as I've seen it, and of life as I've experienced it. The evidence of its further impact on my life, is now harder than ever.
>> No. 1147
The Wall is an interesting piece of work, to say the least. It didn't impact me incredibly, but I felt I understood to an extent how alienated the main character felt. I have the album and I want the movie.
>> No. 1259
  not bad.
>> No. 1263
alan parker? wat
>> No. 1264

yeah, well: he has credit for the film's entire concept (along with Gerald Scarfe for his amazing animations).

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