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File 129159677335.jpg - (64.04KB , 800x600 , 1283408956359.jpg )
1071 No. 1071
How frequently do you wash? Is personal hygiene an important thing to you? Do you keep your room tidied up and organized or are you the type of person who doesn't care?

I can go four to five days without washing until the sweat smell gets to me and I take a much needed bath but I still brush my teeth everyday. Can't go without that. I also like to keep my room clean but don't really pay attention to have everything organized, the books in alphabetical order etc.

More importantly would you sleep with XP-tan in this image considering her situation?
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>> No. 1072
I haven't bathed in 2 weeks.

And more importantly... yes, yes I would.
>> No. 1073
when I was working, everyday.
now, every two-three days.
I try to keep my room modernity organized and do care a bit.

and no.
>> No. 1074
On a semi-related note, I just recently washed my jeans. They were unwashed since July.

I try and take showers daily. Still don't know why. I'd love to not care, but if my hair is absurdly greasy, and my acne is out of control, I just don't feel good. The longest I went without washing was about 3 weeks over the summer.

My room is messy, though. Crumbs on the floor, random pictures strewn on the walls. I don't care about my room's cleanliness, though. Nobody's going to be visiting it anytime soon...

And I don't think I would sleep with XP-tan, because that would be disloyal to mai waifu.
>> No. 1075
I brush my teeth and shower everyday. I feel gross, otherwise.
>> No. 1076
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Long since passed the point of caring about cleanliness, but I still shower pretty often because hot water feels awesome.
>> No. 1078
I tend to every 3-4 days except on days I have college classes to go to I shower then outside of my regular schedule. Longest I ever went was about a week, and then I started getting pimples on my scalp and they were a pain in the ass to get rid of, lesson learned there.

I keep my room organized, with everything where its supposed to go, but by no means clean.

No, I do not have a waifu, but I have not spent a lot of time considering XP-Tans personality and would not sleep with someone I didn't love.
>> No. 1084
- bath: once a week
- brush teeth: twice a week
- laundry: once a month (or less)
- cleasing room: did it a couple months ago; it's already a mess again
- wash hands: ALWAYS, several times per day; don't care much about the rest, but I can't stand having my hands dirty.
- sleep with tan: I'm not sure what the problem is; but if that's just sweat, and within the context of the a situation (i.e. disregarding my actual life with mai waifu), yes i would.
>> No. 1095
I bathe every night and brush my teeth right before bed. My room however is a dustpit, especially my closet where dust and cobwebs are all over my clothes
>> No. 1096
I take a bath every day and I (sometimes) wash my hair twice a day.

My room, however, is messy beyond all belief. I don't really remember what was the color of my carpet.
Seriously though, I'm too lazy to keep my stuff in order. 5mm dust cover everywhere.

And no, I wouldn't.
>> No. 1100
I take many baths a day.
One before going to college, one after coming back home and one before sleeping.
Additionally I might take a bath at any point of the day if I feel sweaty or uncomfortable or if I feel like I got dirty.

On weekends if I don't go out I might spend the entire day without taking a bath until its time to sleep, then I'll take one but usually I'd take a bath when I wake up to be clean for the rest of the day.

My room is a mess because I always say " I'll clean it up later" and never do it. I've found weird stuff in it like bugs and old decomposed food among the mess but I do try to take my time to organize it all every now and then, it'll take the entire day but the room will be perfectly clean and organized after I'm done.

And I wouldn't mind sleeping with XP tan just because she looks dirty, I've had to sleep all dirty with dirty people when we go to the beach and that kind of stuff.
>> No. 1102
My sheets and pillow are stained with sweat despite me never feeling hot in bed so I can only assume I have terrible nightmares.
>> No. 1104
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When the uni semester is on, I take a shower every weekday morning. When it's the holiday period I tend to be a bit lazy and take one every three or four days. I try to brush my teeth every day. I like to stay on top of my personal hygiene, but I get lazy at times.

>Do you keep your room tidied up and organized or are you the type of person who doesn't care?

Since a young age I've kept my room clean and organized. I have mild OCD and dislike it when things are out of place or my personal order. I fucking hate dust.

>More importantly would you sleep with XP-tan in this image considering her situation?

If I were completely wasted and lost my sense of smell, then yeah. I'd rather take an intimate bath with her, though.
>> No. 1105
My room is in shambles but I know exactly where everything is so I don't care. My mom hates it though
>> No. 1118
Never bathe and I'm not very hygenic at all. But I really dislike going without a shower for any more than 3 days because my hair gets really greasy and itchy and I can't concentrate on anything.
>> No. 1120
>On weekends if I don't go out
>with dirty people when we go to the beach and that kind of stuff.

please, avoid this sort of comments; remember the rules.
>> No. 1123
Sorry they seemed like harmless things to mention, I wouldn't want to offend anyone or make them feel bad.
They do not violate any rule though, its neither a discussion nor it suggest any kind of deep interpersonal relationship with a human being. That could be assumed but its not suggested and its more like a comment only, I'm not trying to have a discussion about it.
>> No. 1130
I shower every day. I haven't gone without a shower for more than two days since I was.. I don't know, a baby? If I don't shower for one day, I get pimples in places where they've never appeared before because the pores get clogged up.

My room is dusty, but its not dirty. I own few posessions and don't have any shelves or things, so all my stuff goes on the floor in neat piles.

If thats just sweat, and those blankets haven't been washed for half a year, then yeah I would. If its excrement, then no, not on that bed and not until she has cleaned herself at least.
>> No. 1132
it's ok, then; thanks. let's rest on this.
>> No. 1141
I love the smell of my body odor. That's why I try to wash as little as possible. I can usually go half a year without bathing and three days without brushing my teeth.
>> No. 1142
>How frequently do you wash?
I shower once every few weeks.

>Do you keep your room tidied up and organized or are you the type of person who doesn't care?
My room is like a junkyard.

>More importantly would you sleep with XP-tan in this image considering her situation?
Likely not, because my smell would be much worse than hers.
>> No. 1143
I take a shower after I jog, which is every or every other day.
I'm a total woman when it comes to cleaning. Meaning that an untidy house irks me to no end.
Can't sleep without having brushed my teeth.
>> No. 1170
shower or bath every 2 days. or every day if its hot and I'm sweating or doing any kind of work.

>More importantly would you sleep with XP-tan in this image considering her situation?
no because she'd probably eat all my memories
>> No. 1184
Every other day. I don't like the feeling of being dirty, it's gross.
>> No. 1185
I usually shower once or twice a day because of how greasy my hair can get.

My room is in a perpetual state of clothes and boxes from the various packages I've received over the last year strewn everywhere. The only time I clean/reorganize my room is whenever I decide to rearrange my figures.

>More importantly would you sleep with XP-tan in this image considering her situation?
>> No. 1186
Dude, how greasy can your hair be? Twice a day?
>> No. 1187
The shower is the only place I can masturbate without worrying about my parents walking in on me.
>> No. 1193
How cramped is your house/apartment? That must suck, bro.
>> No. 1195
I shower daily because my hair gets greasy sorta quick, and teeth brushing is just part of that routine.

as for my room, if it gets sorta unbearable and/or I'm not feeling lazy, I'll clean it up, but it's been a very long time since my entire room has been clean and organized.

and more importantly, no. in fact, I would tell her to take a shower and put her clothes in the washing machine as I put new sheets on the bad
>> No. 1197
It's not cramped at all my parents just don't knock
>> No. 1268
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Daily. I tried to bathe less often, but I have an oily skin and got acne everywhere.

I like to keep order around me. It makes me nervous when I'm in a mess.

If she smiled like that, I would.
>> No. 1269
I keep my room organized enough so that I can find things in less than a minute. But my hygiene?

What hygiene?

Well, ok, it's not THAT bad, I do shower once or twice a week depending on what I'm doing, maybe even 4 or 5 times, but that's about as far as it goes.
>> No. 1271
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Often, because bubble baths are the only thing that keep me sane these days
>> No. 1504
Every day I hop in the bath and rip the bong.

And, yes, I would wreck her ass. Hard.
>> No. 1515
Shower twice a day.
Clean my room daily.
Vacuum my apartment daily.
Dust furniture every other day.
Keep no food waste in my apartment, always goes in outside dumpster.
Anything less and I will go crazy.
>> No. 1516
Hey! I'm rewatching this in my other monitor and now I can see clearly wtf is going on...
No, I wouldn't sleep with the tan.
>> No. 1526
Kinda OCD about all the above. Bad smells are poison to my fucking chi.
>> No. 1854
Yes, I shower twice a day, I feel sick if I can smell myself.
Also, I can't let the room gather dust because of my figs.
>> No. 1858
>I can go four to five days without washing
Me too, why should i take a bath if i never sweat? and i'm very careful when i fap, semen never touches my body.

I clean my room only once every month when there is too much dust on my desk and on the floor.
>> No. 1877
Skin grease accumulates, dust accumulates, you sweat a little even if you don't realise it and shit sticks to your ass no matter how well you wipe it.

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