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File 129158574840.jpg - (118.78KB , 760x535 , walking-dead-amc5.jpg )
1070 No. 1070
You guys like The Walking Dead? Marathon of all episodes on right now on AMC.
>> No. 1080
Yeah, it's entertaining.
It was based off a comic, right?
>> No. 1094
Yeah, but the comic is apparently pretty different from what I hear.
>> No. 1101
I felt sorry for the guy that got bit and tried to resist the zombification because I always feel like if there was a zombie holocaust I'd be of the first to get bitten. I'm special though, I'd totally resist it.
>> No. 1103
I'd probably be one of the first people to kill themselves if this happened. Shit I can barely stand living in the normal world
>> No. 1119
I'd imagine many would rather kill themselves than become zombies. You should wait just in case the government comes up with a cure or something.
>> No. 1121

We need a zombie holocaust to decrease population on earth.
>> No. 1122
I'd rather it be some deadly STD. Like AIDS only not transmitted any way but sex
>> No. 1124
Holocaust? Don't you mean apocalypse?

Anyways I heard good things from this series but I still have Battlestar Galactica to watch, so it'll have to wait.
>> No. 1125
but it'd explode zombie population exponencially, and we don't have enough studies yet about zombie's influence on ecosistems.
>> No. 1126

But we could just kill the zombies.
No one would care about that.
>> No. 1128
All things considered life on earth, normal and undead, would be lower than life at the moment and thus would still achieve the "decrease population".

And yeah, eventually all the zombies would re die so the result will be a lower population.
>> No. 1129
holocaust = sacrifice to Haruhi* on wich everything is burned out (even the altar).
apocalypse = revelation

so probaly a better term to use would be PWNage Day.

[*we really need some wordfiltering back]
>> No. 1144
It is different. Some characters aren't in it, they stay in Atlanta far less time and some characters aren't given as much back stories (Morgan trying to shoot his wife for example).
But the comic is good and the tv series is a faithgul adaptation. The comic might seem to drag at some places but stick with it at least until #48. Motherfucking #48...

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