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File 129297008259.jpg - (295.59KB , 850x1200 , 1291159666747.jpg )
978 No. 978
I remember back on the old old days when I got upgraded to a 14.4 modem and I could finally download text faster than I could read it. I mention this right now because currently I am acquiring 205 minutes of anime and the whole exchange is taking about 18 minutes.
How you cope with the realities of modern data change efficiency?

One another note, I recently decided that it would be a good idea to draw realistic noses onto cute anime girls (see photo for example). Do you feel that this is a potential artistic improvement to an art style that is quickly becoming formulaic? I was happy earlier in the year when I saw House of Five Leaves and how they'd gone to the trouble to invent new, quality art for the show, but a lot of other shows are all so similar that its nearly impossible to tell the characters from one show apart from the characters of another.
This is why I feel that its time for the nose revolution.
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>> No. 979
File 129297026072.jpg - (170.60KB , 1280x720 , ristorante_paradiso.jpg )
That style wasn't unique to HoFL.

Still, Fukumoto noses are better than all other noses.
>> No. 980
File 129297142717.jpg - (76.72KB , 426x357 , 134324314.jpg )
Noses? In my anime!?
>> No. 981
File 129297185784.png - (226.76KB , 809x551 , 1244103835117.png )
>> No. 982

So... what anime is that?
>> No. 985
File 129297669074.jpg - (47.67KB , 450x395 , akagi.jpg )
I'll be nice and not fault you for not knowing what Akagi is.

It's a mahjong/psychological anime, and one of the best there is. Go ahead and watch it now, you won't be disappointed.
>> No. 987
Thanks for reminding me that I'd been meaning to see Ristorante Paradiso, but had not yet accomplished the task
>> No. 988
You really should. It's a top tier series.
>> No. 989

Oooh I remember that guy.

Gintama made a parody of that in a mahjong episode. I didn't know the anime was real.
>> No. 1002
as a kid I remember waiting for what seemed a really long time for like a 5 MB file.
>> No. 1022
File 129320722438.png - (120.10KB , 263x455 , sakaiji.png )
Damn right.

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