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File 133791010797.jpg - (91.49KB , 522x735 , 7ee18069dabb76acbc2cf61b06a9617d.jpg )
9764 No. 9764 [Edit]
How is there not a thread on this yet?

I haven't seen anything this good in a while. Urabe's seiyuu is superior.
>> No. 9766 [Edit]
>> No. 9778 [Edit]
all the guy did was post a link to the thread, calm the hell down
>> No. 9779 [Edit]
Yukkuri shiteitte ne!
>> No. 9780 [Edit]
You do realize of course, OP asked how there was not a thread on this yet, right?
>> No. 9782 [Edit]
It's not like the board is moving so fast you can't go back a page or two. Calm down. Take it easy.
>> No. 9783 [Edit]

I think he was just joking.

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