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974 No. 974
This thread is about shit shows with very good opening or ending themes

I open with Usagichan de Cue!!

Unrelated pic, but lets see if you can recognize it's significance.

Yours truly,
>> No. 976
  Prime example. Crappy adaptation, plus the best OP ever.
>> No. 977
  This was the shittiest series I have seen, but the OP is badass.
>> No. 1007
Actually, regarding Minami-Ke's S1 OP, there was one thing about it that annoyed the hell out of me. Without going into too much detail on music theory, it ends on an interrupted cadence ( In other words, the ending doesn't sound like an ending at all since ending the OP with the fifth and sixth chords in the corresponding key leaves it sounding unfinished and therefore, weak. I understand that it accentuates the start of the show, since it's the episode is unfinished when the cadence is used, but it still annoys me when I hear it.
I feel better now that I got that off my mind.
Good show though.
>> No. 1009
never thought about that. forgot most things I learned about music theory, but that's an imperfect cadence right?
usually when they have that it's resolved in the full versions of songs (ie. saki 1st ed) but not the case for this one..

I still like it though, one of my favorite OP sequences.
>> No. 1016
Nah, V to vi is an interrupted (deceptive) cadence. It's usually used as a pivot point to another key, so it annoys me that it's at the end.

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