No. 9549
I found much of it to be rather strange and confusing.
especially every time she fought with her dad, I mean, it's just a poster, who's gonna see that?
and why would a poster even be that hard to get anyway? does this planet not have printers or something? anyways...
I'm willing to accept the no entertainment thing, they might have their reasons for it, but it seemed odd to that they would specify call out idols like they are in OP's pic, but that might be becuase of the concerts, I dunno.
Also odd is that they allow sports and sports are a form of entertainment right?
the kid had a soccer ball and was talking about joining a team.
but, says he latter says he wouldn't love that girl if she became an idol (I'm guessing becuase of the entertainment law) so wtf?
strangest part of the ep has to be the start of it.
Where in there was a group of like five guys trying to get past a random(?) road block to see the idols, and the solders there seemed to be on the look out for idols.
and what didn't seem to be that far of a walk away for the four little girls, (maybe they teleported) is a ginormous freaking caynon with like 500,000 people and a huge spaceship flying around blasting music that can be heard from far away with spot lights and shit.
and It's boggling the mind, I'm siting here wondering.... for one, how the hell didin't those guards or anyone else notice this large crowd forming? does AKB0048 not care if they draw attention to their underground illegal concerts? they certainly didn't seem to like the fans being endangered once the solders did show up.
and what's up with this solders, they seem offaly eager to beat up and shoot at pretty 13 year old (seemingly defenseless) girls who are just singing and dancing, that's a pretty damn douchebag thing to do.
I wonder what they'd say when they get home and are asked how work was.
"how was work today dear?"
"we rained a concerned and I got in fist fight with some little girls, they got away but I managed to beat up some concert goes"
"boy I feel good about myself! Nothing beats ruining other people's fun!"
one other thing... how is a normal girl able to run as fast as a speeding rocket train?
A girl who I might add has some powerfully weak voice acting.
How did she even get accepted? they made a big deal about it, but do they like accept every single applicant they get or something? the main character can't sing for shit, not that it seems she even submitted anything with her application anyway.
anyways, I'll certainly keep watching.
lots of wtf stuff going on, but it seems best not to dwell on it.