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File 13354390429.png - (583.88KB , 724x841 , drool.png )
9508 No. 9508 [Edit]
I've been watching Nazo no Kanojo X and it's artword reminds me of something a bit older, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is exactly. It first I thought that maybe she looked like Kaori (Tetsuo's girlfriend from Akira), but thats not it.
Anyone have any other guesses?

Anyway, it seems like a good show so far, mysterious, but not unfun, doesn't take itself too seriously and its odd, there is some creativity and weirdness in the story, its not just a rehash of clichés we're all too familiar with (the MC sits one row over from the window aisle). Future mutual tooth brushing is not out of the question in this anime.
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>> No. 9522 [Edit]
shading of the hair
>> No. 9900 [Edit]
File 133937325950.png - (298.43KB , 718x424 , SLUT.png )
Just finished episode 3 of this.

Goddamn it! What a fucking whore! NTR is the worst thing you can do to someone. If you love them, you wouldn't cheat on them ;_;
>> No. 9902 [Edit]
I'm glad that I didn't have to see it. Thank you for the warning.

I also hate whores/sluts.
>> No. 9904 [Edit]
She doesn't actually fuck/kiss the other dude, but she exchanges spit with him, which is the most intimate thing she does with her own boyfriend.

In my eyes, it's even worse in episode 4 because she does it with another girl, multiple times. Ugh... I hate NTR but lesbian NTR really hits a sore spot of mine. DROPPED
>> No. 9906 [Edit]
No wonder this has gotten popular.
>> No. 9917 [Edit]
Tried to watch episode 1 last night. It's just too lewd.
>> No. 9918 [Edit]
As someone who has read the manga and dropped it:

Shit doesn't get much more intense than a kiss. Ever. They probably won't even get that far into the anime.

It's the most boring shit imaginable. Urabe is just being unnecessarily weird and hostile to Akira to the point that I wish he would just cheat on her and drop her like the cold soulless bitch she is.

The glasses couple on the otherhand, I would watch a show centered around them. Glasses-kun has balls. He knows how to handle his lady. And his lady, in contrast, knows how to handle him.

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