No. 9486
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The low-energy motto premise was really idiotic; from just that, I thought: "this guy is even lamer than Kyon". But the thing about solving puzzles, actual or induced, looks promising; or rather: the girl, the fact that it was all in order to keep alive the initial impression he made on her (and see again DAT FACE, while she seemingly, in his eyes, blooms like Saya), makes of this show a good enough bait...
21 episodes is a long way to go, though. Let's see what becomes of this.
Also, Bach is good and all, but: Air and Cello prelude in the first episode? really? was that a direct reference to Eva, is it a common practice to put those on japanese Highschool buildings, or they simply don't have much more "classical" references at hand? I bet they're gonna use Satie, at some point (not that I don't love him, but... you know).
Post edited on 24th Apr 2012, 12:45am