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944 No. 944
Are you all ready for maximum Derping?
>> No. 949
Hell yeah, i was so disappoint when It ended with such a weird and crappy cliffhanger.
>> No. 958
More ditzy male-turned-female, substandard plot, and lots of humour? Sounds good to me. I especially agree with >>949. When I choose to watch a show, I'll follow it for bad or worse, but that ending was just plain awful. Even more-so than the ending to Omamori Himari, Seiken no Blacksmith, or what I'm predicting the end of LotLH will be like with how the pacing has been these last few episodes.
>> No. 1114
>> No. 1138
I would be excited but I dropped the show on the 2nd episode. For some reason, I really expected the main character to be a reverse-trap who becomes more girly after HENSHIN. Got disappointed and stopped watching afterwards.

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