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File 133377229595.jpg - (150.77KB , 1280x720 , [Choco] Kuromajo-san ga Tooru - 01_mkv_snapshot_00.jpg )
9255 No. 9255 [Edit]
Doubt many people are gonna be following this one, but made a thread for it all the same.

each ep is like 7 minutes long, and the quality seems a little low, just so you guys know ahead of time.
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>> No. 9256 [Edit]
Gotta say, that teacher is a fucking asshole.
Making fun of the fat kid like that as soon as he entered the class room.
>> No. 9257 [Edit]
File 133377355511.png - (1.20MB , 1280x720 , grab00154.png )
This is a great little show, despite the low budget.

I agree about the teacher, that was mean.
>> No. 9307 [Edit]

At least he ended up getting what he deserved.
>> No. 9519 [Edit]
Oh hey, a rival showed up.
That's sort of cool, I guess..
>> No. 9926 [Edit]
File 13396307076.jpg - (186.35KB , 1280x720 , [Choco] Kuromajo-san ga Tooru!! - 09 (1280x720 x26.jpg )
>> No. 10036 [Edit]
File 134033921971.jpg - (194.35KB , 1280x720 , [Choco] Kuromajo-san ga Tooru!! - 10 (1280x720 x26.jpg )
I still can't believe how corny that OP is, it's like something from a fake anime you'd see in another anime
>> No. 10037 [Edit]
File 134033991975.jpg - (181.45KB , 500x733 , 26946384.jpg )

Yeah. The low budget of this series really made an impression. It was still kind of cute, at least...
>> No. 10038 [Edit]
I also still can't believe Gyubid is a women, and it really doesn't seem like they were going for a reverse trap thing, at least not on purpose.

but I guess it makes her crush on that minotaur make a little more sense.... but just a little, it's still a god damn minotaur! jesus...
>> No. 10039 [Edit]

Yeah that was a little unexpected.

I'm not complaining though.
>> No. 10062 [Edit]
Nether am I, just thought it was strange.

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