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File 133374330465.gif - (0.97MB , 500x276 , lupin pop.gif )
9241 No. 9241 [Edit]
This show just oozes style. If the rest of the season can keep up with the first episode it's gonna be great
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>> No. 9247 [Edit]
I agree. The first episode was great.

I'm looking forward to seeing Jigen and Goemon.
>> No. 9249 [Edit]
Most of the Lupin III OVAs in recent years have been horrible, so I'm worried about trying this out. Hopefully its good.
>> No. 9250 [Edit]
ep. 1 recap

Mine Fujiko topless
>> No. 9276 [Edit]
File 133382844012.gif - (0.98MB , 500x281 , 8jo5g.gif )
>> No. 9301 [Edit]
it was still good
>> No. 9305 [Edit]
File 133398638964.jpg - (167.01KB , 1280x720 , lupin in an elevator.jpg )
>> No. 9325 [Edit]
How the hell could Mine Fujiko pull that off at the very end? I'm not sure if it was supposed to make her appear more talented or something, but Jesus, any one of the cops could have done what she did just as easily.
>> No. 9427 [Edit]
File 133485888672.jpg - (30.92KB , 620x380 , 620x380xsage_Lupin_the_Third_-_Mine_Fujiko_to_Iu_O.jpg )
>> No. 9428 [Edit]
I can't believe they almost went a whole episode without showing Fujiko's tits. This show is slipping!
>> No. 9514 [Edit]
File 133548183860.gif - (947.63KB , 500x281 , lupin blood.gif )
>> No. 9568 [Edit]
her boobs are actually getting boring by this point
>> No. 10073 [Edit]
File 134061268092.png - (632.56KB , 1280x720 , Mine Fujiko.png )
Well, I've enjoyed this so far.
>> No. 10109 [Edit]
File 134094399963.png - (813.98KB , 1280x720 , Go.png )
In my anime, this is Lupin III, Mine Fujiko

1. steal stuff everything

2. lying to policeman

3. naked all time

4. have lots of money, sugar daddy

5. sex? all time every day

6. guns, is killer

7. very smell of body, bath long time, smelling good?

Mine Fujiko=whore same

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