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File 129252947147.jpg - (531.16KB , 1400x1398 , 1292150502858.jpg )
864 No. 864
If I've never cried to any KEY adaptation or VN, does that make me heartless in a way? I may have felt a little disheartened or felt some emotion, but I hadn't cried to any of them or anything.

Also, who are the cutest KEY girls?

Who are the best KEY girls?

(Does this thread belong in /vn/, even if there is going to be a Little Busters! anime someday?)
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>> No. 865
SRSLY? not even Clannad AS? Well you're quite tought, indeed (I can only remember 2 series making me cry openly, like a baby: Clannad AS and Furuba); unless, of course, you have played the VNs first. Now: strongly enough impressions might lead to a paralizing shock, preventing you for crying (or do anything); I can safely say that the most impressive piece of anime I've ever saw, The End of Evangelion, left me just silent/cold...

On my favourite KEY girls: Nagisa, Misuzu and why-not Revi (vulnerable-dying deres; pretty much the KEY style).
>> No. 866
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I never cried to anything Key as well, it always seemed kind of cheesy by the end.

I did feel like crying when watching Tora Dora though, maybe it was a bit more poignant, or I was in a different mood at the time.

Favorite Key girls would be Akiko, Tomoyo and Nagisa.
>> No. 867
The only thing I've ever watched or read by Key is Planetarian. I don't cry easily at anything but I teared up at one part, and not at the obvious one either. It seems people like to shit on Key, but it didn't feel forced at all, at least that part.
>> No. 868
you mean her proper planetary speech/presentation, right?
>> No. 869
Yeah, that's that one.
>> No. 870
What I myself disliked (a bit) is how they sometimes forced the happy endings, like in Clannad: I was devastated, but satisfied, when everything thore apart; magic saving the day turned it like a farse. But that isn't just a problem of KEY's line in particular; lots of series tend to do that: catching start -> amazing development -> poor (forced/happy) ending.
>> No. 871

It was really moving, alright. Altough it didn't hit me that hard, cause it reminded me a bit of Carl Sagan's preeching (wich I was already not really against but skeptical about).
>> No. 872
Now for one thing, I couldn't really call them my favorites, but I tend to like Kyou, Tomoyo and Kanade. And the only main reason I didn't cry during most of Clannad (especially AS) because I couldn't stand Nagisa. On the otherhand, I almost felt disheartened and then felt warmer (well almost similar to crying in my case) during the alternate reality OVAs featuring Kyou and Tomoyo.

But I don't exactly like Kudo, but she's so HNNNNNNNNNG and adorable (also, wafu~). And Rin is starting to grow on me. She's such an adorable tsundere. And I love Ayu's verbal tic uguu~. I don't know, but sometimes I can't hold it when I want to say uguu~, it's so addictive, uguu~.

Guess I must be into tough girls/tsunderes, right? But that could mean why I am somewhat of a masochist as well.

I'm going to try Planetarian.
>> No. 873
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Reverie, by miles.
>> No. 874

>dango, dango~

Key, what have done with your public's verbal expression?
>> No. 875
I know exactly what you mean. Clannad AS made me tear up about half-way through but the end didn't give me a single emotion other than "damn it, it's over".

I also think using magic plays a big part in that too. The premise of the story holds only for as long as you are not sure that magic is indeed happening.
>> No. 876

I did cry too, sicerily, at the end of Planetarian.
>> No. 877
I hadn't watched Carl Sagan's stuff before I read Planetarian. If he was a cute chatty robot girl, though, I bet you would be less skeptical.
>> No. 878
>>874 redirects to

Damn, so far Ayu is the only KEY character to have her own wikipedia page. Just because of her uguu~
>> No. 879
>> No. 880
>couldn't stand Nagisa.
>must be into tough girls/tsunderes

Just get her drunk.
>> No. 881
But I want her to beat the shit out of me, not just yell at me.
>> No. 884
Tell her the truth, then: that you actually find Sanae kind of hot in school uniform; she might either hit you with anpan/kill with a spoon/rape you with a rake...

Nah, seriously: I do like Nagisa; I cried to her *****
>> No. 885
File 129255824426.jpg - (964.14KB , 1280x1024 , 2a084d136667c6439b7612cbfb0e445e2040c62b.jpg )
Oh, Kud, you make me go HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG.... I've never regretted by the Kud sleeves, Kud deck box and (soon to be Kud playmat)

Oh, Sanae? She's not too bad. But then again, I'm restricting myself romance candidates.
>> No. 890
They're cute man. All of them. They're very cute. You don' have to cry at them to find them cute. You just have to admit you find them cute. Be be man enough. Or drunk enough.
>> No. 895
I'm one of those 14 guys on Earth who never really cared about KEY. And I actually like slice of life series. The drama in all KEY VNs/anime adaptations always felt kind of forced to me.
>> No. 902
I'm curious as to how much you've watched or read/played of key.
>> No. 903

- watched Kanon (2006), dropped it midway through
- watched Clannad, dropped it midway through

- played Clannad, I forced myself REALLY HARD, I completed like ~2/3 (as in 66%, not 2-3; I've completed 6 at least) routes but I've got my limits and I just couldn't play it any longer
- I'm pretty sure I've also played Little Busters but I can't recall why I dropped it, probably due to time issues as I can't recall whether it was any good

I also completed Angel Beats! but only because it was mercifully short, I would've dropped it if it was 24-26 episodes long. Never tried Air, sorry Tohno. I downloaded Planetarian ages ago but I'm not sure whether I'll ever play it considering my previous experiences with KEY.

And yes, I understand that I missed pretty much everything that made those franchises popular as I didn't watch it until the end. Same thing happened with Angel Beats! - the premise was interesting and the ending was somehwat good (or rather had some good ideas, it felt rushed and forced) but everything else was boring and generic. Same thing goes for Clannad in particular - I understand that the best part of the game/anime is it's 2nd half but you can't possibly expect me to sit through all of this just to watch how things develop later on. It felt like a chore at very best.
>> No. 907
That's funny, I've hated most slice of life series I've watched, but I mostly liked Clannad. Key's drama does feel a little too strong at times, though.
>> No. 917
KEY's drama is so distinct you either love it or hate it. I happened to hate it thought I'm basing this off of CLANNAD + AS alone. Others tell me all KEY drama is the same barring Planetarian so I never bothered with anything else.
>> No. 918
It's really all the same shit, though Clannad is especially bad.
>> No. 919
KEY drama is all the same shit. If they'd cut down on that, then it could be better. I've never heard of anyone who actually enjoys KEY-style drama.
>> No. 920
Even Planeterian is basically the same. The only really unique aspect to it is the setting.
>> No. 922
is this really you, man?
>> No. 927
Can't you spot sarcasm?
>> No. 928
in here? I don't know any more...
>> No. 930
Well you were actually telling the truth, so it's understandable if he couldn't detect your sarcasm.
>> No. 933
No, I actually tought it could be you trolling in his name (and as anonymous).
>> No. 934
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On second thought, She doesn't look too bad as her past self.

But yeah, as of now:


1) Kyou (Drawn to her the most out of all the Clannad characters. Is it because of her long purple hair and tsundere behavior?)
2) Tomoyo (Same reason as Kyou, but somewhat less of a degree.)
3) Misae (if not main heroine; her past self looks GREAT), Otherwise: Kotomi.

LB (Vanilla):

1) Rin (her tsun, tsun facial reactions and her voice)
2) Kud (engrish, use of the word nano desu or desu, facial expressions and wafuu~)
3) Yuiko (kuudere, probably the only one I'd pick out of the rest.) or Mio (She's okay, I guess better than annoying girl Haruka or crybaby loli Komari.)

Keep in mind that I already completed Yuiko and Mio routes, still going to do Komari's and Rin's routes (as Haruka's and Kud's routes are still mostly untranslated).

Haven't played LB EX yet, so I have yet to decide.

By first impression, the additional heroines of LB EX- Sasami, Saya and Kanata- they all look great. Have trouble picking them based on their first impressions (even if Sasami and Kanata are bitches; and I'm leaning towards Sasami and Saya). I can't wait till they finish LB translation, and then move on to finish LBEX translation.

Didn't enjoy Kanon as much, but I did enjoy uguu~ the most. Maybe ahaha~ a little less than uguu~.

I'm sorry, but I found Air to be disappointing compared to other Key titles. So far the most enjoyable Key VN was LB.
>> No. 935
I don't think I agree. Planetarian is short, which really makes a big difference when it comes to the impact of the drama. I can swallow a few hours of that stuff, but 50+ hours (or 25-50 episodes for one of the series) is just too much, even with all the comedy in between the serious bits.

The ending was still had that forced feel to it, but all in all it wasn't too bad.
>> No. 940
That's some severe paranoia you have there.
>> No. 945
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The main girl of Rewrite, Kotori, looks like your general run of the mill main heroine from Rune Factory. She doesn't remind me of a typical KEY character at all, even if she has that typical KEY girl face. Well, the girls from Rewrite all look like RF3 characters in a way that they are all appealing in some way, and that I don't have to strongly prefer one or two girls as I did in Clannad or in Kanon. They all look equally good. (Well, they've did that before in LB EX; and first impressions do matter.) You've done it, KEY. Hopefully the storyline for Rewrite would be entertaining.

Waiting till the end of April to see this released. Do not disappoint me, KEY.
>> No. 947
I have high hopes for Rewrite with Ryu07 and Romeo Tanaka both being involved. Although it might ultimately be a more polarizing work among Key fans because of that.
>> No. 950
Just read the entire Little Busters 4koma series. I must say that I like the depictions of Haruka and Komari in the manga than in the VN. Rin is fine as always. But the Mogura Anagura version of the manga looked worse, but the girls tend to look somewhat better, especially Haruka and Kud, maybe Komari. (But then again, Kud always looks cute anyway.) The rest were just meh.

As for Ryukishi07 and Romeo Tanaka being involved in Rewrite, I don't mind anything about that, as I enjoyed their works. But I guess there are KEY fans who dislike Ryukishi07 and/or Romeo Tanaka. Guess it can't be helped.
>> No. 990
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They are going to make a Angel Beats VN someday (presumably after Rewrite as there is no green light yet), from what I've heard. But the idea of love in the afterlife is odd, they'll disappear and you'd... oh wait.

Shiina is awfully cute, despite that cold demeanor of hers. I don't know, but I tend to prefer the post-Clannad Key girls over the pre-Little Busters Key girls, now looking back on things.

I admit that Planetarian did make me have a tear in my eye. ;_; And I don't cry normally to Key series.

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