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File 132945458753.png - (146.57KB , 512x384 , Untitled.png )
8561 No. 8561 [Edit]
whats your all-time favorite shojo/josei show?
mine is fruits basket
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>> No. 8562 [Edit]
That is one horrible image edit.
>> No. 8563 [Edit]
File 132945954098.png - (1.26MB , 800x786 , Kurigehime.png )
>> No. 8565 [Edit]
Fruits basket, indeed.
>> No. 8566 [Edit]
File 13294659039.jpg - (99.49KB , 480x360 , rov.jpg )
Gotta go with Rose of Versailles. Couldn't help but consume it in chunks of 10 episodes or more when I first watched it. Shit's addictive.
>> No. 8567 [Edit]
File 132947491324.jpg - (24.54KB , 500x296 , cnn-logo.jpg )
Although this thread is still ongoing, a combination of exit polling and strong early results has allowed CNN to project Fruits Basket as the winner.
>> No. 8568 [Edit]
Nice try.
>> No. 8572 [Edit]
If you're just asking about my favorite then I'd have to go with Tutu. However, >>8566 is very, VERY close (seriously, go watch Berubara now ifm you haven't already, it beats everything that came out over last ~3 years by a landslide) and Natsume is pretty good.

Aside from that Nodame, Nana, xxxHolic, Ouran. I thought Michiko e Hatchin was pretty good but barely anyone who watched it as it aired finished it and opinions were pretty negative period (which doesn't surprise me, I understand why people thought the main heroine was unlikeable and hell, I agree).

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