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File 129246050559.gif - (254.70KB , 704x392 , a.gif )
845 No. 845 [Edit]
Less than three days until the Haruhi DVD is out!!!
Expand all images
>> No. 847 [Edit]

I didn't even watch the second season yet.
>> No. 848 [Edit]
File 129246071280.jpg - (12.73KB , 284x285 , chan.jpg )
Can't wait. I've been holding off on watching it until the rip is out. As a side note that is a really bad gif
>> No. 849 [Edit]
File 129246089959.png - (74.04KB , 283x270 , 1234660432348.png )
>> No. 850 [Edit]
File 129246237824.png - (225.21KB , 368x208 , shot0005.png )
As the author of that .gif, I have to agree with you, however its not my fault those bitches used more than 256 colors to make that scene (3rd to last scene of E8), nor am I responsible for the fact that I use a shitty app to make gifs.
>> No. 851 [Edit]

>nor am I responsible for the fact that I use a shitty app

Yes you are.
>> No. 852 [Edit]
Really looking forward to it. It's been a long wait, since I held off on watching the cam-rip.
>> No. 855 [Edit]
Real men watch Endless Eight in BD all day.
>> No. 856 [Edit]
I think that was the joke.
>> No. 858 [Edit]
I couldn't wait and watched it in camrip long ago; but sure is gonna be nice to see it propperly.
>> No. 882 [Edit]
well, its actually a pretty old gif. it was nice when it was fresh, but its got a lot of wear and tear now, as you can see. i've posted it a lot and spent too many hours with my laptop on my chest and this gif running full screened. its taken a beating for sure, but it still runs so i haven't replaced it yet.
>> No. 891 [Edit]
Did you try taking it in for repairs? That level of damage shouldn't be too expensive to fix.
>> No. 894 [Edit]
Am I the only one who couldn't care lees? I never liked Haruhi. I forced myself to watch the first season (I would drop it by ep 3 if it wasn't this popular) because I thought I'm missing something but after that I never really tried watching or reading anything Haruhi-relted ever again.
>> No. 896 [Edit]
but didn't you then, at least, enjoyed Lucky Star a bit better?
>> No. 897 [Edit]
The main series is pretty...not as great as people say, but I rather enjoyed this movie.
>> No. 898 [Edit]

Yeah, Lucky Star was decent but it definitely didn't deserve all the hype it got, too. But the characters grew on me and overall I can say I enjoyed it.

I guess KyoAni just rubs me the wrong way in general, not sure why, though.
>> No. 899 [Edit]
Out of the three Kyo-Ani series:

Haruhi was meh
I dropped Lucky Star
I enjoyed both seasons of K-ON.
>> No. 900 [Edit]
File 129259656112.png - (388.27KB , 1408x800 , nyoron-churuya.png )
I confess I enjoyed them all, a lot.

900 get.
>> No. 901 [Edit]
>Haruhi was meh
>I dropped Lucky Star
>I enjoyed both seasons of K-ON.

I did and felt exactly the same thing..
>> No. 904 [Edit]
Read the novels. I've yet to watch the series myself, but the novels are great.

>dropped lucky star

Am i one of the rare few who has loved every kyoani anime i've seen or something?
>> No. 905 [Edit]

>Read the novels.

Reading light novels doesn't sound like the best idea. If I'm reading I might as well read something good instead. Same goes for VNs. Of course that's only my opinion.


>Am i one of the rare few who has loved every kyoani anime i've seen or something?

That may be the case.

By the way.
Disliked Haruhi, dropped K-ON! after 5 or so episodes. Finished Lucky Star but that was like 3 years ago and I think I would've dropped it had I watched it now.
>> No. 906 [Edit]

I loved Lucky Star.

It's still my favorite slice of life anime, I'd love to see a second season.
>> No. 912 [Edit]
>loved Lucky Star... favorite slice of life

Same here; and I did love Azumanga, Ichigo and K-ON as well; but somehow Lucky really grow on me probably because I watched it first, love topical humor and I'm a maniac of referencing myself.

I didn't go crazy about it, but the first season of Haruhi was OK (apealing -goddess- tsundere, interesting/diferent dymanic; liked the ending); the second was disappointing, and not because of the endless 8 but for just being filling material. The movie was really nice (beautiful art; sweet/interesting development of Yuki; neat OST: I always loved the Gymnopedies and Gnossiennes)
>> No. 913 [Edit]
File 129263915915.jpg - (150.94KB , 468x650 , crucifictionL1603_468x650.jpg )
there are a ton of raws out now, for all of the moonspeakers here. you can also use the softsubs from the bootleg, if you have the bootleg.
>> No. 914 [Edit]
>Reading light novels doesn't sound like the best idea. If I'm reading I might as well read something good instead.
Yeah, light novels are pansy shit. I only read the good stuff, like the dictionary.
>> No. 915 [Edit]
After all, dialog is the weakest part of any story, so it only makes sense that they would suck. If they were Tolkien-esque descriptive, I might consider reading one of these books for the plebs. Until then, lowly animals are the only ones who would contaminate their retina with these rancid, garbage-incarnates that we call light novels.
>> No. 924 [Edit]
File 129264376559.png - (290.17KB , 580x650 , c29846fa2ab5113aa51a5f2cae6bba0a644b9d8b.png )
>> No. 929 [Edit]
File 129265239454.jpg - (295.24KB , 667x682 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
>> No. 937 [Edit]
Its our already right?
Heard mazui had subs.
>> No. 939 [Edit]
Only 1080p so far though. (which i would download if i could take advantage of it and more space)
>> No. 941 [Edit]
Yeah I can't download this (sloooow). Oh well, I was planning on watching it when my parents go out anyway (so I can use my speakers instead of headphones) which probably won't be for another week or so
>> No. 966 [Edit]
there is a 704x400 AVI now thats about about 2.7 Gb smaller than the 1080p
>> No. 986 [Edit]
File 129297670098.jpg - (350.95KB , 1362x765 , yuki.jpg )
>> No. 995 [Edit]
It makes sense in the context. He was referring to the snow, and she thought he was calling her by her first name.
>> No. 1000 [Edit]
File 129301730010.jpg - (165.38KB , 1362x765 , 129297670098.jpg )

you should download from a more reputable fansubber next time.
>> No. 1001 [Edit]
I understood the purpose, it was just such a needless distraction. You're in the middle of a really nice scene, absorbed in what's happening and then out of nowhere some translator's note pops up and ruins the mood.

I thought it was so needless too. Yuki seems like a pretty simple and commonly understood word, not to mention that after Kyon says it there is a shot of the snow coming down. It seems like even if you didn't know that yuki meant snow you could've easily understood based on the context of its use within the scene.

Oh well, other than that one thing I thought the Mazui subs were fine. Although I don't know Japanese, so there could have been translation errors and whatnot.
>> No. 1076 [Edit]
The way I understand it, there are Mazui's subs, and also an Anonsubs at 720p without the entry-level TLNotes. I don't have a link, but I remember it was on megaupload.
>> No. 1086 [Edit]
I finally watched it and good god what a fantastic film. Everything about it
>> No. 1095 [Edit]
So can anyone confirm whether or not the Blu Ray has English subs? I really dug Disappearance and I'm considering picking up the import if it does.

Then again, it'll probably get put out Stateside so maybe I should wait. Any word on a domestic release?
>> No. 1455 [Edit]
That was a top quality 1000th post on this board.
Original, comic photoshop work and a snarky remark to accompany it and text formatting and an excellent post number all rolled into one awesome post.
this might be the best single post i've ever seen on any imageboard (although i can't read japanese and i suspect that their posting abilities would make my head spin and put the rest of us regular posters to shame, nevertheless, 1000-san did a great job).
>> No. 1458 [Edit]
I can confirm the japanese BR has english subtitles.
>> No. 2379 [Edit]
File 12995259586.png - (903.31KB , 640x480 , shot0002.png )
Last night I unexpectedly lol'd at this moment in the penultimate ep of Yakitate Japan because of the minor shitstorm over "yuki means snow"
>> No. 2380 [Edit]

Well, it does make sense if the guy was making a word play.
>> No. 2381 [Edit]
Who subbed this? I recognize that little drop-down TL note box.
>> No. 2382 [Edit]
i think it was anime-empire

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