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File 129243582118.jpg - (2.26MB , 1500x2600 , 1292433137218.jpg )
831 No. 831 [Edit]
Yeah it's rather early, but it's looking to be legitimate so far.
Some pretty good stuff showing to air too, glad TWGOK isn't going to be gone for too long.

I hope it's real at least, cause Hidan no Aira anime makes me happy.
Expand all images
>> No. 832 [Edit]
It's more than early. Half of that is going to be wrong by the time the season starts.
>> No. 833 [Edit]
As long as Hiden no Aria is true and TWGOK airs, i don't even care if the rest of this chart is wrong.

I figured it'd make for some nice theorycrafting and something to discuss for the people saying that winter is going to be shit.
>> No. 835 [Edit]

Winter is going to be average and from the looks of it same goes for Spring. It's just that many people felt that Summer 2010 was terribly bad and Fall 2010 exceptionally good. Other than that, seasons are usually more or less the same (in my opinion).

If the chart it true I'll be watching:

- maybe Moshidora as it looks like it could be a funny lighthearted comedy
- 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku out of curiosity and for laughs (I've always had an interest in those books, they sold like crazy)
- Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko looks interesting, but then again SHAFT
- Hana-Saku Iroha because Kishida Mel
- maybe Deadman Wonderland; not so sure, since I've read the manga

Overall probably 4-5 - just like always, that's about my average (I've seen 4 in Winter, 4 in Spring and 3 in Summer; Fall is an exception at 10).
... Well, maybe it does look a little better than Winter.
>> No. 841 [Edit]
Only somewhat interested in Appleseed, Hidan no Aria, and Hana-Saku Iroha at the moment.

And PRECURE ALLSTARS DX3 of course, but we wont see that for a loooong time.
>> No. 843 [Edit]
I'd like to see the new Appleseed. Been a while since anyone made a GOOD sci-fi series...at least 3 years to my recollection.

30-sai no Hoken Taiiku also looks like it will be hilariously satirical, like Ore no Imouto.
>> No. 892 [Edit]

>30-sai no Hoken Taiiku also looks like it will be hilariously satirical, like Ore no Imouto.

I'm not sure but I think you're misunderstanding something - they're dead serious about this. I expect it to be pretty funny, too, but not in a 'satirical' way.
>> No. 921 [Edit]
So no one is still following Gintama?
>> No. 923 [Edit]
I haven't watched the first one and downloading 201 episodes would take forever and a ton of HDD space.
i'd probably just stream it at some point.
>> No. 925 [Edit]

Yeah I usually do that with long series, but it's comedy, so watching it all in one go kinda takes away all the fun.
>> No. 926 [Edit]
True, but i only plan on watching a few episodes at a time anyways.
I still have a fuck ton of other anime to watch anyways, it might be something for when i need a laugh or three.
>> No. 959 [Edit]

Hopefully they'll do a good job with this adaptation. Honestly, I'd thought I wouldn't be able to experience steins;gate for at least 2+ years until the VN has been translated, so this is a great news. Is White Fox animation studio any good? I haven't watched any of their stuff but it seems like a new and uprising studio.
>> No. 960 [Edit]

I expect it to be just as bad as Chaos;Head's adaptiation was. I'd like to red the VN if it's gonna be translated some day but I definitely won't watch the anime.
>> No. 961 [Edit]
File 129286342848.png - (389.29KB , 1018x708 , hyougemono.png )
HOLY SHIT, Hyougemono is getting an anime adaptation!? Never thought this would get one, considering its sales can't be as high as a lot of other manga which are actually popular.

>Bee Train
MOTHERFUCKER. Great, now all my hopes have gone to the shitter.

I'm honestly pretty much disinterested in this season, which might be a good thing since I'd rather devote the time I normally use to watching recent anime to watching older anime or reading manga instead. Still, despite my lack of enthusiasm, I know I'll probably end up trying out one or two series.

Oh, and I guess I might as well try out Deadman Wonderland since I read the manga.
>> No. 965 [Edit]
I'm definitely holding off on watching it. If it's as good as everyone says it is, I'm not going to spoil it by watching the, what will likely be, subpar adaptation. I'll be doing the same for Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai.
>> No. 1907 [Edit]
Looks like a rather weak and uninteresting season, but then i thought the same about this one, so I don't know, I'm not planing on watching much, maybe I'll get a good chance this coming season to catch up on my backlog.
>> No. 1910 [Edit]
Isn't Kaiji season 2 airing in April? I don't see it on the list.

also >30-sai no Hoken Taiiku

oh god
>> No. 1912 [Edit]
This is a two month old thread. Not sure why Tohno bothered to bump it all of sudden.
>> No. 1913 [Edit]
The anime on this chart is still not out as of yet right?
and you know not everyone might have seen this thread when it was made, in case you didn't see the posts in the same thread made earlier today.
>> No. 1914 [Edit]
Leave it to me to not look at timestamps. derp.
>> No. 2267 [Edit]
File 129872662318.jpg - (2.24MB , 1787x3525 , 20110127_spring_guide.jpg )
Almost final version. A whopping 40 anime are listed (as opposed to 20 which are currently airing) so there's plenty to choose from.

Updated list of shows I'll be watching (and by watching I mean downloading after they finish airing so I can marathon them):

Definitely watching:
- Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
- Maria Holic S2
- TWGoK S2
- Hyouge Mono
- 30-sai no Hoken

Most likely (90%) watching:
- Moshidora
- [C] (plot synopsis completely failed to grab my attention so I wasn't interested at first but then I found out that ti's done by the same staff that brought us Mononoke and Kuuchuu Buranko)

Might watch (~50%):
- Hanasaku Iroha (Kishida Mel's designs + Omigawa Chiaki as a tsundere)
- Kaiji S2
>> No. 2268 [Edit]

Also forgot to add to Iroha (and I can't delete posts with images for some reason):

- eye candy
- will lag as hell on my stone age PC
>> No. 2271 [Edit]
Will Give a Shot:
- Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai
- [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
- Hen Zemi
- Steins;Gate
- Maybe if /tc/ is abuzz about some shows it will spark my interest like it did with Madoka, so anything else is potentially on the list
>> No. 2272 [Edit]
Kaiji season 2: It's about fucking time. Definitely watching.

Toriko: Manly food anime. Definitely watching.

Hyouge Mono: Manly tea anime. Definitely watching.

Appleseed: The 1988 Appleseed OVA was one of the first anime I ever saw. It holds a special place in my heart, and I like I.G.'s adaptation of Masamune Shirow's other manga (GitS), so I'll be checking this out.

Showa Monogatari: Another attempt at mainstream anime. Will check it out.

Tiger&Bunny: "New advertising method"? I'm sold.

Dororon: An adaptation of a Go Nagai work that isn't a rehash of the shit he pumped out in the 70's. Checking this out.

Nichijou: I wasn't going to watch this until I realized the girl in the picture has a wind-up key in her back.

[C]: The director of Mononoke, a new noitaminA anime. Sold.

Deadman Wonderland: The summary for this show is sufficiently ludicrous to draw my interests.

The rest: I'll probably end up at least trying out the rest of the shows (even the sock monkey one). All in all I find more in spring to interest me than winter. Looking forward to it.
>> No. 2273 [Edit]
Deadman Wonderland
>I've been waiting for this since spring
>One of the best shows I've seen in my life, in general TV, not just strictly /an/ stuff.

Denpa Onna
>depends on reactions, really

>doesn't season 1 get worse as it goes?

Steins;Gate seems good, but I never really got into Chaos;Head. Maybe I'll rewatch it.

And what on earth happened to Despera? Hasn't it been, like two years since it's been announced?
>> No. 2274 [Edit]

>And what on earth happened to Despera? Hasn't it been, like two years since it's been announced?

Nakamura Ryutaro (the director) is sick, they're waiting for him to recover.
Also, the anime was supposed to start airing after the manga finishes it's run, not sure if it's done yet.
>> No. 2275 [Edit]
I never look at the movies section as I'll have to wait until they'll be released on BD either way but holy shit, Buddha is getting adapted to a movie... No way. Here's some hope to see Apollo no Uta get properly adapted, too. Unexpected adaptations everywhere recently.
>> No. 2299 [Edit]
That totally sucks. It looks like it has the potential to be one of my favorite series of the last 5-ish years. It got it's title from a Dadaist poet, it features anachronistic technology, and on top of all that, it's made by the same team who made Lain.

But whatever, I can wait another two years, I guess.
>> No. 2305 [Edit]
File 129895727080.jpg - (4.37MB , 1203x3168 , Spring-2011-v3.jpg )
Most recent updated chart update from Chartfag's successor (http://thecartdriver.com/charts/).

The winter season felt unusually quick. We're only a month away from what looks like an awesome spring season.
>> No. 2306 [Edit]
That green is a eye sore.
>> No. 2308 [Edit]
I agree, less time cart driving and more time colortheoring'in.
>> No. 2309 [Edit]
File 129899275230.jpg - (3.94MB , 1203x3168 , chart.jpg )
>> No. 2310 [Edit]
I'll be definitely watching at least 8 and maybe a few others. Fuck, I'd better catch up with this season first...
>> No. 2776 [Edit]
File 130182166421.jpg - (2.63MB , 1787x4075 , 1300724950107.jpg )
Bump because April.
>> No. 2777 [Edit]

Suddenly, EVERYTHING airs on Thursdays. Seriously, we're talking 10 shows here - that's a bit of an overkill.


>Denpa Onna @ 25:55
>Maria Holic @ 26:15

Somebody went full retard right there.
>> No. 2778 [Edit]
This season is seriously packed. I know I'm going to end up watching at least a couple episodes of 30ish shows.
>> No. 2779 [Edit]
when is fate zero coming out
>> No. 2780 [Edit]
There's a lot of anime but probably fewer shows I'm interested in than Winter had.
>> No. 2781 [Edit]
Hen Zemi
Deadman Wonderland
and 30sai, just because. There's just too much this season.
>> No. 2782 [Edit]
Im just going to follow only Kaiji. My internet is shit and I have to rely on leeched university wireless.

I somehow expect that it won't be as intense as the first season. Mainly because i already read the manga..
>> No. 2784 [Edit]
I probably won't see anything at all, but I'd LIKE to see Maria+Holic, Nichijou, and Deadman Wonderland.
>> No. 2791 [Edit]
Dropping Hen Zemi, it's fucking stupid. I like Nichijou already though.
>> No. 2934 [Edit]

Hm, most of the shows have so far aired, excluding a few. Most of them kinda suck. Tiger & Bunny seemed like it might be a fun sci-fi thing. The setting even oddly resembles Deux Ex 3 to very minute details. To top that off...there's a ton of Pepsi advertisements in this show.
>> No. 2935 [Edit]
I'm still waiting for TWGOK and Lotte no Omocha. It looks like those and Nichijou are going to be my animes for the season, unless lotte turns out to be awful.
>> No. 2940 [Edit]
Not even half the shows scheduled for this season have aired yet. Unless you mean just shows that you're interested in.
>> No. 2958 [Edit]
The idolm@ster anime is coming this summer, right? For some reason, I thought that it was going to be airing this spring...
>> No. 2959 [Edit]
Yeah I watched the first Hen Zemi OVA and it was pretty awful.
>> No. 2961 [Edit]
File 130229585411.jpg - (94.90KB , 1280x720 , [Epic-Raws] Hyouge Mono - 01 (NHK-BS Premium x264 .jpg )
Yup, I just knew that they'd fuck it up. If I had to sum up the Hyougemono anime with one word, it'd be "stiff." Stiff animation, stiff execution, stiff everything. This is exactly what happens when incompetent people with no sense for timing try to adapt a manga thinking that it'll turn out alright as long as they make things "faithful." A lot of the fault may be credited to budget issues but come on.

And what the hell was up with that boat scene in the end? Out of all the things to change, you make Oda interrogate Furuta for no real reason? Way to go in ruining the mangaka's characterization, Bee Train. Way to go.
>> No. 2963 [Edit]
Oh, but the OP and ED song was quite nice so it wasn't a total waste of time.
>> No. 2964 [Edit]
30sai look like Nounanka Sedai art to anyone else?
>> No. 3057 [Edit]
My impressions of what I've watched so far:

Tiger & Bunny
Really impressive in general. I like the action, the animation and the comedy. The CGI in particular looks awesome.

Kind of disappointing. The show is really lacking in action and heavy on the Cyclops emoness. The art and animation look good though. I might give episode 2 a chance.

Kaiji S2
I kinda spoiled myself by reading the manga, but I think I'll continue watching for the time being. I really want to see Ichijou in animated form.

The other shows I'm planning on watching are Maria Holic S2 and Nichijou.
>> No. 3058 [Edit]
I hope that Mahouka koukou no Rettousei gets an anime somewhere around next year. Siscon bro + Brocon sis + MAGIC everywhere = win.
>> No. 3333 [Edit]
File 130308969985.jpg - (92.86KB , 1095x618 , iup2240.jpg )
Anyone know what this is from? If it's from the current season?
>> No. 3334 [Edit]
tiger and bunny, she's on the chart you're replying to even...

That said I'd avoid it since it's ripe with CG.
>> No. 3336 [Edit]
It has a lot of CG but it (the CG) isn't too bad and the show itself is definitely watchable to say the least despite what everyone (including me) thought prior to its airing.
>> No. 3337 [Edit]
The CG in Tiger & Bunny isn't bad or anything. It's not even noticeable really. What's more annoying is the real life advertisements used in the show, they're everywhere.
>> No. 3338 [Edit]
But that's kind of part of the show's plot.
>> No. 3339 [Edit]
File 130309539359.jpg - (151.96KB , 1280x720 , Tiger & Bunny - 01 [39E1E59A]_mkv.jpg )
I just watched the first episode and liked it. What's with all the product placement though?
>> No. 3340 [Edit]
The heroes themselves are sponsored by businesses and the whole superhero thing has devolved into more of an entertainment and advertising business. Did it not say that in ep 1?
>> No. 3341 [Edit]
According to what it says on the chart:
>The show intends to make use of the new advertisement method called "Character Placement". It allows the sponsors of the anime to put their logos on the characters.

I hope it doesn't catch on.
>> No. 3342 [Edit]
It did but this is the first time I've seen so many advertisements in a single anime, apart from the usual Pizza Hut. I guess it pays for all the CG and stuff. I'll watch episode 2 to get a better idea.

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