>'60s setting >Shinichiro Watanabe >Yoko Kanno PV: Aww yeah. I don't even care if the story turns out to be utter shit (which I highly doubt), this show's going to be a blast to watch.
I liked Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo back when I was first getting into anime (the days where I only watched what was on TV), but I only care about cute girls these days. I'm sure it's soundtrack will be worth checking out though
Good thing I'm the opposite of the guy above me and only liked cute girls when I was getting into anime. 3, 2, 1, lets jam.
>>8307 >>8314 I don't really care either way. I'd still be just as stoked if it were about cute girls doing jazz.
That dude reeks of bro. I will have to check it out for that purpose.
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