No. 9117
whelp, that was a bit of a disappointing way to end the whole series ...by ending it as if it wasn't the last season.
They did say this would be the last season right? pretty sure I've heard it would be.
I know it's nothing new for anime to end on unfinished notes, but still, that's usually because they're based on some unfinished manga or might just continue the story another time.
and that to me is how they seemed to approached this season, most of it could almost be considered filler.
I don't think they really did much of anything with the "Book of Friends." at all this season did they?
The way they started the season off dealing with the Matoba clan made me think they might actually take care of the lingering loose ends, but then they sort of just dropped it...
Like, does Natsume give out all the pages of the book in the end? and would Madara leave him (or eat him) if he did?
Will Natsume ever end up working with Natori?
I guess we won't know unless they actually do keep this show going.
The manga is still going right?
Somehow I get the feeling none of that stuff will ever get resolved.
I also find it a bit odd that in spite of being in the OP, that fox kid didn't have so much as a cameo appearance this season.