No. 8371
It's not her fault everyone keeps bullying her.
It's making me start to hate this show now and the world. ;_;
although, it's not like the first season didn't have a little bit of this stuff.
Cordelia had that thing with getting trapped in that coffin with twenty.
Sherlock had that whole dominatrix thing.
all Hercule had in the first season was some questionable poses during twister I think.
and Nero when she sold her body for a candy bar.
but still ;_;
I swear, it's like people who make anime hate nice girls, they always shit all over them.
(if I wasn't so lazy, I'd gather up a bunch of proof, since I see this a lot)
In most cases, it's to play the pity card and make you feel even more sorry for the character, than you would if the same thing happened to, say, a dirty ugly bitch.
In cases like this on the other hand, it seems more like spite, probably because some writer has personal issues, probably steaming from rejection or loss, or maybe even trying to piss off fans for the fun of it.
Post edited on 3rd Feb 2012, 12:21am