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File 132590749841.jpg - (183.57KB , 1280x720 , yasuna hand.jpg )
8012 No. 8012 [Edit]
Definitely one of the odder shows this season
Expand all images
>> No. 8013 [Edit]
I am so excited.
>> No. 8015 [Edit]
File 132591144077.jpg - (140.70KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_01_[h264-720p][99001B5A.jpg )
Sonya is so cute.
>> No. 8016 [Edit]
I thought it was pretty average until the ninja girl showed up. My favorite show of the season so far. It's too cute.
>> No. 8018 [Edit]
It's OK. I'm not following anything else this season though so I guess it's my favorite!
>> No. 8020 [Edit]
Not sure if I only chuckled a few times because I already read the manga or the comic timing was off, but all the VAs did a great job in the first episode. Also, I like the director's choice for both the OP and ED content.
>> No. 8023 [Edit]

I thought the voices were really... obviously acting.
>> No. 8024 [Edit]
Huh, interesting. Other than the screaming, it all sounded good to me.
>> No. 8025 [Edit]
I like how the ED has the dance from the first tankoubon omake, the one that looks like it can't be done even in animation. Challenge completed, I guess.
>> No. 8026 [Edit]
It started!

I like how they decided to show off Sonya's cuteness to make her seem a little less harsh.

I hope that this show does well.

Post edited on 7th Jan 2012, 5:13am
>> No. 8034 [Edit]
I'm hooked after only the first episode. This show is so cute.
>> No. 8035 [Edit]
First episode was really boring and not really even funny. I will watch next episode too but I will probably drop if after that.
>> No. 8036 [Edit]
File 132598004744.jpg - (108.11KB , 1280x720 , [Muteki]_Kill_Me_Baby!_-_01_[10bit][1280x720][AAC].jpg )
nice desu ne
>> No. 8042 [Edit]

she looks stoned
>> No. 8059 [Edit]
>> No. 8074 [Edit]
So far the ED is better than the show
>> No. 8075 [Edit]
I agree, and I didn't even think the ED was that good.
>> No. 8078 [Edit]
The only thing that kept me reading the manga was Agiri. Yasuna and Sonya have their funny moments, but it's Agiri that I find hilarious.
I agree. In the manga Sonya always seems pissed off; I like the mellower anime Sonya better.
>> No. 8134 [Edit]
File 13264956475.png - (925.83KB , 1280x800 , Salvation.png )
Your new god. Offer her sacrifices, for she is worthy of praise, the idiotic, the cute: Yasuna, goddess of hide 'n' seek and misfortune.
>> No. 8135 [Edit]
File 132650769587.jpg - (115.44KB , 1280x720 , agiri.jpg )
>> No. 8136 [Edit]
File 132650874691.jpg - (132.10KB , 1280x720 , littlegirl.jpg )
This episode was funnier and cuter than the last one, I guess I'll stick with this show
>> No. 8154 [Edit]
File 132668441791.jpg - (117.72KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_02_[h264-720p][3580DEEE.jpg )
I'm enjoying it so far.
>> No. 8155 [Edit]
I've never dropped anything so quickly. Good lord....
>> No. 8156 [Edit]
second ep wasn't as bad...
>> No. 8160 [Edit]
You shouldn't base a show on it's OP.
>> No. 8220 [Edit]
File 132702858373.jpg - (119.32KB , 1280x720 , kill me bones.jpg )
>> No. 8222 [Edit]
Yasuna is adorable in everything she does. She's my favorite, though that would change if Agiri had a bit more screen time.
>> No. 8225 [Edit]
The new fang girl might be cool
>> No. 8238 [Edit]
File 132707121756.jpg - (132.23KB , 564x959 , 548uyjtyk.jpg )
Seems to me like shes just a jerk.
>> No. 8240 [Edit]
File 132708884994.jpg - (110.01KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_03_[h264-720p][6DDE5ACE.jpg )

If you ask me who the biggest jerk of them is, I have to say Yasuna.
>> No. 8241 [Edit]
She's not that bad, she even went out of her way to bandage up that voodoo doll because she felt bad about what she wasn't even logically responsible for.
>> No. 8245 [Edit]
Are you guys mixing up Sonya and Yasuna?
>> No. 8246 [Edit]
Yasuna is the brunette in that picture y'know.
>> No. 8257 [Edit]
File 132726095433.jpg - (104.48KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_01_[h264-720p][99001B5A.jpg )

She seems pretty nice to me.
Yasuna is just a troll. She deliberately does things to get a response... then she normally gets Figure 4'd.
>> No. 8258 [Edit]
I think Yasuna only does that stuff becuase of how uptight and pissed off Sonya always is.
>> No. 8261 [Edit]

That would be trolling.
>> No. 8262 [Edit]
but they're not using computers, and everyone knows only retards use Internet terminology for offline situations.
>> No. 8263 [Edit]

What? I don't think you know where the term trolling came from.
>> No. 8264 [Edit]
Didn't I just say?
>> No. 8265 [Edit]
File 132731665927.png - (1.53MB , 1244x703 , heh.png )
Someone who gets angry so easily (and can't hide her identity) can't possibly be a good assassin.
>> No. 8266 [Edit]
Where's my hitman blood money mod that puts sonya in instead of 47?!
>> No. 8267 [Edit]
Well she's still only in high school. Maybe she's something like an apprentice? We've seen her moves. She could be at a half way point: learning to sharpen her fighting while waiting to be de-humanized and thus become a cold, efficient killing machine. Even if she did become a full assassin, her age and lack of general education would be a serious handicap I'd think.
>> No. 8268 [Edit]
I would think her age would serve as a benefit.
ever seen gunslinger girl?
>> No. 8269 [Edit]
Tsukomi-bokke shows are silly. This show is cute and silly. I like it.
>> No. 8270 [Edit]
File 132735757766.png - (0.97MB , 1280x800 , crossed the line.png )
Too far, Sonya. You don't mess with someone's beloved stuffed animal, especially when they still hold the same child-like love for it.

Unused-chan finally appears! And she's extremely adorable. The show just got better.

No, but I have I mild interest in it. Unfortunately, at the moment my backlog is large enough to drown in, so that'll have to wait.
>> No. 8271 [Edit]
basically, no one would suspect a little girl is there to kill them.
>> No. 8272 [Edit]
Sonya's a high school student though. Not exactly a little girl
>> No. 8273 [Edit]
Yes, but that was Yasuna's whatevershenamedit. Or she could have been just trying to piss Sonya off. That's more likely, now that I think about it.
>> No. 8297 [Edit]
>> No. 8316 [Edit]
File 132769139562.gif - (643.63KB , 500x439 , yasuna 3.gif )
I love that game
>> No. 8317 [Edit]
I wonder when we can expect to see a flood of team fortress 2 comparisons and references, after that last ep.
>> No. 8323 [Edit]
File 132779312287.jpg - (120.13KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_04_[h264-720p][D02084EE.jpg )
Super troll.
>> No. 8339 [Edit]
File 132801209189.jpg - (364.23KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_04_[h264-720p][D02084EE.jpg )
No love for the spy?
>> No. 8377 [Edit]
File 132829985283.png - (722.21KB , 1280x720 , untitled.png )
>> No. 8382 [Edit]
File 132831825722.jpg - (615.18KB , 894x3437 , 65475487.jpg )

No, really now, they should just leave the puns for the professionals.
>> No. 8392 [Edit]
File 132838305562.png - (656.93KB , 1280x800 , smoke weed erryday ninja.png )
This show has gotten a lot better with the two most recent episodes. I hope they don't change the OP and ED, this is the only show so far that I don't skip them; I always watched Shuffle!'s OP and Serial Experiments Lain's OP with occasional watching of ED.
>> No. 8395 [Edit]
The first episode seems kind of mediocre and dull, but I found that it got quite a bit better as it went on.
Agiri really helps sell the package.
even the op which I once found annoying sort of grew on me.
rather enjoying it at this point.
>> No. 8469 [Edit]
File 132892121981.png - (819.00KB , 1280x800 , Screen shot 2012-02-10 at 7_35_06 PM.png )
Oh Yasuna, why do you do this to yourself?

I was hoping we would get to see Sonya's house; maybe next time.
>> No. 8470 [Edit]
yasunas habit of messing with people includes herself
>> No. 8529 [Edit]
File 132926566284.jpg - (21.75KB , 539x340 , Sonya chan pissed.jpg )
Love the show. They decided to save money when it comes to the artwork though, could use some more background detail.
>> No. 8560 [Edit]
I think the shitty backgrounds add to it. Detailed backgrounds like in Another just wouldn't suit a show that doesn't take itself seriously. Same applies to Milky Holmes.
>> No. 8573 [Edit]
hooray, unused-chan got some more screentime
>> No. 8575 [Edit]
File 132952343521.jpg - (149.49KB , 1280x720 , sonya knife.jpg )
Wanna know how I got these scars??
>> No. 8581 [Edit]
Why so serious?
>> No. 8646 [Edit]
File 133011623770.jpg - (152.60KB , 1280x720 , somegirl.jpg )
I think this is the first time outside of the 4 girls, the old man, and that assassin someone has actually been drawn as something other than a featureless white shape

Post edited on 24th Feb 2012, 12:46pm
>> No. 8647 [Edit]
oh, and her
>> No. 8648 [Edit]
File 133012455143.gif - (942.75KB , 500x281 , agiri magic.gif )
>> No. 8656 [Edit]
File 133014507739.jpg - (163.22KB , 1117x1600 , idiotbladder.jpg )
>> No. 8728 [Edit]
File 133073284247.jpg - (173.28KB , 1280x720 , Untitled.jpg )
RIP Yasuna
>> No. 8729 [Edit]
This is my fetish.
>> No. 8734 [Edit]
That is definitely not how bones should look like
>> No. 8735 [Edit]
I never understood asphyxiation fetish.
>> No. 8753 [Edit]
Who really understands any fetish? I can't say a single word towards why I find thigh highs and knee socks to be so delicious.
>> No. 8754 [Edit]
yeah, when you have a fetish, you understand why there's no understanding it.
>> No. 8781 [Edit]
File 133133880515.jpg - (86.57KB , 1280x720 , sonya smug.jpg )
>> No. 8797 [Edit]
File 133136109594.jpg - (136.49KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_10_[h264-720p][EE97C340.jpg )
Sonya is such a jerk...
>> No. 8799 [Edit]
Yes she is and Yasuna likes it.
>> No. 8820 [Edit]

They're both jerks.
That's why they hang out with each other.
>> No. 8880 [Edit]
yasuna mostly just wants to have fun and do friend stuff with Sonya, she only some times messes with Sonya, and even then it's still friendly, playing around if you will.
The more serious Sonya on the other hand is in perma period mode, She beats up yasuna and destroys her stuff regularly.
>> No. 8941 [Edit]
File 133187765519.jpg - (94.42KB , 1280x720 , milky baby.jpg )
>> No. 9016 [Edit]
File 133252665737.jpg - (182.11KB , 1280x720 , doctors.jpg )
oh yeah
>> No. 9023 [Edit]
Pyonsuke ;_;
>> No. 9024 [Edit]
Do not worry, friend! There will be a Pyonsuke 04!
>> No. 9102 [Edit]
File 133311953923.jpg - (89.53KB , 1280x720 , screenshot.jpg )
Episode 13 is out. This scene hit me harder than it should have.
>> No. 9105 [Edit]
File 133313752918.png - (0.98MB , 1280x720 , rtfnjxds.png )
I'm gonna miss this show.
>> No. 9106 [Edit]
File 133313843525.jpg - (176.38KB , 1280x720 , kill me end.jpg )
Me too, me too
>> No. 9108 [Edit]
File 133314910252.jpg - (368.84KB , 602x850 , BAMF!Sonya & BAMF!Yasuna.jpg )
I can't believe it's over. One of my top
favorite shows of the season.

>> No. 9110 [Edit]
File 133314937811.jpg - (66.17KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_07_[h264-720p][3E82FF36.jpg )
I'm pretty sure Yasuna could piss anyone off without much effort.

That's a rare gift.
>> No. 9111 [Edit]
her idiot bladder is as limitless as the universe
>> No. 9129 [Edit]
File 133322604433.png - (274.51KB , 658x560 , 1333195387771.png )
My life feels empty now that KMB ended.
>> No. 9131 [Edit]

Yasuna's version of "fun" is normally making somebody upset.
>> No. 9132 [Edit]
from that thumbnail it looked like they peed everywhere
>> No. 9133 [Edit]
Isn't that most people's idea of fun?
>> No. 9143 [Edit]

I don't think so.
I often got in trouble for it in my youth.

Some people don't find pranks/joshing around very funny. Ironically, they're the best ones to prank.

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