No. 9534
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, 612x463
, utena 23 (girls) 0.jpg
Finished it... at last...
I'm about to try giving my final conclusions, so, please, just let me see if I got the messages "right" (enough):
FOR WOMEN (specifically):
.: Girls, insofar as princesses, are doomed.
They disgrace into woman: witches, whose fate is to take it for their men.
If they want to ever own their lives, they simply cannot be men's girls.
They have to change themselves... and, hence, the world.
FOR MEN (or everyone):
.: The coffin wasn't the (aging) body;
it was the childhood, the youth:
the very school life.
In order to leave the coffin,
one must leave all that behind;
one must leave that place...
one must GROW UP.
It was, I think, a right worth-to-kept-on-living-to-see experience;
maybe I should really get my degree and leave already those gardens behind.
Thanks again, for suggesting it. Good luck and see you around.
Post edited on 29th Apr 2012, 2:26am