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770 No. 770
So a lot of people are making a big deal out of this:

Will this really "kill anime" or is it all overblown?
>> No. 772
>Will this really "kill anime" or is it all overblown?

Anime is getting killed a lot lately, it must be the 4th time I'm hearing about this (EFags, censorship bill, can't recall what the third thing was). I guess it means it wouldn't die even if you killed it.
>> No. 773
Yeah people get up in arms about stuff all the time. I'm just worried about there being a boy who cried wolf situation
>> No. 774
Pretty sure it's overblown. Even if the bill is passed, all it means is that anime will be more censored. Hardly the death of anime, unless anime has always meant superviolent and sexually charged japanese cartoons to you.
>> No. 775
From what I understand, it wont kill anime or ban anime, it'll just heavenly censor it.
now allow them to show laws being broken in the anime, I think.
I've heard some people saying they're gonna ban school uniforms all together, but that sounds silly.
if it really does become no law braking content and so on, then I hope you guys like nice peaceful slice of life anime where nothing ever goes wrong. (I know I do)
>> No. 777
Yeah, that's the day I'd abandon it completely.
>> No. 789
Actually after only skimming through it I've got to say I don't even mind. Everything is pretty vague, though, so I could see censors bitching about everything. The only thing that will definitely go is all the ecchishit and I couldn't be more grateful for that, as it's a retarded trend that has sine a massive surge of popularity lately at it ruins potentially good shows even more than moe (this is just my personal opinion mind you).

So all in all I don't care, as it doesn't seem it would affect any show I could be interested in (except some late night anime maybe).
>> No. 790
I wouldn't miss nudity or sex in anime at all.
It's the reason why I never watched Yosuga no Sora and a handful of other anime.
If that even gets censored that is to say, I'm still not completely sure what would actually get censored.
>> No. 791
From my understanding it would censor it to "youths" so we'd still get the unedited DVD/BD versions. Though that won't be able to help major plot points, as it bans "depictions of crime" where it could severely limit plot potentail for things on TV, or we'll see another OVA craze like there once was if nothing about it changes.

To my understanding, however, this is only for Tokyo, in which case studios and the like could always (costly) relocate and have to go somewhere else to get stuff.
>> No. 792
It also censors depictions of violence and illegal activities from what I hear.
>> No. 796
I stopped watching The Bill when Julian was the sniper, that was retarded
>> No. 800
Its an awfully written law, I haven't checked it carefully but so far it seems like it would make anything both fine and wrong at the same time and the industry and lawyers have already opposed it but they still made everything to pass it.

Clearly they don't care about justice or children or anyone really, they just want to fuck up stuff.

So again, its a law that could be harmless but given the way they've behaved and the intentions they'd have it might very well cause a lot of harm.

I really don't know how far the effects will go.
Maybe they'll sell stuff as for adults only but kids will still get it somehow, maybe anything with a crime in it will become like the AO taboo on videogames and it spells the death to all that.
No idea.
>> No. 803
>we'll see another OVA craze like there once was if nothing about it changes.
That'd be pretty cool, actually.
>> No. 805
It's just gaijin not getting more free anime with tits.

I don't even mind.
>> No. 806
I would really now be suprised if it was just as many others say, that nothing will really change at all, and at the least, we'd just get warring, like the messages asking to brighten the room and watch from a distance. At the worst, they'd just use loopholes and be more clever about it, and imply most eveything.

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