No. 7704
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I honestly have no clue. Wikipedia implies that it's just one episode, which is `just bullshit (of course, keeping in mind...it's Wikipedia). Same deal with MAL. The Commie subs website says the same as those two. This all makes me very concerned. I mean, I devoured the first episode greedily and happily. Keeping in mind that all of these come with a very big [citation needed], though, keeps my hype going. And the basic logic that producers wouldn't simply abandon this unless it did horribly, but even then, I don't want to believe that they'd drop it without a genuinely pressing issue, like, say, the studio blew up. Yeah. That's the only thing that should prevent it from going on.
It's one or the other, though. I think it's going to be a series of OVA's aired online. Not sure if that makes any sense from a logical standpoint, though...Then again, doesn't he story actually seem sort of...complete? Everything that ought to have happened did - Well, minus the main character's issue being solved, but the support cast seems to have completed their purpose, so to speak.
Next Saturday will have the answer, I guess. If there's a new episode, we can conclude that it's the latter, if there isn't, that means it's either the former, or they just canned it/decided to make an awesome one-shot...
I'm seriously thrown into a pit of despair at the prospect of this show being only one episode.
Entire paragraphs to posts needing only one sentence to answer.