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File 129214760695.jpg - (186.76KB , 600x515 , 358931m.jpg )
742 No. 742 [Edit]
Looks like we've got the character designs out.

It looks like they're going back to a more traditional precure style. I have to admit heart catch's style grew on me and I'm gonna be sad to see it go. Still, these look interesting.
Expand all images
>> No. 743 [Edit]
  Also DX3
>> No. 748 [Edit]
I've been going though all the Precures, I'm actually really down I didn't catch it all when it was airing. Truly good stuff

Really excited to be able to watch this one as it airs~
>> No. 932 [Edit]
>Translated from 2ch info:

"In a world, where peace is protected by a happy melody of "Legendary Partiture", sung by a fairy of Songs, Hammy,
the entity which brings about the melody of sorrow - King of Evil, Mephisto - has appeared.
The queen of Happiness, Aphrodite, scatters the notes of Legendary Partiture to protect the peace.
The queen entrusts a mission to find those who bear a special "mark" of being able to become a Pretty Cure to the fairy Hammy and seven fairy tones.
Together, they are dispatched to gather the notes and ressurect the partiture.

Meet Kitajou Hibiki, a middle school sophomore.
After she had a fight with her childhood friend, Minamino Kanade, she met a mysterious lady.
However, the lady was a subordinate of Mephisto!
The fairy of Songs, Hammy, rushes to troubled Hibiki, having found the "mark" in her heart.
Kanade and Hibiki, so used to quarrel with each other, unite their hearts and transform into Pretty Cure: "We can't let you do that anymore!"

Hm so I guess they're still in middle school, they seemed like they were older
>> No. 936 [Edit]
I think I'd like something like a mix between this and the heart catch's style the most.
>> No. 942 [Edit]
File 129278921723.jpg - (389.68KB , 1000x1333 , 1292758607588.jpg )
More stuff
>> No. 1478 [Edit]
Looks like its getting a movie (not a DX movie) in October.
>> No. 1697 [Edit]
File 129676120889.jpg - (76.62KB , 639x381 , 1296720971698.jpg )
Fluffy and Yummy.
>> No. 1698 [Edit]
I want one!
>> No. 1720 [Edit]
File 129695021172.jpg - (190.49KB , 523x580 , 1296949267984.jpg )
It's airing, but my keyhole keeps dying. FUCK.

Anyways at least the 2chan watch thread is going.

This shot gives me visions of Nagisa.
>> No. 1721 [Edit]
File 129695035740.jpg - (70.39KB , 381x626 , FUCKFUCKFCUJK.jpg )
>> No. 1722 [Edit]
File 129695079612.jpg - (181.31KB , 1440x810 , 1296948691284.jpg )
>> No. 1723 [Edit]
File 129695082595.jpg - (111.11KB , 1280x720 , 1296949315545.jpg )
I really like the main girl's design.
>> No. 1725 [Edit]
>> No. 1726 [Edit]
File 12969528125.jpg - (209.66KB , 1440x810 , 1296949715315.jpg )
>> No. 1727 [Edit]
File 129695290265.jpg - (248.05KB , 1440x810 , 1296949724466.jpg )
>> No. 1728 [Edit]
File 129695291972.jpg - (140.54KB , 1440x810 , 1296950142348.jpg )
>> No. 1729 [Edit]
>> No. 1730 [Edit]
File 129695339463.jpg - (424.14KB , 1920x1080 , hrm.jpg )
>> No. 1731 [Edit]
Same. So cute.
>> No. 1736 [Edit]
File 129698553042.jpg - (399.17KB , 1280x720 , sopretty.jpg )
>> No. 1737 [Edit]
File 129698597090.jpg - (116.42KB , 1280x720 , aouuummm.jpg )
>> No. 1738 [Edit]
File 12969859972.jpg - (120.23KB , 1280x720 , lick.jpg )
>> No. 1739 [Edit]
File 129698617474.jpg - (88.96KB , 622x694 , stingy.jpg )
>> No. 1740 [Edit]
File 129698661145.jpg - (119.66KB , 1280x720 , shitfacedgrin.jpg )
>> No. 1741 [Edit]
File 129698664591.jpg - (131.05KB , 1280x720 , ohnoyoudidnt.jpg )
>> No. 1742 [Edit]
File 129698672034.jpg - (42.30KB , 369x311 , shitfacedgrin2.jpg )
>> No. 1743 [Edit]
File 129698707419.jpg - (141.56KB , 1280x720 , towers.jpg )
Neat setting.
>> No. 1744 [Edit]
File 129698712482.jpg - (90.66KB , 1280x720 , animatedhair.jpg )
Animated hair:
>> No. 1745 [Edit]
File 129698713178.jpg - (204.76KB , 1280x720 , city view.jpg )
Seems the whole world is music oriented.
>> No. 1746 [Edit]
File 12969871478.jpg - (96.94KB , 1280x720 , theanime.jpg )
The anime.
>> No. 1747 [Edit]
File 129698734896.jpg - (315.31KB , 1280x720 , zr.jpg )
Looks like Kanade has the ZR in plain clothes, and Hibiki has it in precure clothes.

>> No. 1751 [Edit]
File 129699095629.jpg - (134.93KB , 729x720 , 16460463.jpg )
If only...
>> No. 1752 [Edit]
Let it go man, it's over now, just let it go.
>> No. 1753 [Edit]
File 129702080254.jpg - (146.44KB , 1280x720 , b-b-betsuni.jpg )
>> No. 1756 [Edit]
File 129702436472.gif - (651.43KB , 377x293 , takeiteasy.gif )
>> No. 1758 [Edit]
File 129702510783.gif - (1.08MB , 384x216 , dathair.gif )
>> No. 1759 [Edit]
Did they amputate her arm or something
>> No. 1760 [Edit]
File 129702651625.gif - (1.03MB , 384x216 , dathair2.gif )
>> No. 1761 [Edit]
Not a fan of the skinny girls huh?
>> No. 1762 [Edit]
File 129702713899.gif - (868.04KB , 384x216 , scepter.gif )
>> No. 1772 [Edit]
File 129706382641.gif - (146.02KB , 268x422 , lick.gif )
>> No. 1775 [Edit]
File 129706431728.gif - (307.45KB , 247x427 , lick2.gif )
>> No. 1778 [Edit]
File 129706585635.gif - (127.53KB , 384x216 , toungout.gif )
>> No. 1779 [Edit]
File 129706800572.jpg - (75.33KB , 480x600 , 1297003533171.jpg )
>> No. 1818 [Edit]
File 129729357441.jpg - (517.69KB , 683x840 , 1297196915019.jpg )
>> No. 1860 [Edit]
File 129738385681.jpg - (1.12MB , 849x1202 , suiteprecure.jpg )
>> No. 1970 [Edit]
File 129762233335.jpg - (124.65KB , 1280x720 , shishishi.jpg )
shi shi shi~
>> No. 1980 [Edit]
File 129763400633.png - (326.01KB , 500x694 , suiteprecure-0005.png )
Their bickering can be quite cute as long as none of them get their feeling hurt.
>> No. 1987 [Edit]
File 129763941992.jpg - (231.45KB , 1280x1440 , hibikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.jpg )
Very cute indeed.
>> No. 1988 [Edit]
This is the best show ever, TWO tsunderes.
>> No. 2056 [Edit]
File 129780981333.jpg - (192.15KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi-CureCom]_Suite_PreCure!_02_[1280x720]_[B92.jpg )
God their finisher is so nice
>> No. 2105 [Edit]
File 129794827819.jpg - (183.59KB , 1022x649 , FFFFFF-.jpg )
that is NOT how you hold a record. Silly Precures need to learn how to music.
>> No. 2106 [Edit]
Wait, 14 year old girls and they have a record? Something is fishy. 14 year old girls don't even know what CDs are now.

They should be holding an MP3.
>> No. 2107 [Edit]
Exactly what I was thinking.
>> No. 2111 [Edit]
Oh man, records are the IN THING right now apparently. Everyone wants to look cool and indie by delving into the counter culture and buying records, even though they don't have anything to play them with. Trust me on this. The internet told me.
>> No. 2112 [Edit]
I'm guessing it's because we now have the technology to make this pure analog media better than digital media, but that's just a guess.
>> No. 2113 [Edit]
For purists, maybe. Somehow, I don't think 14 year old girls actually care about the difference between analog and digital formats. They think records look cool, so they get them. It's a pity, since they don't know how to look after them, for the most part.
>> No. 2114 [Edit]
I thought it was only the audiophiles that spent money on records.
>> No. 2115 [Edit]
Audiophiles and hipsters are the main market nowadays.
>> No. 2116 [Edit]
Why do hipsters have to ruin everything? Now how am I supposed to get the music I like if it's all hipster music that's going on records?
>> No. 2117 [Edit]
If you really give a shit about hipsters, why are you here? They're all normalfags to me.
>> No. 2118 [Edit]
File 129799316150.png - (842.34KB , 850x700 , b1726495964c02df7a50ab19fa2210c6.png )
>> No. 2119 [Edit]
Hipsters are the kind of people who pretend they AREN'T normalfags. The think they're a "nerd" because they have a Zelda background on their myspace pages and have chiptune music on their ipods and shit. But this is getting kinds off-topic
>> No. 2120 [Edit]
What I was more focused on was the fact that the record came back, but the case it was in disappeared.
>> No. 2127 [Edit]
File 129800182731.jpg - (2.94MB , 1500x1500 , 16688186.jpg )
This is a Suite Precure thread!
>> No. 2131 [Edit]
How Suite it is!
>> No. 2174 [Edit]
File 129817476345.jpg - (137.55KB , 1440x810 , 1298159171087.jpg )
>> No. 2175 [Edit]
Hipsters *know* they are normalfags, they get into other obscure stuff to be ironic and get attention that way.

Oh and, show of the season.
>> No. 2188 [Edit]
File 129826711917.jpg - (155.51KB , 1280x720 , blush~.jpg )
>> No. 2292 [Edit]
File 129887582039.jpg - (148.27KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi-CureCom]_Suite_PreCure!_04_[1280x720]_[B20.jpg )
upside-down trams

holy shit
>> No. 2295 [Edit]
File 129889105729.jpg - (132.70KB , 1024x768 , 2571506070089165247wEIBYD_fs.jpg )
hanging trams aren't anything new really.
>> No. 2307 [Edit]
File 129896405057.gif - (6.50MB , 405x227 , doubleattack.gif )
>> No. 3746 [Edit]
File 130464170731.jpg - (189.23KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi-CureCom]_Suite_PreCure!_12_[1280x720]_[D43.jpg )
It's cool how they're changing up the attacks.. but now I kind of miss the old one...
>> No. 3871 [Edit]
Each episode keeps getting better. I don't know how precure does it.
>> No. 3899 [Edit]
File 130557525622.gif - (963.79KB , 481x366 , isthiswhatithinkitis.gif )
>> No. 3900 [Edit]
File 130557570652.jpg - (99.76KB , 1280x720 , ohmy.jpg )
this is my new fetish.
>> No. 4341 [Edit]
File 130784977464.jpg - (274.37KB , 600x520 , Hibiki blush.jpg )
Oh god, Hibiki was especially cute in the newest episode. I was kind of hoping they'd let her mother into the secret, but it seemed like she knew even without them having to tell her about it. I'm a bit sad they seem to have forgotten about Siren's earlier development and have her back to being completely bad again, though.
>> No. 4350 [Edit]
Siren will most likely revisit that development.
>> No. 4777 [Edit]
File 130999717769.jpg - (114.47KB , 382x660 , ed5579c402840b93353cf998e46bcd44.jpg )
Ako is sooo Cure muse, I just know it.
>> No. 5000 [Edit]

>> No. 5104 [Edit]
I absolutely love the two latest episodes and Cure Beat. Seiren is my favorite ;_;
>> No. 5647 [Edit]
File 13130966889.jpg - (645.92KB , 1280x1018 , [Doremi-CureCom]_Suite_PreCure!_24_[1280x720]_[2E2.jpg )
This show is grate!
>> No. 5724 [Edit]
I wish Doremi would not use the word 'troll'.
>> No. 5750 [Edit]
File 131360771649.gif - (465.49KB , 600x341 , Run Kitty Run.gif )
Fairy Tones episode was fucking cute.
>> No. 5881 [Edit]
And now apparently cure beat got "owned"
>> No. 5887 [Edit]
I hate when subbers do that. All the more reason for me to learn japanese I suppose, if I weren't so lazy
>> No. 6137 [Edit]
File 13158558482.jpg - (179.13KB , 1280x720 , precure quiz.jpg )
One of the best episodes in a while
>> No. 6139 [Edit]
File 131585983479.jpg - (405.43KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi-CureCom]_Suite_PreCure!_30_[1280x720]_[E65.jpg )
It certainly was!
so nice~
>> No. 6219 [Edit]
File 131646703434.jpg - (178.90KB , 1280x720 , suite31-01.jpg )
It truely does get better and better with every episode. Also, I love the new ED.
>> No. 6344 [Edit]
That last episode sure made cure muse's identity obvious, maybe to obvious...
>> No. 6359 [Edit]
File 131745898757.jpg - (57.78KB , 358x480 , cure Amarilla.jpg )
I'll just leave this here...
>> No. 6360 [Edit]
Apparently not.
I thought they had the same personality and all, and it seemed kind of fitting, but no.
That last episode as I suspected really did make the connection between Ako and muse overly obvious, as if they want us to think she's cure muse.

word is now though Ako will be cure Amarilla.
So I guess cure muse is a character that has not been seen in the show yet?
>> No. 6363 [Edit]
File 131751410478.jpg - (170.78KB , 1020x860 , 20560776.jpg )
Maybe she's both?
>> No. 6939 [Edit]
File 131996840053.jpg - (167.24KB , 1440x810 , 1319932018492.jpg )
Would you lick Ako's armpits /an/?
>> No. 6940 [Edit]
File 13199684397.jpg - (105.82KB , 1440x810 , 1319931944686.jpg )
>> No. 6941 [Edit]
File 131996860476.jpg - (210.01KB , 1280x720 , 1319931999952.jpg )
I'll never be held tight to Ako's chest as she protects me from evil sound demons
>> No. 7018 [Edit]
That transformation sequence sure has gotten long now.

I wonder if we can expect a new ED or update to the second one to for muse.
>> No. 7930 [Edit]
File 132495543223.jpg - (262.22KB , 1920x1080 , 00017_m2ts_snapshot_00_11_29_2011_11_19_21_44_45.jpg )
Shit got very, very real in episode 43. One of the best of the series so far, I think.

Also, BDs are out now. They're very pretty.

Bumping for the sake of having two Precure threads on the front page (´∀`)

Post edited on 26th Dec 2011, 7:12pm
>> No. 8145 [Edit]
Smooth move on part of the bad guys there...
Take away the items that allow them to transform, but then leave said items with the girls as you go away.
>> No. 8334 [Edit]
File 13280090272.jpg - (396.20KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi-CureCom]_Suite_PreCure!_48_[1280x720]_[963.jpg )
Kind of hard to belive it's been a whole year..
what a nice way to end the show.
no one had to die, and the bad guys either turned good(again) or passive.
I was a bit worryed there with hummy and the trio, but that seemed to work out fine in the end, thank goodness!

hey, what's with the subs referring to hummy in male tence? I thought it had been established hummy was a female cat. (not that it makes much of a difference anyway)

I'll miss suite, but am looking forward to the next series.

on a slightly unrelated note...
what's the deal with the times in the top left corner? I see this a lot, but not all the time in anime and Japanese streams, I just never bothered to ask..
Is that something the raw providers accidently left on, or something dtve by the tv networks?
>> No. 8335 [Edit]
It's something the network puts on kids shows, don't really know why
>> No. 8336 [Edit]
A lot of the channels that air early morning anime have clock overlays. Doremi don't have a capper, they just use whatever Share raws pop up on TT, so their releases have clocks occasionally.
>> No. 8337 [Edit]
might have something to do with monitoring how much time kids spend watching tv or something.
I dunno, just guessing.
>> No. 8342 [Edit]
File 132805158291.jpg - (112.57KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi-CureCom]_Suite_PreCure!_47_[1280x720]_[AF9.jpg )

As far as cats go, why can't Seiren revert back to her true form.

She mysteriously lost the ability and then it was never spoken of since, or even mentioned outside of subtle references.
>> No. 8343 [Edit]
yeah it's kind of strange.

from a production stand point it might have been more convenient than having her go back and forth, or maybe they just sort of forgot about her story and what not I donno.
From a story stand point, don't make a lot of sense.
they pointed at her pendant as being the thing that let her change shape shift, but when that broke, she should have gotten stuck as a cat.
it almost implies that her human form is her true form, but that doesn't seem to actually be the case since every flash back to her past shows her as a cat.
there's also the fact that she spent most of the first half of the show in cat form.
I actually had me wondering if hummy could also turn human.
I guess the proper thing to have done was have Seiren go back to being a cat and living in her own world with hummy again.
but she seems happy enough living the life of a human in the human world though.
>> No. 8359 [Edit]
File 132822905799.jpg - (81.67KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi-CureCom]_Suite_PreCure!_15_[1280x720]_[3F2.jpg )
>I guess the proper thing to have done was have Seiren go back to being a cat and living in her own world with hummy again.

We can only hope that happens sometime near the end of the Suite movie, only to be forgotten in DX4 when the smile cast gets introduced to a HUEG group of pretty cure and Ellen magically knows everybody even though it's her first appearance in a DX movie (similar to moonshine and sunlight in DX 3)
>> No. 9115 [Edit]
Seems 'Eiga Suite Precure ~ Torimodose! Kokoro ga Tsunagu Kiseki no Melody'
Is out on dvd already.
anyone checked it out yet?

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