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File 129214170063.jpg - (1.15MB , 1500x2115 , 554e52ee53ab4fa9d7c2342e52f9cde3.jpg )
736 No. 736 [Edit]
TWGOK thread.

I enjoyed this show from the first episode on (I didn't expect to enjoy the show as I first watched it) and it looks like it's getting better and better each episode after the next. Well, it's the only show of the fall season for 2010 that I actually did enjoy the most.
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>> No. 737 [Edit]
Hrm, I could have sworn we had a thread for this. Guess not?

Yeah. I'm enjoying it a lot too. I'm excited that there's already a season2 planned.
>> No. 739 [Edit]
>> No. 744 [Edit]
File 129214973316.jpg - (180.51KB , 1280x720 , 1292148803608.jpg )
>> No. 745 [Edit]
So fucking moe.
>> No. 749 [Edit]
I've been interested in it ever since chartfag released the chart but there's something that's been bothering me. Since the protagonist has to make various heroines fall in love with him doesn't it involve lost of, well, unrequited love? That's the reason why I never bother with harem shows, as in the end some girls are gonna 'lose' and it always makes me feel horrible.
>> No. 750 [Edit]
Well, it's not exactly a harem show in the strictest sense. It states that the girls lose their interest in him as well as their memory of his conquest after he captured their runaway spirits. So once he captured their runaway spirits, he forgets about them and moves on to the next possible girl with a runaway spirit. Remember that Keima has no interest in 3D and only prefers 2D girls and just wants his contract fulfilled.
>> No. 752 [Edit]

>So once he captured their runaway spirits, he forgets about them and moves on to the next possible girl with a runaway spirit.

Awesome, downloading now.
Which group would you recommend? I have some mixed feelings about AnCo based on some other shows they subbed and I definitely would like to avoid Chihiro.

>Remember that Keima has no interest in 3D and only prefers 2D girls and just wants his contract fulfilled.

I know, that's why I've been worried about the outcome of all of those encounters.
>> No. 753 [Edit]
So far, I remembered that I got HorribleSubs only because they had more seeders than the rest.

It's either a tossup between HorribleSubs and CMS.

I can't believe people still watch any of Chihiro's subbed shows and still enjoy them. Their releases are fucking horrible.
>> No. 754 [Edit]

Sorry, but I could say the same about Horrible Subs. I would need to check which shows I'm talking about exactly but I remember that they weren't exactly good to say the least.
Same goes for gg, CoalGuys and some other grups I can't (or don't want to) recall now. I just don't watch them even if it's the only release avaible. All I can do is hope some decent gruop will pick them up once BDs are out.
>> No. 755 [Edit]
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>> No. 756 [Edit]
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>> No. 1012 [Edit]
That was a perfect closure.
>> No. 1018 [Edit]
File 129315774477.jpg - (147.84KB , 1280x720 , 1293149181538.jpg )
Haqua/Hakua is probably going to be my most favorite out of all the TWGOK characters, even though all of the girls are decent in some way.
>> No. 1056 [Edit]
From what I've seen around other places and shet, she's the most popular among the manga fanbase. That's why most likely that introduction is pure fanservice.
>> No. 2320 [Edit]
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